Expressões Regulares x o Operador Like (Visual Basic)

Este tópico compara e contrasta a Visual Basic Like operador e expressões regulares na .NET Framework.

Comparison of Syntax

The following table compares the pattern-specification language syntax for the Like operator with the syntax for regular expressions.

Like operator syntax

Regular expression syntax

The behavior of the Like operator depends on the Opção Comparar Declarações. The default string comparison method for each source file is Option Compare Binary.

Regular expressions work the same regardless of Option Compare.

To match any single character in charlist, use [charlist].

To match any single character in charlist, use [charlist].

To match any single character not in charlist, use [!charlist].

To match any single character not in charlist, use [^charlist].

To match any single digit (0–9), use #.

To match any single digit (0–9), use the character class for decimal digits, \d.

To match any single character, use ?.

To match any single character, specify mutually exclusive character classes for the charlist in [charlist]. For example, [\s\S].

To match zero or more characters, use *.

To match zero or more characters, specify mutually exclusive character classes for the charlist in [charlist]*. For example, [\s\S]*.

Para coincidir com um caractere especial char, coloque-o entre colchetes: [char].

Para coincidir com um caractere especial char, preceda-o com uma barra invertida: \char.

Para corresponder a qualquer caractere em um intervalo, use um hífen (–) para separar os limites inferior e superior do intervalo em um charlist.

Para corresponder a qualquer caractere em um intervalo, use um hífen (–) para separar os limites inferior e superior do intervalo em um charlist.

Consulte também


Operador Like (Visual Basic)


Expressões Regulares do .NET Framework

Outros recursos

Validação de Cadeias de Caracteres no Visual Basic