Comandos clássicos do CLI Azure
Os VM clássicos serão retirados a 1 de março de 2023.
Se utilizar recursos iaaS da ASM, por favor preencha a sua migração até 1 de março de 2023. Encorajamo-lo a fazer a troca mais cedo para aproveitar as muitas melhorias de funcionalidades em Azure Resource Manager.
Para mais informações, consulte a Migração dos seus recursos iaaS para a Azure Resource Manager até 1 de março de 2023.
Este tópico descreve como instalar a CLI clássica do Azure. A CLI clássica foi preterida e só deve ser utilizada com o modelo de implementação clássica. Para todas as outras implementações, utilize o CLI Azure.
Este artigo fornece sintaxe e opções para comandos clássicos de interface de linha de comando (CLI) que você usaria para criar e gerir recursos Azure. Esta não é uma referência completa, e a sua versão CLI pode apresentar comandos ou parâmetros ligeiramente diferentes.
Para começar, instale primeiro o CLI clássico do Azure e ligue-se à sua subscrição Azure.
Para a sintaxe de comando atual e opções na linha de comando em Resource Manager modo, tipo azure help
ou, para mostrar ajuda para um comando específico, azure help [command]
. Encontre também exemplos de CLI na documentação para criar e gerir serviços específicos da Azure.
Os parâmetros opcionais são indicados em suportes quadrados (por exemplo, [parameter]
). Todos os outros parâmetros são necessários.
Além dos parâmetros opcionais específicos do comando documentados aqui, existem três parâmetros opcionais que podem ser usados para exibir saídas detalhadas, tais como opções de pedido e códigos de estado. O -v
parâmetro fornece saída verbosa, e o -vv
parâmetro fornece uma saída verbose ainda mais detalhada. A --json
opção produz o resultado em formato json cru.
Definição do modo Resource Manager
Utilize o seguinte comando para ativar os comandos do modo Azure CLI Resource Manager.
azure config mode arm
O modo Azure Resource Manager do CLI e o modo Azure Service Management são mutuamente exclusivos. Ou seja, os recursos criados num modo não podem ser geridos a partir do outro modo.
Informações da conta
As informações de subscrição do Azure são utilizadas pela ferramenta para se ligar à sua conta.
Listar as assinaturas importadas
account list [options]
Mostrar detalhes sobre uma subscrição
account show [options] [subscriptionNameOrId]
Definir a subscrição atual
account set [options] <subscriptionNameOrId>
Remova uma subscrição ou ambiente, ou limpe todas as informações armazenadas e ambiente
account clear [options]
Comandos para gerir o seu ambiente de conta
account env list [options]
account env show [options] [environment]
account env add [options] [environment]
account env set [options] [environment]
account env delete [options] [environment]
Objetos de diretório ativo
Comandos para exibir aplicações de diretórios ativos
ad app create [options]
ad app delete [options] <object-id>
Comandos para exibir grupos de diretórios ativos
ad group list [options]
ad group show [options]
Comandos para fornecer um subgrupo de diretório ativo ou informações de membro
ad group member list [options] [objectId]
Comandos para exibir diretores de serviço de diretórios ativos
ad sp list [options]
ad sp show [options]
ad sp create [options] <application-id>
ad sp delete [options] <object-id>
Comandos para exibir utilizadores de diretórios ativos
ad user list [options]
ad user show [options]
Conjuntos de disponibilidade
Cria um conjunto de disponibilidade dentro de um grupo de recursos
availset create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location> [tags]
Lista os conjuntos de disponibilidade dentro de um grupo de recursos
availset list [options] <resource-group>
Obtém um conjunto de disponibilidade dentro de um grupo de recursos
availset show [options] <resource-group> <name>
Elimina um conjunto de disponibilidade dentro de um grupo de recursos
availset delete [options] <resource-group> <name>
Configurações locais
Listar as definições de configuração do CLI Azure
config list [options]
Excluir uma definição de config
config delete [options] <name>
Atualizar uma definição de config
config set <name> <value>
Define o modo de trabalho Azure CLI para um arm
ou asm
config mode [options] <modename>
Características da conta
Listar todas as funcionalidades disponíveis para a sua subscrição
feature list [options]
Mostra uma característica
feature show [options] <providerName> <featureName>
Regista uma característica pré-visualizada de um fornecedor de recursos
feature register [options] <providerName> <featureName>
Grupos de recursos
Cria um grupo de recursos
group create [options] <name> <location>
Definir tags para um grupo de recursos
group set [options] <name> <tags>
Elimina um grupo de recursos
group delete [options] <name>
Lista os grupos de recursos para a sua subscrição
group list [options]
Mostra um grupo de recursos para a sua subscrição
group show [options] <name>
Comandos para gerir registos de grupos de recursos
group log show [options] [name]
Comandos para gerir a sua implantação num grupo de recursos
group deployment create [options] [resource-group] [name]
group deployment list [options] <resource-group> [state]
group deployment show [options] <resource-group> [deployment-name]
group deployment stop [options] <resource-group> [deployment-name]
Comandos para gerir o seu modelo de grupo de recursos local ou galeria
group template list [options]
group template show [options] <name>
group template download [options] [name] [file]
group template validate [options] <resource-group>
Aglomerados HDInsight
Comandos para criar ou adicionar a um ficheiro de configuração de cluster
hdinsight config create [options] <configFilePath> <overwrite>
hdinsight config add-config-values [options] <configFilePath>
hdinsight config add-script-action [options] <configFilePath>
Exemplo: Criar um ficheiro de configuração que contenha uma ação de script a executar ao criar um cluster.
hdinsight config create "C:\myFiles\configFile.config"
hdinsight config add-script-action --configFilePath "C:\myFiles\configFile.config" --nodeType HeadNode --uri <scriptActionURI> --name myScriptAction --parameters "-param value"
Comando para criar um cluster num grupo de recursos
hdinsight cluster create [options] <clusterName>
Exemplo: Criar uma tempestade no aglomerado linux
azure hdinsight cluster create -g myarmgroup -l westus -y Linux --clusterType Storm --version 3.2 --defaultStorageAccountName mystorageaccount --defaultStorageAccountKey <defaultStorageAccountKey> --defaultStorageContainer mycontainer --userName admin --password <clusterPassword> --sshUserName sshuser --sshPassword <sshPassword> --workerNodeCount 1 myNewCluster01
info: Executing command hdinsight cluster create
+ Submitting the request to create cluster...
