Reporting Services Samples on CodePlex (SQL Server Reporting Services SSRS)

The CodePlex home page for all SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) samples is SQL Server Reporting Services Product Samples. All of the samples are in one download package.  If you are interested only in the standalone sample reports for Report Builder 3.0, you can download them by themselves from the Report Builder 3.0 download page on the Microsoft Download center.

CodePlex provides downloads of Reporting Services samples. The Reporting Services samples for SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services were refreshed in mid-August of 2011. Most of the programming samples not included in the earlier download are now available and included in the download ZIP file and MSIs.

The added extension samples are:
     Custom Report Item (Polygon report item)     Security Extension Sample (Forms authentication)
     Active Directory

The added application samples are:

You can download them from SQL Server Reporting Services Product Samples.
You can continue to download the samples released for SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services and SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services.    

The SQL Server 2008 R2 sample reports show the new Reporting Services features such as maps,  sparklines, indicators, text rotated 270 degrees. Here are pictures of a few of the new report samples.


It can be confusing to navigate CodePlex and find the version of the samples that you want to download. By default, the latest version of the samples shows in the Download section of the page.
To download the SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 version of the samples, click the View all downloads link in the Download section on the right side of the Web page.

If you want SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services samples, click SQL Server 2008 SR3 (SR3 indicates this is the third release of the SQL Server 2008) . If you want SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services samples, click SQL Server 2005 SP2a (the second release of the SQL Server 2005 samples).

Now you download the MSI or Zip file with the Reporting Services samples for SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008.  

If you want to go directly to the CodePlex page that provides only a specific version of the samples, use the following links:

  • SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services, go to SQL Server 2008R2 RTM Downloads for Reporting Services. Includes:
    • Report Builder 3.0 Report Samples
    • BIDS AdventureWorks 2008 R2 Report Samples
    • BIDS AdventureWorks 2008 R2 Model Sample
  • SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services, go to SQL Server 2008 R3 Downloads for Reporting Services. Includes:
    • Application Samples: AsynchronousRender Sample, FindRenderSave Sample, ReportSearch Sample, RSExplorer Sample, RSPermissions Sample
    • Extension Samples: ActiveDirectory Sample, FormsAuthentication Sample, FsiDataExtension Sample, PolygonsCustomReportItem Sample, PrinterDelivery Sample
    • Model Samples: Adventure Works Model
    • Report Samples: AdventureWorks Sample Reports, AdventureWorksOffline Sample Reports, Report Builder (1.0) Sample Reports, Server Management Sample Reports  
    • Script Samples
  • SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services, go to  SQL Server 2005 SP2A Downloads for Reporting Services. Includes:
    • Application Samples: AsynchronousRender Sample, FindRenderSave Sample, ReportSearch Sample, RSExplorer Sample
    • Extension Samples: FormsAuthentication Sample, FsiDataExtension Sample, PolygonsCustomReportItem Sample, PrinterDelivery Sample
    • Model Samples: Adventure Works Model
    • Report Samples: AdventureWorks Sample Reports, Report Builder (1.0) Sample Reports, Server Management Sample Reports  
    • Script Samples  

Troubleshooting AdventureWorks sample reports

If you cannot run the AdventureWorks sample reports, the problem is most likely that the OLTP version of the AdventureWorks database is not installed. The installation of the database failed because the instance of the SQL Server Database Engine does not meet requirements. For information about solving this problem, see Troubleshooting AdventureWorks sample reports.

CodePlex also provides downloads for the Adventure Works family of databases.   

If you want to use Contoso BI Demo Dataset for Retail Industry  data, you can download it from the Microsoft Download center. 

Embedded Reporting

New programming samples are now available for the Reporting Services Visual Studio 2010 ASP.NET version of the ReportViewer control that  you use to create embedded reporting solutions. The samples show you how to extend and customize reporting applications. For example, how to use ReportViewer with AJAX controls,  implement a custom toolbar, and customize the ReportViewer appearance.
On August 5, 2011, samples for the Visual Studio 2010 Winforms version of the ReportViewer control were released. Both the ASP.NET and the Winforms versions are available on Code Gallery. To download, go to ReportViewer Samples.