Método OutputWindowPanes.Add

Cria um novo saída o painel de janela e o adiciona à coleção.

Namespace:  EnvDTE
Assembly:  EnvDTE (em EnvDTE.dll)


Function Add ( _
    Name As String _
) As OutputWindowPane
OutputWindowPane Add(
    string Name
OutputWindowPane^ Add(
    [InAttribute] String^ Name
abstract Add : 
        Name:string -> OutputWindowPane 
function Add(
    Name : String
) : OutputWindowPane


  • Name
    Tipo: System.String
    Obrigatório.A legenda para o novo painel.

Valor de retorno

Tipo: EnvDTE.OutputWindowPane
Um objeto OutputWindowPane.


Sub AddExample()
   ' Create a tool window handle for the Output window.
   Dim win As Window = DTE.Windows.Item(EnvDTE.Constants.vsWindowKindOutput)
   ' Create handles to the Output window and its panes.
   Dim OW As OutputWindow = win.Object
   Dim OWp As OutputWindowPane

   ' Add a new pane to the Output window.
   OWp = OW.OutputWindowPanes.Add("A New Pane")
   ' Add a line of text to the new pane.
   OWp.OutputString("Some Text")
End Sub

Segurança do .NET Framework

Consulte também


OutputWindowPanes Interface

Namespace EnvDTE