info: hdinsight cluster create command OK
Exemplo: Criar um cluster com uma ação de script
azure hdinsight cluster create -g myarmgroup -l westus -y Linux --clusterType Hadoop --version 3.2 --defaultStorageAccountName mystorageaccount --defaultStorageAccountKey <defaultStorageAccountKey> --defaultStorageContainer mycontainer --userName admin --password <clusterPassword> --sshUserName sshuser --sshPassword <sshPassword> --workerNodeCount 1 –configurationPath "C:\myFiles\configFile.config" myNewCluster01
info: Executing command hdinsight cluster create
+ Submitting the request to create cluster...
info: hdinsight cluster create command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
-vv more verbose with debug output
--json use json output
-g --resource-group <resource-group> The name of the resource group
-c, --clusterName <clusterName> HDInsight cluster name
-l, --location <location> Data center location for the cluster
-y, --osType <osType> HDInsight cluster operating system
'Windows' or 'Linux'
--version <version> HDInsight cluster version
--clusterType <clusterType> HDInsight cluster type.
Hadoop | HBase | Spark | Storm
--defaultStorageAccountName <storageAccountName> Storage account url to use for default HDInsight storage
--defaultStorageAccountKey <storageAccountKey> Key to the storage account to use for default HDInsight storage
--defaultStorageContainer <storageContainer> Container in the storage account to use for HDInsight default storage
--headNodeSize <headNodeSize> (Optional) Head node size for the cluster
--workerNodeCount <workerNodeCount> Number of worker nodes to use for the cluster
--workerNodeSize <workerNodeSize> (Optional) Worker node size for the cluster)
--zookeeperNodeSize <zookeeperNodeSize> (Optional) Zookeeper node size for the cluster
--userName <userName> Cluster username
--password <password> Cluster password
--sshUserName <sshUserName> SSH username (only for Linux clusters)
--sshPassword <sshPassword> SSH password (only for Linux clusters)
--sshPublicKey <sshPublicKey> SSH public key (only for Linux clusters)
--rdpUserName <rdpUserName> RDP username (only for Windows clusters)
--rdpPassword <rdpPassword> RDP password (only for Windows clusters)
--rdpAccessExpiry <rdpAccessExpiry> RDP access expiry.
For example 12/12/2015 (only for Windows clusters)
--virtualNetworkId <virtualNetworkId> (Optional) Virtual network ID for the cluster.
Value is a GUID for Windows cluster and ARM resource ID for Linux cluster)
--subnetName <subnetName> (Optional) Subnet for the cluster
--additionalStorageAccounts <additionalStorageAccounts> (Optional) Additional storage accounts.
Can be multiple.
In the format of 'accountName#accountKey'.
For example, --additionalStorageAccounts "acc1#key1;acc2#key2"
--hiveMetastoreServerName <hiveMetastoreServerName> (Optional) SQL Server name for the external metastore for Hive
--hiveMetastoreDatabaseName <hiveMetastoreDatabaseName> (Optional) Database name for the external metastore for Hive
--hiveMetastoreUserName <hiveMetastoreUserName> (Optional) Database username for the external metastore for Hive
--hiveMetastorePassword <hiveMetastorePassword> (Optional) Database password for the external metastore for Hive
--oozieMetastoreServerName <oozieMetastoreServerName> (Optional) SQL Server name for the external metastore for Oozie
--oozieMetastoreDatabaseName <oozieMetastoreDatabaseName> (Optional) Database name for the external metastore for Oozie
--oozieMetastoreUserName <oozieMetastoreUserName> (Optional) Database username for the external metastore for Oozie
--oozieMetastorePassword <oozieMetastorePassword> (Optional) Database password for the external metastore for Oozie
--configurationPath <configurationPath> (Optional) HDInsight cluster configuration file path
-s, --subscription <id> The subscription id
--tags <tags> Tags to set to the cluster.
Can be multiple.
In the format of 'name=value'.
Name is required and value is optional.
For example, --tags tag1=value1;tag2
Comando para apagar um cluster
hdinsight cluster delete [options] <clusterName>
Comando para mostrar detalhes do cluster
hdinsight cluster show [options] <clusterName>
Comando para listar todos os clusters (num grupo de recursos específico, se fornecido)
hdinsight cluster list [options]
Comando para redimensionar um aglomerado
hdinsight cluster resize [options] <clusterName> <targetInstanceCount>
Comando para permitir acesso HTTP para um cluster
hdinsight cluster enable-http-access [options] <clusterName> <userName> <password>
Comando para desativar acesso HTTP para um cluster
hdinsight cluster disable-http-access [options] <clusterName>
Comando para permitir o acesso do RDP a um cluster
hdinsight cluster enable-rdp-access [options] <clusterName> <rdpUserName> <rdpPassword> <rdpExpiryDate>
Comando para desativar acesso HTTP para um cluster
hdinsight cluster disable-rdp-access [options] <clusterName>
Informações (eventos, regras de alerta, configurações de autoescala, métricas)
Recupere os registos de operação para uma subscrição, um correlationId, um grupo de recursos, recursos ou fornecedor de recursos
insights logs list [options]
Listar os locais disponíveis
location list [options]
Recursos de rede
Comandos para gerir redes virtuais
network vnet create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location>
Cria uma rede virtual. No exemplo seguinte criamos uma rede virtual chamada newvnet para grupo de recursos myresourcegroup na região oeste dos EUA.
azure network vnet create myresourcegroup newvnet "west us"
info: Executing command network vnet create
+ Looking up virtual network "newvnet"
+ Creating virtual network "newvnet"
Loading virtual network state
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/newvnet
data: Name: newvnet
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks
data: Location: westus
data: Tags:
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Address prefixes:
data: DNS servers:
data: Subnets:
info: network vnet create command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the virtual network
-l, --location <location> the location
-a, --address-prefixes <address-prefixes> the comma separated list of address prefixes for this virtual network
For example -a,
Default value is
-d, --dns-servers <dns-servers> the comma separated list of DNS servers IP addresses
-t, --tags <tags> the tags set on this virtual network.
