Partition File Status Check Type

An enum class containing the incremental partition types in CDM.


PartitionFileStatusCheckType is available in SDK version >= 1.6.0.

public enum PartitionFileStatusCheckType
  • Full: SDK only updates the non-incremental partition objects and non-incremental partition pattern objects when calling FetchObjectAsync with PartitionFileStatusCheckType.Full. This is the default behavior.
  • Incremental: SDK only updates the incremental partition objects and incremental partition pattern objects when calling FetchObjectAsync with PartitionFileStatusCheckType.Incremental.
  • FullAndIncremental: SDK updates both non-incremental and incremental partition objects, as well as non-incremental and incremental partition pattern objects when calling FetchObjectAsync with PartitionFileStatusCheckType.FullAndIncremental.
  • None: SDK only refreshes the last update time of the entity definition document.