Common issues and workarounds

Here are some common issues that you might come across while using the Power Apps component framework and Microsoft Power Platform CLI.

Component changes aren't reflected after the updated solution import?

Update the component version (minor or patch) in the component manifest file (for example, 1.0.0 to 1.0.1). Every update in the component needs a component version bump to be reflected on the Microsoft Dataverse server.

 <control namespace="SampleNamespace" constructor="TSLinearInputControl"
    display-name-key="TSLinearInputControl_Display_Key" description-key="TSLinearInputControl_Desc_Key" control-type="standard">

Msbuild error MSB4036

  • The name of the task in the project file is same as the name of the task class.
  • The task class is public and implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask interface.
  • The task is correctly declared with <UsingTask> in the project file or in the *.tasks files located in the path directory.


  • Open Visual Studio Installer.
  • For Visual Studio 2017 or higher, select Modify.
  • Select Individual Components.
  • Under Code Tools, check NuGet targets & Build Tasks.


We will be constantly adding common issues and workarounds as we come across during the development process. If you encounter an issue and have a workaround and you think that is helpful, raise the issue here or raise a pull request so that we can review and add it to the list.

Issues while updating existing code components

  • If you created a code component using CLI version 0.1.817.1 or earlier and want to ensure that the latest build and debug modules are being used, make the following updates to the package.json file:

    "dependencies": { "@types/node": "^10.12.18", "@types/powerapps-component-framework": "1.1.0"}, "devDependencies": { "pcf-scripts": "~0", "pcf-start": "~0" }

Error: Failed to retrieve information about Microsoft.PowerApps.MSBuild.Pcf from remote source <Feed Url> when the build fails for authorization issues.


  • Open the NuGet.Config file from %APPDATA%\NuGet. The feed from which the user is getting the error should be present in this file.

  • Remove the feed from the NuGet.Config file or generate a PAT token and add it to the Nuget.Config file. For example:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <add key="YourFeedName" value="" />
     <add key="Username" value="anything" />
     <add key="Password" value="User PAT" />

Web resource size is too large

Error Import Solution Failed: Web resource content size is too big.


There are two ways to work around this error:

Build the PCF using the release configuration

  • Build the .pcfproj as release configuration, which sets the web pack to production mode using the command:

    msbuild /property:configuration=Release
  • Run the msbuild command with the following extra property:

    msbuild /p:PcfBuildMode=production
  • Edit the .pcfproj to always build the web pack in production mode by setting the property PcfBuildMode to production:


Increase the maximum size for email attachments

The size limit for files used by PCF controls is limited by the same setting that limits the size of email attachments. See the Maximum file size for attachments setting described in Manage email settings.

This value is set in the Organization.MaxUploadFileSize column. Learn how to read and update environment settings using code

When running Power Apps checker with the solution built using CLI tooling in default configuration

Error: Do not use the eval function or its functional equivalents

This warning is by design since the default msbuild configuration is Configuration=Debug. This in turn instructs web pack (used to bundle the code component) to package in development mode, which emits eval().


Re build the solution file using the following either of the commands and reimport the solution into Dataverse.

npm run build -- --buildMode production

Authentication for third party services fails in Canvas

PCF authentication for third parties isn't supported.


Use combination of a custom page and a connector.

Control can't finish loading

If you use refresh in updateView you must include a guarding condition, otherwise it creates an infinite loop. Whenever refresh is called, it resets the page number to 1, and then fetch the first page of records under the current filtering and sorting criteria. When the client recieves the updated data, updateView is called to update the display. The result is that the control can't finish loading and won't be able to fetch records beyond the first page.

Same page is loaded rather than the expected one

refresh, loadExactPage, loadNextPage, loadPreviousPage don't support parallel execution.

When these functions are called, the results for the requested page won't be available immediately in the next line. Instead they'll trigger updateView on the control with newly fetched results.