
Copies the comment from a buffer into a specified enhanced-format metafile.

BOOL AddMetaFileComment(
   UINT nDataSize,
   const BYTE* pCommentData 


  • nDataSize
    Specifies the length of the comment buffer, in bytes.

  • pCommentData
    Points to the buffer that contains the comment.

Возвращаемое значение

Nonzero if the function is successful; otherwise 0.


A comment may include any private information — for example, the source of the picture and the date it was created. A comment should begin with an application signature, followed by the data. Comments should not contain position-specific data. Position-specific data specifies the location of a record, and it should not be included because one metafile may be embedded within another metafile. This function can only be used with enhanced metafiles.


Header: afxwin.h

См. также

Основные понятия

CDC Class

CDC Members

Hierarchy Chart