Can be multiple. In the format of "name=value".
Name is required and value is optional.
For example, -t tag1=value1;tag2
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network vnet set [options] <resource-group> <name>
Atualiza uma configuração de rede virtual dentro de um grupo de recursos.
azure network vnet set myresourcegroup newvnet
info: Executing command network vnet set
+ Looking up virtual network "newvnet"
+ Updating virtual network "newvnet"
+ Loading virtual network state
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/newvnet
data: Name: newvnet
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks
data: Location: westus
data: Tags:
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Address prefixes:
data: DNS servers:
data: Subnets:
info: network vnet set command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the virtual network
-a, --address-prefixes <address-prefixes> the comma separated list of address prefixes for this virtual network.
For example -a,
This list will be appended to the current list of address prefixes.
The address prefixes in this list should not overlap between them.
The address prefixes in this list should not overlap with existing address prefixes in the vnet.
-d, --dns-servers [dns-servers] the comma separated list of DNS servers IP addresses.
This list will be appended to the current list of DNS server IP addresses.
-t, --tags <tags> the tags set on this virtual network.
Can be multiple. In the format of "name=value".
Name is required and value is optional. For example, -t tag1=value1;tag2.
This list will be appended to the current list of tags
--no-tags remove all existing tags
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network vnet list [options] <resource-group>
O comando lista todas as redes virtuais num grupo de recursos.
C:\>azure network vnet list myresourcegroup
info: Executing command network vnet list
+ Listing virtual networks
data: ID
Name Location Address prefixes DNS servers
data: -------------------------------------------------------------------
------ -------- -------- ---------------- -----------
data: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/
wvnet newvnet westus
info: network vnet list command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network vnet show [options] <resource-group> <name>
O comando mostra as propriedades da rede virtual num grupo de recursos.
azure network vnet show -g myresourcegroup -n newvnet
info: Executing command network vnet show
+ Looking up virtual network "newvnet"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/newvnet
data: Name: newvnet
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks
data: Location: westus
data: Tags:
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Address prefixes:
data: DNS servers:
data: Subnets:
info: network vnet show command OK
network vnet delete [options] <resource-group> <name>
O comando remove uma rede virtual.
azure network vnet delete myresourcegroup newvnetX
info: Executing command network vnet delete
+ Looking up virtual network "newvnetX"
Delete virtual network newvnetX? [y/n] y
+ Deleting virtual network "newvnetX"
info: network vnet delete command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the virtual network
-q, --quiet quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
Comandos para gerir sub-redes de rede virtuais
network vnet subnet create [options] <resource-group> <vnet-name> <name>
Adiciona outra sub-rede a uma rede virtual existente.
azure network vnet subnet create -g myresourcegroup --vnet-name newvnet -n subnet --address-prefix
info: Executing command network vnet subnet create
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet"
+ Creating subnet "subnet"
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/newvnet/subnets/subnet
data: Name: subnet
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Address prefix:
info: network vnet subnet create command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-e, --vnet-name <vnet-name> the name of the virtual network
-n, --name <name> the name of the subnet
-a, --address-prefix <address-prefix> the address prefix
-w, --network-security-group-id <network-security-group-id> the network security group identifier.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/<nsg-name>
-o, --network-security-group-name <network-security-group-name> the network security group name
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network vnet subnet set [options] <resource-group> <vnet-name> <name>
Define uma sub-rede de rede virtual específica dentro de um grupo de recursos.
C:\>azure network vnet subnet set -g myresourcegroup --vnet-name newvnet -n subnet1
info: Executing command network vnet subnet set
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet1"
+ Setting subnet "subnet1"
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet1"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/newvnet/subnets/subnet1
data: Name: subnet1
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Address prefix:
info: network vnet subnet set command OK
network vnet subnet list [options] <resource-group> <vnet-name>
Lista todas as sub-redes de rede virtuais para uma rede virtual específica dentro de um grupo de recursos.
azure network vnet subnet set -g myresourcegroup --vnet-name newvnet -n subnet1
info: Executing command network vnet subnet set
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet1"
+ Setting subnet "subnet1"
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet1"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/newvnet/subnets/subnet1
data: Name: subnet1
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Address prefix:
info: network vnet subnet set command OK
network vnet subnet show [options] <resource-group> <vnet-name> <name>
Exibe propriedades de sub-redes de rede virtuais
azure network vnet subnet show -g myresourcegroup --vnet-name newvnet -n subnet1
info: Executing command network vnet subnet show
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet1"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft
data: Name: subnet1
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Address prefix:
info: network vnet subnet show command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-e, --vnet-name <vnet-name> the name of the virtual network
-n, --name <name> the name of the subnet
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network vnet subnet delete [options] <resource-group> <vnet-name> <subnet-name>
Remove uma sub-rede de uma rede virtual existente.
azure network vnet subnet delete -g myresourcegroup --vnet-name newvnet -n subnet1
info: Executing command network vnet subnet delete
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet1"
Delete subnet "subnet1"? [y/n] y
+ Deleting subnet "subnet1"
info: network vnet subnet delete command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-e, --vnet-name <vnet-name> the name of the virtual network
-n, --name <name> the subnet name
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
-q, --quiet quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
Comandos para gerir equilibradores de carga
network lb create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location>
Cria um conjunto de balançadores de carga.
azure network lb create -g myresourcegroup -n mylb -l westus
info: Executing command network lb create
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Creating load balancer "mylb"
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb
data: Name: mylb
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers
data: Location: westus
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
info: network lb create command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the load balancer
-l, --location <location> the location
-t, --tags <tags> the list of tags.
Can be multiple. In the format of "name=value".
