How to: Brand a VSPackage (C++)

To appear in the Help About dialog box and the splash screen, VSPackages must implement the IVsInstalledProduct interface. Doing this provides the following information to Visual Studio:

  • Name

  • ID, such as serial or version number

  • Information

  • Logo icon

The IVsInstalledProductImpl class takes template parameters for that information. Each template parameter is an ID. The first three are IDs of string resources and the fourth is the resource ID of an icon.


The following class declaration for the VSPackage class is from the Visual Studio Extensibility Samples.

class ATL_NO_VTABLE BasicPackage : 
  public IVsInstalledProductImpl<

To test your VSPackage, see How to: Test the Help About and Splash Screens.

See Also

Other Resources

VSPackage Branding