Shared queries (CMMI)

You can quickly find a set of work items using the shared queries provided with the process template for MSF for CMMI Process Improvement. Each query is designed to find only work items that are defined for the team project from which they are accessed.

You can open these queries from the Work/Queries page in Team Web Access (TWA). From Team Explorer, go to the Work Items page.

To create or modify shared queries, you need team administrator permissions.

CMMI shared queries

CMMI work item queries

Quick tips

If you are new to Team Foundation and shared queries, review these tips to learn how you can manage work more effectively:

  • To access work item queries, you must have the appropriate permissions.

  • You can find work items that are assigned to you by opening one of the "My" shared queries. To open a query, select it and press Enter.

  • You can find work items that are neither resolved nor closed by using any of the Active or Open shared queries. For example, the Open Work Items query lists all work items, except for shared steps, that are not closed.

  • You can modify any query by adding criteria to focus on a product area, an iteration, or another field that is defined for the types of work items that you want to find. To modify a query, open the query editor. For more information, see Query for work items.

  • You can open any query in Excel or Project, where you can modify the query and publish your changes to the database for tracking work items. 

  • You can visualize progress by creating a pie-chart, column chart, or other chart for flat-list queries.

Query for items assigned to you

You can find the work items that are assigned to you by using one of the shared queries that the following table describes.

Shared query


My Test Cases

Lists all test cases that are not closed and that are assigned to the team member who is running the query. Test cases are sorted by priority and then ID.

My Work Items

Lists all work items, excluding shared steps, that are not closed and that are assigned to the team member who is running the query. Work items are sorted by rank, priority, type, and ID.

Development and test queries

Team members can use the shared queries that are described in the following table to track the status of development and test tasks and active and resolved bugs.

Shared query


Active Bugs

Lists all active bugs and sorts them by rank, priority, and severity.

Development Tasks

Lists all tasks whose Discipline is set to Development. Tasks are sorted by ID.

My Test Cases

Lists all test cases that are not closed and that are assigned to the team member who is running the query. Test cases are sorted by priority and then ID.

Open Tasks

Lists all tasks that are not closed, sorted by rank, priority, and then ID.

Open Test Cases

Lists all test cases that are not closed, sorted by priority and then ID.

Resolved Bugs

Lists all resolved bugs that are defined for the team project, sorted by rank, priority, and severity.

Test Tasks

Lists all tasks whose Discipline is set to Test, sorted by ID.

Backlog management queries

Product owners can use the shared queries that are described in the following table to track the status of requirements and untriaged work.

Shared query


Customer Requirements

Lists all requirements, sorted by ID, that have been identified as Scenario or Quality of Service work items.

Product Requirements

Lists all requirements, sorted by ID, that have been identified as Functional, Operational, Security, Safety, or a Feature.

Open Requirements

Lists all requirements that are not closed, sorted by iteration ID, priorty, and then work item ID.

Open Requirements without Test Cases

Lists all requirements that are not closed and that do not have a Tested By link to a test case, sorted by work item ID.

Open Work Items

Lists all work items except shared steps that are not closed. Work items are sorted by rank, priority, type, and then ID.

Proposed Work Items

Lists all proposed work items, sorted by rank, priority, iteration, area, triage, and then work item ID.


Lists all reviews, sorted by work item ID.

Untriaged Work Items

Lists all requirements, tasks, change requests, bugs, and issues that have not been closed or triaged. The Triage field for these work items is set to Pending, More Info, or Info Received.

Work items are sorted by state, triage, rank, priority, iteration, and area.

Work Breakdown

Lists all requirements that are not closed and their child requirements or tasks.

Work Items With Summary Values

Lists all tasks that have child tasks and that contain non-zero values for the Remaining Work or Completed Work fields. This query is designed to find tasks that report work effort that is already accounted for in their child tasks. For the hours to be counted only once, summary tasks should not be assigned any hours.

For more information, see Address inaccuracies published for summary values.

Change management queries

Product owners can use the shared queries that are described in the following table to track change requests and dependencies that have been identified between change requests and requirements.

Shared query


Change Requests

Lists all change requests, sorted by ID.

Open Change Requests with Requirements

Lists change requests that are not closed and their linked requirements, sorted by ID. Only change requests that are linked to a requirement with a link type of Affects appears in the list.

Requirements with Open Change Requests

Lists requirements and the change requests that are not closed and that depend on them, sorted by ID. Only requirements that are linked to a change request with a link type of Affected By are listed.


Product owners can use the shared queries that are described in the following table to troubleshoot issues and risks to the product schedule.

Shared query


Blocked Work Items

Lists all work items where the Blocked field is set to Yes.

Only requirements, tasks, bugs, issues, and change requests can be blocked.

Corrective Action Status

Lists all tasks whose Task Type is set to Corrective Action.

Mitigation Actions

Lists all tasks whose Task Type is set to Mitigation Action.

Open Issues

Lists all issues that are not closed.

The Issues workbook references this query.


Lists all risks, sorted by ID.

Workbook queries

You can use the following Excel workbooks to review open issues and to rank and assign untriaged work items. Each workbook references a shared query.

Because these queries support workbooks, if you change these queries, it will affect those workbooks that use them.

See Also


Visualize progress (work item charting)

Create Excel reports from a work item query