Método TextSelection.SelectLine

Seleciona a linha que contém o ponto ativo.

Namespace:  EnvDTE
Assembly:  EnvDTE (em EnvDTE.dll)


Sub SelectLine
void SelectLine()
void SelectLine()
abstract SelectLine : unit -> unit 
function SelectLine()


Sub SelectLineExample()
   ' Before running this example, open a text document.
   Dim objSel As TextSelection = DTE.ActiveDocument.Selection

   ' Advance to the next Visual Basic function beginning or end by 
   ' searching for  "Sub" with white space before and after it.
   If objSel.FindPattern(":WhSub:Wh", vsFindOptions.vsFindOptionsRegularExpression) Then
      ' Select the entire line.
   End If
End Sub

Segurança do .NET Framework

Consulte também


TextSelection Interface

Namespace EnvDTE