Name is required and value is optional. For example, -t tag1=value1;tag2
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb list [options] <resource-group>
Lista recursos do balanceador de carga dentro de um grupo de recursos.
azure network lb list myresourcegroup
info: Executing command network lb list
+ Getting the load balancers
data: Name Location
data: ---- --------
data: mylb westus
info: network lb list command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb show [options] <resource-group> <name>
Exibe informações do balanceador de carga de um balanceador de carga específico dentro de um grupo de recursos
azure network lb show myresourcegroup mylb -v
info: Executing command network lb show
verbose: Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb
data: Name: mylb
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers
data: Location: westus
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
info: network lb show command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the load balancer
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb delete [options] <resource-group> <name>
Eliminar recursos do balanceador de carga.
azure network lb delete myresourcegroup mylb
info: Executing command network lb delete
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
Delete load balancer "mylb"? [y/n] y
+ Deleting load balancer "mylb"
info: network lb delete command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the load balancer
-q, --quiet quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
Comandos para gerir sondas de um equilibrador de carga
network lb probe create [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Crie a configuração da sonda para o estado de saúde no equilibrador de carga. Tenha em mente que este comando, o seu balanceador de carga requer um recurso frontend-ip (Verifique o comando "azure network frontend-ip" para atribuir um endereço IP ao balançador de carga).
azure network lb probe create -g myresourcegroup --lb-name mylb -n mylbprobe --protocol tcp --port 80 -i 300
info: Executing command network lb probe create
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
info: network lb probe create command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the probe
-p, --protocol <protocol> the probe protocol
-o, --port <port> the probe port
-f, --path <path> the probe path
-i, --interval <interval> the probe interval in seconds
-c, --count <count> the number of probes
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb probe set [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Atualiza uma sonda de balanço de carga existente com novos valores para o mesmo.
azure network lb probe set -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n mylbprobe -p mylbprobe1 -p TCP -o 443 -i 300
info: Executing command network lb probe set
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
info: network lb probe set command OK
Opções de parâmetros
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the probe
-e, --new-probe-name <new-probe-name> the new name of the probe
-p, --protocol <protocol> the new value for probe protocol
-o, --port <port> the new value for probe port
-f, --path <path> the new value for probe path
-i, --interval <interval> the new value for probe interval in seconds
-c, --count <count> the new value for number of probes
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb probe list [options] <resource-group> <lb-name>
Listar as propriedades da sonda para um conjunto de balançadores de carga.
C:\>azure network lb probe list -g myresourcegroup -l mylb
info: Executing command network lb probe list
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Name Protocol Port Path Interval Count
data: --------- -------- ---- ---- -------- -----
data: mylbprobe Tcp 443 300 2
info: network lb probe list command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb probe delete [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Remove a sonda criada para o equilibrador de carga.
azure network lb probe delete -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n mylbprobe
info: Executing command network lb probe delete
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
Delete a probe "mylbprobe?" [y/n] y
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
info: network lb probe delete command OK
Comandos para gerir configurações ip frontend de um equilibrador de carga
network lb frontend-ip create [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Cria uma configuração IP frontal para um conjunto de balançador de carga existente.
azure network lb frontend-ip create -g myresourcegroup --lb-name mylb -n myfrontendip -o Dynamic -e subnet -m newvnet
info: Executing command network lb frontend-ip create
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet"
+ Creating frontend IP configuration "myfrontendip"
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/Myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb
data: Name: myfrontendip
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/frontendIPConfigurations
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Private IP allocation method: Dynamic
data: Private IP address:
data: Subnet: id=/subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/newvnet/subnets/subnet
data: Public IP address:
data: Inbound NAT rules
data: Outbound NAT rules
data: Load balancing rules
info: network lb frontend-ip create command OK
network lb frontend-ip set [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Atualiza uma configuração existente de um IP frontend. O comando abaixo adiciona um IP público chamado mypubip5 a um frontend de carga existente chamado myfrontendip.
azure network lb frontend-ip set -g myresourcegroup --lb-name mylb -n myfrontendip -i mypubip5
info: Executing command network lb frontend-ip set
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Looking up the public ip "mypubip5"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/frontendIPConfigurations/myfrontendip
data: Name: myfrontendip
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/frontendIPConfigurations
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Private IP allocation method: Dynamic
data: Private IP address:
data: Subnet:
data: Public IP address: id=/subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/mypubip5
data: Inbound NAT rules
data: Outbound NAT rules
data: Load balancing rules
info: network lb frontend-ip set command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the frontend ip configuration
-a, --private-ip-address <private-ip-address> the private ip address
-o, --private-ip-allocation-method <private-ip-allocation-method> the private ip allocation method [Static, Dynamic]
-u, --public-ip-id <public-ip-id> the public ip identifier.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/<public-ip-name>
-i, --public-ip-name <public-ip-name> the public ip name.
This public ip must exist in the same resource group as the lb.
Please use public-ip-id if that is not the case.
-b, --subnet-id <subnet-id> the subnet id.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/VirtualNetworks/<vnet-name>/subnets/<subnet-name>
-e, --subnet-name <subnet-name> the subnet name
-m, --vnet-name <vnet-name> the virtual network name.
This virtual network must exist in the same resource group as the lb.
Please use subnet-id if that is not the case.
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb frontend-ip list [options] <resource-group> <lb-name>
Lista todos os recursos IP frontend configurados para o equilibrador de carga.
azure network lb frontend-ip list -g myresourcegroup -l mylb
info: Executing command network lb frontend-ip list
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Name Provisioning state Private IP allocation method Subnet
data: ----------- ------------------ ---------------------------- ------
data: myprivateip Succeeded Dynamic
info: network lb frontend-ip list command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb frontend-ip delete [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Elimina o objeto IP frontend associado ao equilibrador de carga
network lb frontend-ip delete -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n myfrontendip
info: Executing command network lb frontend-ip delete
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
Delete frontend ip configuration "myfrontendip"? [y/n] y
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the frontend ip configuration
-q, --quiet quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
Comandos para gerir piscinas de endereços de backend de um equilibrador de carga
network lb address-pool create [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Crie uma piscina de endereços de backend para um equilibrador de carga.
azure network lb address-pool create -g myresourcegroup --lb-name mylb -n myaddresspool
info: Executing command network lb address-pool create
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourgroup/providers/Microso.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/backendAddressPools/myaddresspool
data: Name: myaddresspool
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/backendAddressPools
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Backend IP configurations:
data: Load balancing rules:
info: network lb address-pool create command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the backend address pool
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb address-pool list [options] <resource-group> <lb-name>
Lista gama de conjunto de endereços IP backend para um grupo de recursos específico
azure network lb address-pool list -g myresourcegroup -l mylb
info: Executing command network lb address-pool list
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Name Provisioning state
data: ------------- ------------------
data: mybackendpool Succeeded
info: network lb address-pool list command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb address-pool delete [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Remove o recurso de gama de pool IP backend do balanceador de carga.
azure network lb address-pool delete -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n mybackendpool
info: Executing command network lb address-pool delete
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
Delete backend address pool "mybackendpool"? [y/n] y
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
info: network lb address-pool delete command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the backend address pool
-q, --quiet quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
Comandos para gerir regras do balançador de carga
network lb rule create [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Crie regras de equilíbrio de carga.
