_putch, _putwch

Writes a character to the console.


This API cannot be used in applications that execute in the Windows Runtime. For more information, see CRT functions not supported in Universal Windows Platform apps.


int _putch(
   int c

wint_t _putwch(
   wchar_t c


Character to be output.

Return value

Returns c if successful. If _putch fails, it returns EOF; if _putwch fails, it returns WEOF.


These functions write the character c directly, without buffering, to the console. In Windows NT, _putwch writes Unicode characters using the current console locale setting.

The versions with the _nolock suffix are identical except that they aren't protected from interference by other threads. For more information, see _putch_nolock, _putwch_nolock.

By default, this function's global state is scoped to the application. To change this behavior, see Global state in the CRT.

Generic-text routine mappings

Tchar.h routine _UNICODE and _MBCS not defined _MBCS defined _UNICODE defined
_puttch _putch _putch _putwch


Routine Required header
_putch <conio.h>
_putwch <conio.h>

For more compatibility information, see Compatibility.


All versions of the C run-time libraries.


See the example for _getch.

See also

Console and port I/O
_cprintf, _cprintf_l, _cwprintf, _cwprintf_l
_getch, _getwch