SortedList.GetKeyList Yöntem


Nesnedeki SortedList anahtarları alır.

 virtual System::Collections::IList ^ GetKeyList();
public virtual System.Collections.IList GetKeyList ();
abstract member GetKeyList : unit -> System.Collections.IList
override this.GetKeyList : unit -> System.Collections.IList
Public Overridable Function GetKeyList () As IList


IList Nesnedeki SortedList anahtarları içeren bir nesne.


Aşağıdaki kod örneği, bir SortedList nesnedeki anahtarların veya değerlerin nasıl alınıyor olduğunu gösterir.

#using <system.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
int main()
   // Creates and initializes a new SortedList.
   SortedList^ mySL = gcnew SortedList;
   mySL->Add( 1.3, "fox" );
   mySL->Add( 1.4, "jumps" );
   mySL->Add( 1.5, "over" );
   mySL->Add( 1.2, "brown" );
   mySL->Add( 1.1, "quick" );
   mySL->Add( 1.0, "The" );
   mySL->Add( 1.6, "the" );
   mySL->Add( 1.8, "dog" );
   mySL->Add( 1.7, "lazy" );
   // Gets the key and the value based on the index.
   int myIndex = 3;
   Console::WriteLine( "The key   at index {0} is {1}.", myIndex, mySL->GetKey( myIndex ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "The value at index {0} is {1}.", myIndex, mySL->GetByIndex( myIndex ) );
   // Gets the list of keys and the list of values.
   IList^ myKeyList = mySL->GetKeyList();
   IList^ myValueList = mySL->GetValueList();
   // Prints the keys in the first column and the values in the second column.
   Console::WriteLine( "\t-KEY-\t-VALUE-" );
   for ( int i = 0; i < mySL->Count; i++ )
      Console::WriteLine( "\t{0}\t{1}", myKeyList[ i ], myValueList[ i ] );

This code produces the following output.

The key   at index 3 is 1.3.
The value at index 3 is fox.
        -KEY-   -VALUE-
        1       The
        1.1     quick
        1.2     brown
        1.3     fox
        1.4     jumps
        1.5     over
        1.6     the
        1.7     lazy
        1.8     dog
using System;
using System.Collections;
public class SamplesSortedList  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates and initializes a new SortedList.
      SortedList mySL = new SortedList();
      mySL.Add( 1.3, "fox" );
      mySL.Add( 1.4, "jumps" );
      mySL.Add( 1.5, "over" );
      mySL.Add( 1.2, "brown" );
      mySL.Add( 1.1, "quick" );
      mySL.Add( 1.0, "The" );
      mySL.Add( 1.6, "the" );
      mySL.Add( 1.8, "dog" );
      mySL.Add( 1.7, "lazy" );

      // Gets the key and the value based on the index.
      int myIndex=3;
      Console.WriteLine( "The key   at index {0} is {1}.", myIndex, mySL.GetKey( myIndex ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "The value at index {0} is {1}.", myIndex, mySL.GetByIndex( myIndex ) );

      // Gets the list of keys and the list of values.
      IList myKeyList = mySL.GetKeyList();
      IList myValueList = mySL.GetValueList();

      // Prints the keys in the first column and the values in the second column.
      Console.WriteLine( "\t-KEY-\t-VALUE-" );
      for ( int i = 0; i < mySL.Count; i++ )
         Console.WriteLine( "\t{0}\t{1}", myKeyList[i], myValueList[i] );
This code produces the following output.

The key   at index 3 is 1.3.
The value at index 3 is fox.
    -KEY-    -VALUE-
    1    The
    1.1    quick
    1.2    brown
    1.3    fox
    1.4    jumps
    1.5    over
    1.6    the
    1.7    lazy
    1.8    dog
Imports System.Collections

Public Class SamplesSortedList
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' Creates and initializes a new SortedList.
        Dim mySL As New SortedList()
        mySL.Add(1.3, "fox")
        mySL.Add(1.4, "jumps")
        mySL.Add(1.5, "over")
        mySL.Add(1.2, "brown")
        mySL.Add(1.1, "quick")
        mySL.Add(1.0, "The")
        mySL.Add(1.6, "the")
        mySL.Add(1.8, "dog")
        mySL.Add(1.7, "lazy")
        ' Gets the key and the value based on the index.
        Dim myIndex As Integer = 3
        Console.WriteLine("The key   at index {0} is {1}.", myIndex, _
        Console.WriteLine("The value at index {0} is {1}.", myIndex, _
        ' Gets the list of keys and the list of values.
        Dim myKeyList As IList = mySL.GetKeyList()
        Dim myValueList As IList = mySL.GetValueList()
        ' Prints the keys in the first column and the values in the second column.
        Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab & "-KEY-" & ControlChars.Tab & _
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To mySL.Count - 1
            Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab & "{0}" & ControlChars.Tab & _
               "{1}", myKeyList(i), myValueList(i))
        Next i
    End Sub
End Class

' This code produces the following output.
' The key   at index 3 is 1.3.
' The value at index 3 is fox.
'     -KEY-    -VALUE-
'     1    The
'     1.1    quick
'     1.2    brown
'     1.3    fox
'     1.4    jumps
'     1.5    over
'     1.6    the
'     1.7    lazy
'     1.8    dog


Döndürülen IList nesne, nesnenin anahtarlarının SortedList salt okunur bir görünümüdür. Temel alınan SortedList üzerinde yapılan değişiklikler hemen öğesine IListyansıtılır.

Döndürülen IList öğelerinin anahtarları SortedListile aynı sırada sıralanır.

Bu yöntem özelliğine Keys benzer, ancak nesne yerine bir ICollection nesne döndürürIList.

Bu yöntem bir O(1) işlemdir.

Şunlara uygulanır

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