Pode criar uma regra do balançador de carga que configura o ponto final frontal para o balançador de carga e a gama de pool de endereços de backend para receber o tráfego de rede de entrada. Definições também incluem as portas para frontend IP endpoint e portas para a gama de piscina de endereço de backend.
O exemplo a seguir mostra como criar uma regra do balançador de carga, o ponto final frontal ouvindo a porta 80 TCP e o tráfego de rede de equilíbrio de carga enviando para o porto 8080 para a gama de piscina de endereços de backend.
azure network lb rule create -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n mylbrule -p tcp -f 80 -b 8080 -i 10
info: Executing command network lb rule create
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
+ Loading rule state
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/loadBalancingRules/mylbrule
data: Name: mylbrule
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/loadBalancingRules
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Frontend IP configuration: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/frontendIPConfigurations/myfrontendip
data: Backend address pool: id=/subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/backendAddressPools/mybackendpool
data: Protocol: Tcp
data: Frontend port: 80
data: Backend port: 8080
data: Enable floating IP: false
data: Idle timeout in minutes: 10
data: Probes
info: network lb rule create command OK
network lb rule set [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Atualiza uma regra do balançador de carga existente definida num grupo de recursos específico. No exemplo seguinte, mudamos o nome de regra de mylbrule para mynewlbrule.
azure network lb rule set -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n mylbrule -r mynewlbrule -p tcp -f 80 -b 8080 -i 10 -t myfrontendip -o mybackendpool
info: Executing command network lb rule set
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
+ Loading rule state
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/yresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/loadBalancingRules/mynewlbrule
data: Name: mynewlbrule
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/loadBalancingRules
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Frontend IP configuration: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/yresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/frontendIPConfigurations/myfrontendip
data: Backend address pool: id=/subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/yresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/backendAddressPools/mybackendpool
data: Protocol: Tcp
data: Frontend port: 80
data: Backend port: 8080
data: Enable floating IP: false
data: Idle timeout in minutes: 10
data: Probes
info: network lb rule set command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the rule
-r, --new-rule-name <new-rule-name> new rule name
-p, --protocol <protocol> the rule protocol
-f, --frontend-port <frontend-port> the frontend port
-b, --backend-port <backend-port> the backend port
-e, --enable-floating-ip <enable-floating-ip> enable floating point ip
-i, --idle-timeout <idle-timeout> the idle timeout in minutes
-a, --probe-name [probe-name] the name of the probe defined in the same load balancer
-t, --frontend-ip-name <frontend-ip-name> the name of the frontend ip configuration in the same load balancer
-o, --backend-address-pool <backend-address-pool> name of the backend address pool defined in the same load balancer
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb rule list [options] <resource-group> <lb-name>
Lista todas as regras do balançador de carga configuradas para um equilibrador de carga num grupo de recursos específico.
azure network lb rule list -g myresourcegroup -l mylb
info: Executing command network lb rule list
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Name Provisioning state Protocol Frontend port Backend port Enable floating IP Idle timeout in minutes Backend address pool Probe data
data: mynewlbrule Succeeded Tcp 80 8080 false 10 /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/backendAddressPools/mybackendpool
info: network lb rule list command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb rule delete [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Elimina uma regra do balançador de carga.
azure network lb rule delete -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n mynewlbrule
info: Executing command network lb rule delete
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
Delete load balancing rule mynewlbrule? [y/n] y
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
info: network lb rule delete command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the rule
-q, --quiet quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
Comandos para gerir regras DE NAT de entrada de balançadores de carga
network lb inbound-nat-rule create [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Cria uma regra NAT de entrada para o equilibrador de carga.
No exemplo seguinte, criámos uma regra NAT a partir do frontend IP (que foi previamente definida usando o comando "azure network frontend-ip") com uma porta de audição de entrada e porta de saída que o equilibrador de carga utiliza para enviar o tráfego da rede.
azure network lb inbound-nat-rule create -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n myinboundnat -p tcp -f 80 -b 8080 -i myfrontendip
info: Executing command network lb inbound-nat-rule create
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/inboundNatRules/myinboundnat
data: Name: myinboundnat
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/inboundNatRules
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Frontend IP Configuration: id=/subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/frontendIPConfigurations/myfrontendip
data: Backend IP configuration
data: Protocol Tcp
data: Frontend port 80
data: Backend port 8080
data: Enable floating IP false
info: network lb inbound-nat-rule create command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the inbound NAT rule
-p, --protocol <protocol> the rule protocol [tcp,udp]
-f, --frontend-port <frontend-port> the frontend port [0-65535]
-b, --backend-port <backend-port> the backend port [0-65535]
-e, --enable-floating-ip <enable-floating-ip> enable floating point ip [true,false]
-i, --frontend-ip <frontend-ip> the name of the frontend ip configuration
-m, --vm-id <vm-id> the VM id.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/<vm-name>
-a, --vm-name <vm-name> the VM name.This VM must exist in the same resource group as the lb.
