Import.Namespace Свойство


Возвращает или задает значение атрибута XML namespace элемента import.

 property System::String ^ Namespace { System::String ^ get(); void set(System::String ^ value); };
public string Namespace { get; set; }
member this.Namespace : string with get, set
Public Property Namespace As String

Значение свойства

Значение атрибута XML namespace элемента import.


// Creates an Import object with namespace and location.
Import^ CreateImport( String^ targetNamespace, String^ targetlocation )
   Import^ myImport = gcnew Import;
   myImport->Location = targetlocation;
   myImport->Namespace = targetNamespace;
   return myImport;
// Creates an Import object with namespace and location.
public static Import CreateImport(string targetNamespace,
   string targetlocation)
   Import myImport = new Import();
   myImport.Location = targetlocation;
   myImport.Namespace = targetNamespace;
   return myImport;
' Creates an Import object with namespace and location.
Public Shared Function CreateImport(targetNamespace As String, _
   targetlocation As String) As Import
   Dim myImport As New Import()
   myImport.Location = targetlocation
   myImport.Namespace = targetNamespace
   Return myImport
End Function 'CreateImport

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