Элементы IDTSInput100

Contains the collection of columns that represents the data provided to a component in the form of PipelineBuffer objects at run time.

Тип IDTSInput100 предоставляет доступ к следующим элементам.


  Имя Описание
Открытый метод GetVirtualInput Gets the IDTSVirtualInput100 object of an IDTSInput100 object.

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  Имя Описание
Открытое свойство Buffer Gets the ID of a PipelineBuffer that is allocated for an IDTSInput100 object and provided to the component in the ProcessInput method.
Открытое свойство BufferBase Инфраструктура.
Открытое свойство Component Gets the IDTSComponentMetaData100 of an IDTSInput100 object.
Открытое свойство CustomPropertyCollection Gets the IDTSCustomPropertyCollection100 object of an IDTSInput100 object.
Открытое свойство Dangling Gets or sets a value that notifies the data flow engine that the input can be unattached.
Открытое свойство Description Gets or sets the description of an IDTSInput100 object.
Открытое свойство Description Gets or sets the description of an IDTSObject100. (Наследуется из IDTSObject100.)
Открытое свойство ErrorOrTruncationOperation Gets or sets a String that specifies the types of errors or truncations that can occur while processing a PipelineBuffer row.
Открытое свойство ErrorRowDisposition Gets or sets a value from a DTSRowDisposition enumeration that specifies how the component will handle error conditions that occur when processing a row from a PipelineBuffer object.
Открытое свойство ExternalMetadataColumnCollection Gets the collection of columns that reflects the columns in an external data source, which are used to validate an IDTSInputColumnCollection100 when the component is not connected to the external data source.
Открытое свойство HasSideEffects Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a data flow component should be removed or remain in the execution plan of a data flow task when its output is not attached to a downstream component and when the RunInOptimizedMode property of the Data Flow task is true.
Открытое свойство ID Gets or sets the ID of an IDTSInput100 object.
Открытое свойство ID Gets or sets the ID of an IDTSObject100object. (Наследуется из IDTSObject100.)
Открытое свойство IdentificationString Gets a String that uniquely identifies anIDTSInput100 object.
Открытое свойство IdentificationString Gets a string that uniquely identifies an IDTSObject100. (Наследуется из IDTSObject100.)
Открытое свойство InputColumnCollection Gets the IDTSInputColumnCollection100 of an IDTSInput100 object.
Открытое свойство IsAttached Gets a value that indicates if an IDTSInput100 is attached to an upstream component through an IDTSPath100 object.
Открытое свойство IsSorted Gets a value that indicates whether the columns in an IDTSInputColumnCollection100 are sorted.
Открытое свойство Name Gets or sets the name of an IDTSInput100 object.
Открытое свойство Name Gets or sets the name of an IDTSObject100 object. (Наследуется из IDTSObject100.)
Открытое свойство ObjectType Gets the DTSObjectType of an IDTSInput100 object.
Открытое свойство ObjectType Gets the ObjectType property of an IDTSObject100. (Наследуется из IDTSObject100.)
Открытое свойство SourceLocale Gets the locale for an IDTSInput100 object.
Открытое свойство TruncationRowDisposition Gets or sets a value that determines how the component handles truncations that occur while processing rows from a PipelineBuffer.

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