Please use vm-id if that is not the case.
this parameter will be ignored if --vm-id is specified
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb inbound-nat-rule set [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Atualiza uma regra nat de entrada existente. No exemplo seguinte, mudamos a porta de entrada de 80 para 81.
azure network lb inbound-nat-rule set -g group-1 -l mylb -n myinboundnat -p tcp -f 81 -b 8080 -i myfrontendip
info: Executing command network lb inbound-nat-rule set
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/group-1/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/inboundNatRules/myinboundnat
data: Name: myinboundnat
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/inboundNatRules
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Frontend IP Configuration: id=/subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/group-1/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mylb/frontendIPConfigurations/myfrontendip
data: Backend IP configuration
data: Protocol Tcp
data: Frontend port 81
data: Backend port 8080
data: Enable floating IP false
info: network lb inbound-nat-rule set command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the inbound NAT rule
-p, --protocol <protocol> the rule protocol [tcp,udp]
-f, --frontend-port <frontend-port> the frontend port [0-65535]
-b, --backend-port <backend-port> the backend port [0-65535]
-e, --enable-floating-ip <enable-floating-ip> enable floating point ip [true,false]
-i, --frontend-ip <frontend-ip> the name of the frontend ip configuration
-m, --vm-id [vm-id] the VM id.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/<vm-name>
-a, --vm-name <vm-name> the VM name.
This virtual machine must exist in the same resource group as the lb.
Please use vm-id if that is not the case
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb inbound-nat-rule list [options] <resource-group> <lb-name>
Lista todas as regras de entrada nat para o balanceador de carga.
azure network lb inbound-nat-rule list -g myresourcegroup -l mylb
info: Executing command network lb inbound-nat-rule list
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
data: Name Provisioning state Protocol Frontend port Backend port Enable floating IP Idle timeout in minutes Backend IP configuration
data: ------------ ------------------ -------- ------------- ------------ ------------------ ----------------------- ---
data: myinboundnat Succeeded Tcp 81 8080 false 4
info: network lb inbound-nat-rule list command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network lb inbound-nat-rule delete [options] <resource-group> <lb-name> <name>
Elimina a regra NAT para o balançador de carga num grupo de recursos específico.
azure network lb inbound-nat-rule delete -g myresourcegroup -l mylb -n myinboundnat
info: Executing command network lb inbound-nat-rule delete
+ Looking up the load balancer "mylb"
Delete inbound NAT rule "myinboundnat?" [y/n] y
+ Updating load balancer "mylb"
info: network lb inbound-nat-rule delete command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-l, --lb-name <lb-name> the name of the load balancer
-n, --name <name> the name of the inbound NAT rule
-q, --quiet quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
Comandos para gerir endereços ip públicos
network public-ip create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location>
Cria um recurso ip público. Irá criar o recurso IP público e associar-se a um nome de domínio.
azure network public-ip create -g myresourcegroup -n mytestpublicip1 -l eastus -d azureclitest -a "Dynamic"
info: Executing command network public-ip create
+ Looking up the public ip "mytestpublicip1"
+ Creating public ip address "mytestpublicip1"
+ Looking up the public ip "mytestpublicip1"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/mytestpublicip1
data: Name: mytestpublicip1
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses
data: Location: eastus
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Allocation method: Dynamic
data: Idle timeout: 4
data: Domain name label: azureclitest
data: FQDN:
info: network public-ip create command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the public ip
-l, --location <location> the location
-d, --domain-name-label <domain-name-label> the domain name label.
This set DNS to <domain-name-label>.<location>
-a, --allocation-method <allocation-method> the allocation method [Static][Dynamic]
-i, --idletimeout <idletimeout> the idle timeout in minutes
-f, --reverse-fqdn <reverse-fqdn> the reverse fqdn
-t, --tags <tags> the list of tags.
Can be multiple. In the format of "name=value".
Name is required and value is optional.
For example, -t tag1=value1;tag2
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network public-ip set [options] <resource-group> <name>
Atualiza as propriedades de um recurso ip público existente. No exemplo seguinte, alteramos o endereço IP público de Dynamic para Static.
azure network public-ip set -g group-1 -n mytestpublicip1 -d azureclitest -a "Static"
info: Executing command network public-ip set
+ Looking up the public ip "mytestpublicip1"
+ Updating public ip address "mytestpublicip1"
+ Looking up the public ip "mytestpublicip1"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/mytestpublicip1
data: Name: mytestpublicip1
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses
data: Location: eastus
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Allocation method: Static
data: Idle timeout: 4
data: IP Address: (static IP address)
data: Domain name label: azureclitest
data: FQDN:
info: network public-ip set command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the public ip
-d, --domain-name-label [domain-name-label] the domain name label.
This set DNS to <domain-name-label>.<location>
-a, --allocation-method <allocation-method> the allocation method [Static][Dynamic]
-i, --idletimeout <idletimeout> the idle timeout in minutes
-f, --reverse-fqdn [reverse-fqdn] the reverse fqdn
-t, --tags <tags> the list of tags.
Can be multiple. In the format of "name=value".
Name is required and value is optional.
For example, -t tag1=value1;tag2
--no-tags remove all existing tags
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network public-ip list [options] <resource-group>
Lista todos os recursos ip públicos dentro de um grupo de recursos.
azure network public-ip list -g myresourcegroup
info: Executing command network public-ip list
+ Getting the public ip addresses
data: Name Location Allocation IP Address Idle timeout DNS Name
data: --------------- -------- ---------- ------------ ------------ -------------------------------------------
data: mypubip5 westus Dynamic 4 "domain name"
data: myPublicIP eastus Dynamic 4 "domain name"
data: mytestpublicip eastus Dynamic 4 "domain name"
data: mytestpublicip1 eastus Static (Static IP address) 4
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network public-ip show [options] <resource-group> <name>
Exibe propriedades ip públicas para um recurso ip público dentro de um grupo de recursos.
azure network public-ip show -g myresourcegroup -n mytestpublicip
info: Executing command network public-ip show
+ Looking up the public ip "mytestpublicip1"
data: Id: /subscriptions/###############################/resourceGroups/myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/mytestpublicip
data: Name: mytestpublicip
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses
data: Location: eastus
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Allocation method: Static
data: Idle timeout: 4
data: IP Address: (static IP address)
data: Domain name label: azureclitest
data: FQDN:
info: network public-ip show command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the public IP
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
network public-ip delete [options] <resource-group> <name>
Elimina o recurso ip público.
azure network public-ip delete -g group-1 -n mypublicipname
info: Executing command network public-ip delete
+ Looking up the public ip "mypublicipname"
Delete public ip address "mypublicipname"? [y/n] y
+ Deleting public ip address "mypublicipname"
info: network public-ip delete command OK
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the public IP
-q, --quiet quiet mode, do not ask for delete confirmation
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
Comandos para gerir interfaces de rede
network nic create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location>
Cria um recurso chamado interface de rede (NIC) que pode ser usado para equilibradores de carga ou associar-se a uma Máquina Virtual.
