These functions are the standard CObject constructors.
CObject( );
CObject( const CObject& objectSrc );
- objectSrc
A reference to another CObject
The default version is automatically called by the constructor of your derived class.
If your class is serializable (it incorporates the IMPLEMENT_SERIAL macro), then you must have a default constructor (a constructor with no arguments) in your class declaration. If you do not need a default constructor, declare a private or protected "empty" constructor. For more information, see Using CObject.
The standard C++ default class copy constructor does a member-by-member copy. The presence of the private CObject copy constructor guarantees a compiler error message if the copy constructor of your class is needed but not available. You must therefore provide a copy constructor if your class requires this capability.
See CObList::CObList for a listing of the CAge class used in the CObject examples.
// Create a CAge object using the default constructor.
CAge age1;
// Create a CAge object using the copy constructor.
CAge age2(age1);
Header: afx.h