Web Deploy fcgiExtConfig Provider
Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XP
The fcgiExtConfig provider imports FastCGI configuration settings into IIS 7 configuration.
msdeploy –verb:sync –source:fcgiextConfig=ini –dest:fcgiextConfig=apphost
The fcgiExtConfig provider synchronizes the settings of a FastCGI Fcgiext.ini file to the <system.webServer/fastcgi> section of the IIS 7 ApplicationHost.config file.
The provider takes an argument of either ini or apphost. If you specify ini, FastCGI configuration is read from the path %windir%\system32\inetsrv\fcgiext.ini. On 64–bit systems that have the Enable32BitAppOnWin64 application pool property enabled, the Fcgiext.ini file is read from the %windir%\system32\inetsrv directory (not from %windir%\syswow64\inetsrv). If you specify the apphost argument, FastCGI configuration is read from the <fastcgi> section of the ApplicationHost.config file.
In a dump operation, when you specify apphost, the fcgiExtConfig provider returns the paths to the elements of the FastCGI configuration in the <system.webServer/fastCgi> section of the Applicationhost.config file. If you specify the ini argument, the provider returns the configuration settings from the Fcgiext.ini file. If you specify the -xml operation setting, the results are returned in XML format and include attribute information.
In a sync operation, the contents of the Fcgiext.ini file can be synchronized to the <fastCgi> section of ApplicationHost.config or to a package (.zip) file. Synchronization from ini source to an apphost destination is supported, but synchronization from an apphost source to an ini destination is not. FastCGI ISAPI version 1.0 can be synchronized to either IIS 7.0 or IIS 7.5. FastCGI ISAPI 1.5 can be synchronized only to IIS 7.5.
Attribute mappings
The following table lists the Fcgiext.ini configuration settings and the attributes to which they are mapped by the fcgiExtConfig provider.
In a sync operation, all of the ExePath entries must be unique, or the synchronization will fail.
Fcgiext.ini setting | IIS fastCgi attribute |
ActivityTimeout |
activityTimeout |
Arguments |
arguments |
EnvironmentVars |
environmentVariables |
ExePath |
fullPath |
FlushNamedPipe |
flushNamedPipe |
IdleTimeout |
idleTimeout |
IgnoreDirectories |
(not mapped) |
IgnoreExistingFiles |
(not mapped) |
InstanceMaxRequests |
instanceMaxRequests |
MaxInstances |
maxInstances |
Protocol |
protocol |
QueueLength |
queueLength |
RapidFailsPerMinute |
rapidFailsPerMinute |
RequestTimeout |
requestTimeout |
ResponseBufferLimit |
(not mapped) |
UnhealthyOnQueueFull |
(not mapped) |
For information about how to configure these attributes in IIS 7, see FastCGI <fastCgi>.
Example Usages
1) Display the contents of the Fcgiext.ini file.
msdeploy –verb:dump –source:fcgiextConfig=ini
2) Display the contents of the <fastCgi> section of the ApplicationHost.config file in XML format.
msdeploy –verb:dump –source:fcgiextConfig=apphost –xml
3) Synchronize the contents of the Fcgiext.ini file to a package file.
msdeploy –verb:sync –source:fcgiextConfig=ini –dest:package=fcgiextSettings.zip
4) Synchronize the contents of the Fcgiext.ini file to the <fastCgi> section of the ApplicationHost.config file.
msdeploy –verb:sync –source:fcgiextConfig=ini –dest:fcgiextConfig=apphost