CSharpCodeProvider.CreateCompiler Método



ICodeCompiler has been deprecated. Use the methods directly on the CodeDomProvider class instead.


Callers should not use the ICodeCompiler interface and should instead use the methods directly on the CodeDomProvider class.

Obtém uma instância do compilador de código C#.

 override System::CodeDom::Compiler::ICodeCompiler ^ CreateCompiler();
[System.Obsolete("ICodeCompiler has been deprecated. Use the methods directly on the CodeDomProvider class instead.")]
public override System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler CreateCompiler ();
public override System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler CreateCompiler ();
[System.Obsolete("Callers should not use the ICodeCompiler interface and should instead use the methods directly on the CodeDomProvider class.")]
public override System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler CreateCompiler ();
[<System.Obsolete("ICodeCompiler has been deprecated. Use the methods directly on the CodeDomProvider class instead.")>]
override this.CreateCompiler : unit -> System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler
override this.CreateCompiler : unit -> System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler
[<System.Obsolete("Callers should not use the ICodeCompiler interface and should instead use the methods directly on the CodeDomProvider class.")>]
override this.CreateCompiler : unit -> System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler
Public Overrides Function CreateCompiler () As ICodeCompiler


Uma instância da implementação ICodeCompiler do C#.


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