New-AzureStorageShare : The given share name/prefix 'Sampleshare' is not a valid name for a file share of Microsoft Azure File Service.
After struggling with this unhelpful error for a few minutes I finally figured out what it...
Date: 09/12/2014
Moving an existing Virtual Machine into a Virtual Network Subnet without losing your virtual hard disk (or your mind)
I often suggest that once you get onto Windows Azure, before you create any Virtual machines, make...
Date: 12/13/2013
Failed to delete Storage account 'xyz07bgys83j7hk'.
I was playing around with Windows Azure Virtual Machines the last couple of days and after deleting...
Date: 10/18/2012
Look mom, no plugins - HTML 5 sites that Rock!
I was watching some screencasts on HTML 5 and I wanted to share some samples that highlight the...
Date: 06/16/2011