getColumns Method (SQLServerDatabaseMetaData)
Retrieves a description of the table columns that are available in the specified catalog.
public java.sql.ResultSet getColumns(java.lang.String catalog,
java.lang.String schema,
java.lang.String table,
java.lang.String col)
A String that contains the catalog name.
A String that contains the schema name pattern.
A String that contains the table name pattern.
A String that contains the column name pattern.
Return Value
A SQLServerResultSet object.
This getColumns method is specified by the getColumns method in the java.sql.DatabaseMetaData interface.
The result set returned by the getColumns method will contain the following information:
Name | Type | Description |
TABLE_CAT | String | The catalog name. |
TABLE_SCHEM | String | The table schema name. |
TABLE_NAME | String | The table name. |
COLUMN_NAME | String | The column name. |
DATA_TYPE | smallint | The SQL data type from java.sql.Types. |
TYPE_NAME | String | The name of the data type. |
COLUMN_SIZE | int | The precision of the column. |
BUFFER_LENGTH | smallint | Transfer size of the data. |
DECIMAL_DIGITS | smallint | The scale of the column. |
NUM_PREC_RADIX | smallint | The radix of the column. |
NULLABLE | smallint | Indicates if the column is nullable. It can be one of the following values: columnNoNulls (0) columnNullable (1) |
REMARKS | String | The comments associated with the column. Note: SQL Server always returns null for this column. |
COLUMN_DEF | String | The default value of the column. |
SQL_DATA_TYPE | smallint | Value of the SQL data type as it appears in the TYPE field of the descriptor. This column is the same as the DATA_TYPE column, except for the datetime and SQL-92 interval data types. This column always returns a value. |
SQL_DATETIME_SUB | smallint | Subtype code for datetime and SQL-92 interval data types. For other data types, this column returns NULL. |
CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH | int | The maximum number of bytes in the column. |
ORDINAL_POSITION | int | The index of the column within the table. |
IS_NULLABLE | String | Indicates if the column allows null values. |
SS_IS_SPARSE | smallint | If the column is a sparse column, this has the value 1; otherwise, 0.1 |
SS_IS_COLUMN_SET | smallint | If the column is the sparse column_set column, this has the value 1; otherwise, 0. 1 |
SS_IS_COMPUTED | smallint | Indicates if a column in a TABLE_TYPE is a computed column. 1 |
IS_AUTOINCREMENT | String | "YES" if the column is auto incremented. "NO" if the column is not auto incremented. "" (empty string) if the driver cannot determine if the column is auto incremented. 1 |
SS_UDT_CATALOG_NAME | String | The name of the catalog that contains the user-defined type (UDT). 1 |
SS_UDT_SCHEMA_NAME | String | The name of the schema that contains the user-defined type (UDT). 1 |
SS_UDT_ASSEMBLY_TYPE_NAME | String | The fully-qualified name user-defined type (UDT). 1 |
SS_XML_SCHEMACOLLECTION_CATALOG_NAME | String | The name of the catalog where an XML schema collection name is defined. If the catalog name cannot be found, this variable contains an empty string. 1 |
SS_XML_SCHEMACOLLECTION_SCHEMA_NAME | String | The name of the schema where an XML schema collection name is defined. If the schema name cannot be found, this is an empty string. 1 |
SS_XML_SCHEMACOLLECTION_NAME | String | The name of an XML schema collection. If the name cannot be found, this is an empty string. 1 |
SS_DATA_TYPE | tinyint | The SQL Server data type that is used by extended stored procedures. Note For more information about the data types returned by SQL Server, see "Data Types (Transact-SQL)" in SQL Server Books Online. |
(1) This column will not be present if you are connecting to SQL Server 2005 (9.x).
For more information about the data returned by the getColumns method, see "sp_columns (Transact-SQL)" in SQL Server Books Online.
