Retrieving a WMI Instance
Retrieving an instance is one of the most common retrieval procedures you are likely to perform in WMI. You can retrieve an existing instance or create a new unnamed instance. The WMI path to the existing instance is a required parameter. For more information, see Describing the Location of a WMI Object.
When providing an instance, a provider may be unable to provide a value for certain properties. Unless otherwise stated in the property description, you cannot infer any meaning from an empty value. This is not to be confused with a string which has a NULL value. In this case, the value is populated. It is empty but has a value: NULL.
Retrieve a local copy of the instance with a call to the PowerShell Get-WmiObject cmdlet.
To retrieve an instance of a WMI class using PowerShell
You can retrieve specific instances using the -class and -filter parameters.
Get-WmiObject -query "SELECT * FROM Win32_logicalDisk WHERE DeviceID = 'C:'"
You can retrieve a WMI instance using C# by creating a search object using CimInstance, and then filling it with the relevant key values, and then searching for that object with a CimSession.GetInstance call.
To retrieve an instance of a WMI class using C# (Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure)
Using the Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure namespace, create a new CimInstance object with the relevant class name and namespace.
using Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure; ... string Namespace = @"root\cimv2"; string className = "Win32_LogicalDisk"; CimInstance myDrive = new CimInstance(className, Namespace);
Create a CimProperty that contains the name and value of the key property of the instance you wish to search for, and add that property to your class object.
myDrive.CimInstanceProperties.Add(CimProperty.Create("DeviceID", "C:", CimFlags.Key));
Retrieve the object from WMI with a CimSession.GetInstance call.
CimSession mySession = CimSession.Create("localhost"); CimInstance searchInstance = mySession.GetInstance(Namespace, myDrive);
You can retrieve either a specific WMI class instance, or a collection of WMI class instances, using classes in the System.Management namespace.
System.Management was the original .NET namespace used to access WMI; however, the APIs in this namespace generally are slower and do not scale as well relative to their more modern Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure counterparts.
To retrieve an instance of a WMI class using C# (System.Management)
Retrieve a local copy of a specific instance by creating a new ManagementObject, with the name and specific instance value passed in though the ManagementPath parameter. You can then retrieve the instance data by explicitly calling ManagementObject.Get.
using System.Management; ... ManagementObject objInst = new ManagementObject("Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID='C:'"); objInst.Get();
Alternately, you can retrieve all instances of a WMI class by searching for them with a ManagementObjectSearcher, and then enumerating through the returned ManagementObjectCollection.
using System.Management; ... ManagementObjectSearcher mgmtObjSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk"); ManagementObjectCollection colDisks = mgmtObjSearcher.Get(); foreach (ManagementObject objDisk in colDisks) { Console.WriteLine("Device ID : {0}", objDisk["DeviceID"]); } Console.ReadLine();
You can implicitly call the Get method by accessing the instance. For more information, see Retrieving Part of a WMI Instance.
Retrieve a local copy of the instance with a call to the VBScript GetObject method.
To retrieve an instance of a WMI class using VBScript
Call GetObject with the object path of the instance as shown in the following example.
Set objinst = GetObject("WinMgmts:Win32_LogicalDisk='C:'")
Retrieving a specific instance requires giving a name as part of the object path.
In C++, call IWbemServices::GetObject.
To retrieve an instance of a WMI class using C++
Retrieve a local copy of the instance with a call to IWbemServices::GetObject or IWbemServices::GetObjectAsync. The WMI path to the object must be included.
As the name implies, GetObjectAsync retrieves the instance asynchronously, while GetObject retrieves the instance synchronously. If you want to use asynchronous retrieval, you must implement the IWbemObjectSink interface.