azure network nic create -g myresourcegroup -l eastus -n testnic1 --subnet-name subnet-1 --subnet-vnet-name myvnet
info: Executing command network nic create
+ Looking up the network interface "testnic1"
+ Looking up the subnet "subnet-1"
+ Creating network interface "testnic1"
+ Looking up the network interface "testnic1"
data: Id: /subscriptions/c4a17ddf-aa84-491c-b6f9-b90d882299f7/resourceGroups/group-1/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/testnic1
data: Name: testnic1
data: Type: Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces
data: Location: eastus
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: IP configurations:
data: Name: NIC-config
data: Provisioning state: Succeeded
data: Private IP address:
data: Private IP Allocation Method: Dynamic
data: Subnet: /subscriptions/c4a17ddf-aa84-491c-b6f9-b90d882299f7/resourceGroups/group-1/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/myVNET/subnets/Subnet-1
Opções de parâmetros:
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --verbose use verbose output
--json use json output
-g, --resource-group <resource-group> the name of the resource group
-n, --name <name> the name of the network interface
-l, --location <location> the location
-w, --network-security-group-id <network-security-group-id> the network security group identifier.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/<nsg-name>
-o, --network-security-group-name <network-security-group-name> the network security group name.
This network security group must exist in the same resource group as the nic.
Please use network-security-group-id if that is not the case.
-i, --public-ip-id <public-ip-id> the public IP identifier.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/<public-ip-name>
-p, --public-ip-name <public-ip-name> the public IP name.
This public ip must exist in the same resource group as the nic.
Please use public-ip-id if that is not the case.
-a, --private-ip-address <private-ip-address> the private IP address
-u, --subnet-id <subnet-id> the subnet identifier.
e.g. /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<vnet-name>/subnets/<subnet-name>
--subnet-name <subnet-name> the subnet name
-m, --subnet-vnet-name <subnet-vnet-name> the vnet name under which subnet-name exists
-t, --tags <tags> the comma separated list of tags.
Can be multiple. In the format of "name=value".
Name is required and value is optional.
For example, -t tag1=value1;tag2
-s, --subscription <subscription> the subscription identifier
info: network nic create command OK
network nic set [options] <resource-group> <name>
network nic list [options] <resource-group>
network nic show [options] <resource-group> <name>
network nic delete [options] <resource-group> <name>
Comandos para gerir grupos de segurança de rede
network nsg create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location>
network nsg set [options] <resource-group> <name>
network nsg list [options] <resource-group>
network nsg show [options] <resource-group> <name>
network nsg delete [options] <resource-group> <name>
Comandos para gerir regras do grupo de segurança de rede
network nsg rule create [options] <resource-group> <nsg-name> <name>
network nsg rule set [options] <resource-group> <nsg-name> <name>
network nsg rule list [options] <resource-group> <nsg-name>
network nsg rule show [options] <resource-group> <nsg-name> <name>
network nsg rule delete [options] <resource-group> <nsg-name> <name>
Comandos para gerir o perfil do gestor de tráfego
network traffic-manager profile create [options] <resource-group> <name>
network traffic-manager profile set [options] <resource-group> <name>
network traffic-manager profile list [options] <resource-group>
network traffic-manager profile show [options] <resource-group> <name>
network traffic-manager profile delete [options] <resource-group> <name>
network traffic-manager profile is-dns-available [options] <resource-group> <relative-dns-name>
Comandos para gerir pontos finais do gestor de tráfego
network traffic-manager profile endpoint create [options] <resource-group> <profile-name> <name> <endpoint-location>
network traffic-manager profile endpoint set [options] <resource-group> <profile-name> <name>
network traffic-manager profile endpoint delete [options] <resource-group> <profile-name> <name>
Comandos para gerir gateways de rede virtual
network gateway list [options] <resource-group>
Registos de fornecedores de recursos
Lista atualmente fornecedores registados em Resource Manager
provider list [options]
Mostrar detalhes sobre o espaço de nome do fornecedor solicitado
provider show [options] <namespace>
Recensear provedor com a subscrição
provider register [options] <namespace>
Fornecedor não registador com a subscrição
provider unregister [options] <namespace>
Cria um recurso num grupo de recursos
resource create [options] <resource-group> <name> <resource-type> <location> <api-version>
Atualiza um recurso num grupo de recursos sem modelos ou parâmetros
resource set [options] <resource-group> <name> <resource-type> <properties> <api-version>
Lista os recursos
resource list [options] [resource-group]
Obtém um recurso dentro de um grupo de recursos ou subscrição
resource show [options] <resource-group> <name> <resource-type> <api-version>
Elimina um recurso num grupo de recursos
resource delete [options] <resource-group> <name> <resource-type> <api-version>
Funções do Azure
Obtenha todas as definições de funções disponíveis
role list [options]
Obtenha uma definição de função disponível
role show [options] [name]
Comandos para gerir a sua atribuição de funções
role assignment create [options] [objectId] [upn] [mail] [spn] [role] [scope] [resource-group] [resource-type] [resource-name]
role assignment list [options] [objectId] [upn] [mail] [spn] [role] [scope] [resource-group] [resource-type] [resource-name]
role assignment delete [options] [objectId] [upn] [mail] [spn] [role] [scope] [resource-group] [resource-type] [resource-name]
objetos Armazenamento
Comandos para gerir as suas contas Armazenamento
storage account list [options]
storage account show [options] <name>
storage account create [options] <name>
storage account set [options] <name>
storage account delete [options] <name>
Comandos para gerir as chaves da sua conta Armazenamento
storage account keys list [options] <name>
storage account keys renew [options] <name>
Comandos para mostrar a sua cadeia de ligação Armazenamento
storage account connectionstring show [options] <name>
Comandos para gerir os seus contentores Armazenamento
storage container list [options] [prefix]
storage container show [options] [container]
storage container create [options] [container]
