IWithPorts<ParentT>.WithExternalUdpPorts(Int32[]) Method


Specifies the container's UDP ports available to external clients. A public IP address will be create to allow external clients to reach the containers within the group. To enable external clients to reach a container within the group, you must expose the port on the IP address and from the container. Because containers within the group share a port namespace, port mapping is not supported.

public Microsoft.Azure.Management.ContainerInstance.Fluent.ContainerGroup.Definition.IWithPortsOrContainerInstanceAttach<ParentT> WithExternalUdpPorts (params int[] ports);
abstract member WithExternalUdpPorts : int[] -> Microsoft.Azure.Management.ContainerInstance.Fluent.ContainerGroup.Definition.IWithPortsOrContainerInstanceAttach<'ParentT>
Public Function WithExternalUdpPorts (ParamArray ports As Integer()) As IWithPortsOrContainerInstanceAttach(Of ParentT)



Array of UDP ports to be exposed externally.


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