<DisplayRule> (RibbonDiffXml)
Applies To: Dynamics CRM 2015
Specifies either the definition of a rule used to display a ribbon element or a reference to a DisplayRule from a command definition.
The DisplayRule element child elements are only valid when it is a grandchild of <RuleDefinitions> (RibbonDiffXml).
<CommandClientTypeRule />
<CrmClientTypeRule />
<CrmOfflineAccessStateRule />
<CrmOutlookClientTypeRule />
<CrmOutlookClientVersionRule />
<EntityPrivilegeRule />
<EntityPropertyRule />
<EntityRule />
<FormEntityContextRule />
<FormStateRule />
<FormTypeRule />
<HideForTabletExperienceRule />
<MiscellaneousPrivilegeRule /> <OptionSetRule />
<OrganizationSettingRule />
<OrRule />
<OutlookRenderTypeRule />
<OutlookVersionRule />
<PageRule />
<ReferencingAttributeRequiredRule />
<RelationshipTypeRule />
<SkuRule />
<ValueRule />
Attributes and Elements
The following table lists the attributes, child elements, and parent elements.
Attribute |
Description |
Type |
Usage |
Id |
String |
Required |
Child Elements
Element |
Description |
Specifies a rule that detects the type of presentation being used. |
Specifies a rule that detects the type of Microsoft Dynamics CRM client. |
Specifies a rule that detects the type of Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook client. |
Specifies a rule that can be used to detect whether Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook with Offline Access is currently operating offline. |
Specifies a rule that can detect the current user's permissions for a specific entity. |
Specifies a rule that can detect specific Boolean entity properties. |
Specifies a rule that can detect whether a specific entity is in context. |
Specifies a rule that can detect whether a form ribbon is displayed in the context of a specific entity. |
Specifies a rule that can detect the state of the form. |
Specifies a rule that detects the type of Microsoft Dynamics CRM form. |
Specifies a rule that will return false when the web application is viewed in a mobile browser on a tablet device. |
Specifies a rule that can detect whether the user possesses a specific Microsoft Dynamics CRM privilege. |
For internal use only. |
A rule that can detect two specific organization settings within a DisplayRule. |
A rule that contains a collection of rules so that this rule will evaluate as true if any of the rules in the collection evaluates as true. |
A rule that can detect whether a form or list item is rendered as a web page or natively in Outlook in order to determine if a ribbon element should be displayed. |
A rule that detects the version of Microsoft Office Outlook client. |
A rule that evaluates the address of the current page. |
A rule that detects whether the referencing attribute for an entity is required. |
A rule that detects whether a specific type of formal entity relationship exists between two entities. |
A rule that detects the Microsoft Dynamics CRM edition. |
A rule that detects the value of a specific field. |
Parent Elements
Element |
Description |
Contains a collection of display rules. |
The <DisplayRules> (RibbonDiffXml) element is used as a child of <RuleDefinitions> (RibbonDiffXml) and <CommandDefinition> (RibbonDiffXml). When the DisplayRule element is a grandchild of RuleDefinitions it defines a rule and supports a variety of child rule elements. When DisplayRule is a grandchild of CommandDefinition, it simply references the DisplayRule definition using the Id attribute.
Element Information
XPath |
Schema Name |
Validation File |
RibbonTypes.xsd |
Can be Empty |
When a grandchild of <CommandDefinition> (RibbonDiffXml) |
See Also
Ribbon XML reference
Customize commands and the ribbon
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