storage container delete [options] [container]
storage container set [options] [container]
Comandos para gerir assinaturas de acesso partilhado do seu contentor Armazenamento
storage container sas create [options] [container] [permissions] [expiry]
Comandos para gerir políticas de acesso armazenadas do seu recipiente Armazenamento
storage container policy create [options] [container] [name]
storage container policy show [options] [container] [name]
storage container policy list [options] [container]
storage container policy set [options] [container] [name]
storage container policy delete [options] [container] [name]
Ordens para gerir as suas bolhas de Armazenamento
storage blob list [options] [container] [prefix]
storage blob show [options] [container] [blob]
storage blob delete [options] [container] [blob]
storage blob upload [options] [file] [container] [blob]
storage blob download [options] [container] [blob] [destination]
Comandos para gerir as suas operações de cópia blob
storage blob copy start [options] [sourceUri] [destContainer]
storage blob copy show [options] [container] [blob]
storage blob copy stop [options] [container] [blob] [copyid]
Comandos para gerir a assinatura de acesso partilhado da sua bolha de Armazenamento
storage blob sas create [options] [container] [blob] [permissions] [expiry]
Comandos para gerir as suas ações de ficheiros Armazenamento
storage share create [options] [share]
storage share show [options] [share]
storage share delete [options] [share]
storage share list [options] [prefix]
Comandos para gerir os seus ficheiros Armazenamento
storage file list [options] [share] [path]
storage file delete [options] [share] [path]
storage file upload [options] [source] [share] [path]
storage file download [options] [share] [path] [destination]
Comandos para gerir o seu diretório de ficheiros Armazenamento
storage directory create [options] [share] [path]
storage directory delete [options] [share] [path]
Comandos para gerir as suas Armazenamento filas
storage queue create [options] [queue]
storage queue list [options] [prefix]
storage queue show [options] [queue]
storage queue delete [options] [queue]
Comandos para gerir assinaturas de acesso compartilhado da sua fila de Armazenamento
storage queue sas create [options] [queue] [permissions] [expiry]
Comandos para gerir políticas de acesso armazenadas da sua fila de Armazenamento
storage queue policy create [options] [queue] [name]
storage queue policy show [options] [queue] [name]
storage queue policy list [options] [queue]
storage queue policy set [options] [queue] [name]
storage queue policy delete [options] [queue] [name]
Comandos para gerir as suas propriedades de registo de Armazenamento
storage logging show [options]
storage logging set [options]
Comandos para gerir as suas propriedades de métricas Armazenamento
storage metrics show [options]
storage metrics set [options]
Comandos para gerir as suas mesas de Armazenamento
storage table create [options] [table]
storage table list [options] [prefix]
storage table show [options] [table]
storage table delete [options] [table]
Comandos para gerir assinaturas de acesso compartilhado da sua tabela Armazenamento
storage table sas create [options] [table] [permissions] [expiry]
Comandos para gerir políticas de acesso armazenadas da sua mesa de Armazenamento
storage table policy create [options] [table] [name]
storage table policy show [options] [table] [name]
storage table policy list [options] [table]
storage table policy set [options] [table] [name]
storage table policy delete [options] [table] [name]
Adicionar uma etiqueta
tag create [options] <name> <value>
Remova uma etiqueta inteira ou um valor de etiqueta
tag delete [options] <name> <value>
Lista as informações da etiqueta
tag list [options]
Obter uma etiqueta
tag show [options] [name]
Máquinas Virtuais
Criar uma VM
vm create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location> <os-type>
Criar um VM com recursos predefinidos
vm quick-create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location> <os-type> <image-urn> <admin-username> <admin-password
Começando pela versão CLI 0.10, pode fornecer um pequeno pseudónimo como "UbuntuLTS" ou "Win2012R2Datacenter" como o image-urn
para algumas imagens populares do Marketplace. Corre azure help vm quick-create
para opções. Além disso, a partir da versão 0.10, azure vm quick-create
utiliza armazenamento premium por padrão se estiver disponível na região selecionada.
Listar as máquinas virtuais numa conta
vm list [options]
Obtenha uma máquina virtual dentro de um grupo de recursos
vm show [options] <resource-group> <name>
Excluir uma máquina virtual dentro de um grupo de recursos
vm delete [options] <resource-group> <name>
Desligar uma máquina virtual dentro de um grupo de recursos
vm stop [options] <resource-group> <name>
Reinicie uma máquina virtual dentro de um grupo de recursos
vm restart [options] <resource-group> <name>
Inicie uma máquina virtual dentro de um grupo de recursos
vm start [options] <resource-group> <name>
Fechar uma máquina virtual dentro de um grupo de recursos e libertar os recursos computacional
vm deallocate [options] <resource-group> <name>
Lista de tamanhos de máquinas virtuais disponíveis
vm sizes [options]
Capture o VM como imagem DE OS ou Imagem VM
vm capture [options] <resource-group> <name> <vhd-name-prefix>
Definir o estado do VM para generalizado
vm generalize [options] <resource-group> <name>
Obtenha a visão de exemplo do VM
vm get-instance-view [options] <resource-group> <name>
Permitir-lhe redefinir as definições de Acesso ao Ambiente de Trabalho remoto ou SSH numa Máquina Virtual e redefinir a palavra-passe para a conta que tem administrador ou autoridade de sudo
vm reset-access [options] <resource-group> <name>
Atualizar VM com novos dados
vm set [options] <resource-group> <name>
Comandos para gerir os seus discos de dados da Máquina Virtual
vm disk attach-new [options] <resource-group> <vm-name> <size-in-gb> [vhd-name]
vm disk detach [options] <resource-group> <vm-name> <lun>
vm disk attach [options] <resource-group> <vm-name> [vhd-url]
Comandos para gerir extensões de recursos VM
vm extension set [options] <resource-group> <vm-name> <name> <publisher-name> <version>
vm extension get [options] <resource-group> <vm-name>
Comandos para gerir a sua Máquina Virtual Docker
vm docker create [options] <resource-group> <name> <location> <os-type>
Comandos para gerir imagens VM
vm image list-publishers [options] <location>
vm image list-offers [options] <location> <publisher>
vm image list-skus [options] <location> <publisher> <offer>
vm image list [options] <location> <publisher> [offer] [sku]