Defines several template classes that describe objects based on template class codecvt. These objects can serve as locale facets that control conversions between a sequence of values of type Elem and a sequence of values of type char.
#include <codecvt>
The locale facets declared in this header convert between several character encodings. For wide characters (stored within the program in fixed-size integers):
UCS-4 is Unicode (ISO 10646) encoded within the program
UCS-4 is Unicode (ISO 10646) encoded within the program as a 32-bit integer.
UCS-2 is Unicode encoded within the program
UCS-2 is Unicode encoded within the program as a 16-bit integer.
UTF-16 is Unicode encoded within the program as either one
UTF-16 is Unicode encoded within the program as either one or two 16-bit integers. (Note that this does not meet all the requirements of a valid wide-character encoding for Standard C or Standard C++. Nevertheless it is widely used as such.)
For byte streams (stored in a file, transmitted as a byte sequence, or stored within the program in an array of char):
UTF-8 is Unicode encoded
UTF-8 is Unicode encoded within a byte stream as one or more eight-bit bytes with a deterministic byte order.
UTF-16LE is Unicode encoded
UTF-16LE is Unicode encoded within a byte stream as UTF-16 with each 16-bit integer presented as two eight-bit bytes, less significant byte first.
UTF-16BE is Unicode encoded
UTF-16BE is Unicode encoded within a byte stream as UTF-16 with each 16-bit integer presented as two eight-bit bytes, more significant byte first.
Specifies configuration information for locale facets. |
Represents a locale facet that converts between wide characters encoded as UCS-2 or UCS-4, and a byte stream encoded as UTF-8. |
Represents a locale facet that converts between wide characters encoded as UTF-16 and a byte stream encoded as UTF-8. |
Represents a locale facet that converts between wide characters encoded as UCS-2 or UCS-4 and a byte stream encoded as UTF-16LE or UTF-16BE. |
Header: <codecvt>
Namespace: stdt