In the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver 3.0, you will see the following behavior changes from earlier versions of the JDBC Driver:
The DATA_TYPE column has the following changes:
SQL Server Data Type | Return Type in JDBC Driver 2.0 (or, if connected to SQL Server 2005 (9.x)) and Associated Numeric Constant | Return Type in JDBC Driver 3.0 when connected to SQL Server 2008 (10.0.x) and later versions |
user-defined type larger than 8 kB | LONGVARBINARY (-4) | VARBINARY (-3) |
geography | LONGVARBINARY (-4) | VARBINARY (-3) |
geometry | LONGVARBINARY (-4) | VARBINARY (-3) |
varbinary(max) | LONGVARBINARY (-4) | VARBINARY (-3) |
nvarchar(max) | LONGVARCHAR (-1) or LONGNVARCHAR (JDBC 4) (-16) | VARCHAR (12) or NVARCHAR (JDBC 4) (-9) |
varchar(max) | LONGVARCHAR (-1) | VARCHAR (12) |
time | VARCHAR (12) or NVARCHAR (JDBC 4) (-9) | TIME (-154) |
date | VARCHAR (12) or NVARCHAR (JDBC 4) (-9) | DATE (91) |
datetime2 | VARCHAR (12) or NVARCHAR (JDBC 4) (-9) | TIMESTAMP (93) |
datetimeoffset | VARCHAR (12) or NVARCHAR (JDBC 4) (-9) | microsoft.sql.Types.DATETIMEOFFSET (-155) |
The COLUMN_SIZE column has the following changes:
SQL Server Data Type | Return Type in JDBC Driver 2.0 | Return Type in JDBC Driver 3.0 |
nvarchar(max) | 1073741823 | 2147483647 (database metadata) |
xml | 1073741823 | 2147483647 (database metadata) |
user-defined type less than or equal to 8 kB | 8 kB (result set and parameter metadata) | Actual size returned by the stored procedure. |
time | The length in characters of the string representation of the type, assuming the maximum allowed precision of the fractional seconds' component. | |
date | same as time | |
datetime2 | same as time | |
datetimeoffset | same as time |
The BUFFER_LENGTH column has the following change:
SQL Server Data Type | Return Type in JDBC Driver 2.0 | Return Type in JDBC Driver 3.0 |
user-defined type larger than 8 kB | 2147483647 |
The TYPE_NAME column has the following changes:
SQL Server Data Type | Return Type in JDBC Driver 2.0 | Return Type in JDBC Driver 3.0 |
varchar(max) | text | varchar |
varbinary(max) | image | varbinary |
The DECIMAL_DIGITS column has the following changes:
SQL Server Type | JDBC Driver 2.0 | JDBC Driver 3.0 |
time | null | 7 (or smaller if specified) |
date | null | null |
datetime2 | null | 7 (or smaller if specified) |
datetimeoffset | null | 7 (or smaller if specified) |
The SQL_DATA_TYPE column has the following changes:
SQL Server Data Type | SQL Server 2008 Data Value in JDBC Driver 2.0 | SQL Server 2008 Data Value in JDBC Driver 3.0 |
varchar(max) | -10 | -9 |
nvarchar(max) | -1 | -9 |
xml | -10 | -152 |
user-defined type less than or equal to 8 kB | -3 | -151 |
user-defined type larger than 8 kB | Not available in JDBC Driver 2.0 | -151 |
geography | -4 | -151 |
geometry | -4 | -151 |
hierarchyid | -4 | -151 |
time | -9 | 92 |
date | -9 | 91 |
datetime2 | -9 | 93 |
datetimeoffset | -9 | -155 |
The following example demonstrates how to use the getColumns method to return information for the Person.Contact table in the AdventureWorks2022 sample database.
import java.sql.*;
public class c1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String connectionUrl = "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;encrypt=true;databaseName=AdventureWorks;integratedsecurity=true";
Connection con = null;
Statement stmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
con = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl);
DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();
rs = dbmd.getColumns("AdventureWorks", "Person", "Contact", "FirstName");
ResultSet r = dbmd.getColumns(null, null, "Contact", null);
ResultSetMetaData rm = r.getMetaData();
int noofcols = rm.getColumnCount();
if (
for (int i = 0 ; i < noofcols ; i++ )
System.out.println(rm.getColumnName( i + 1 ) + ": \t\t" + r.getString( i + 1 ));
catch (Exception e) {}
finally {}
See Also
SQLServerDatabaseMetaData Methods
SQLServerDatabaseMetaData Members
SQLServerDatabaseMetaData Class