DoWorkEventArgs.Result Özellik


Zaman uyumsuz bir işlemin sonucunu temsil eden bir değeri alır veya ayarlar.

 property System::Object ^ Result { System::Object ^ get(); void set(System::Object ^ value); };
public object Result { get; set; }
public object? Result { get; set; }
member this.Result : obj with get, set
Public Property Result As Object

Özellik Değeri

Object Zaman uyumsuz bir işlemin sonucunu temsil eden.


Aşağıdaki kod örneği, olayı işlemek DoWork için sınıfının nasıl kullanılacağını DoWorkEventArgs gösterir. Tam kod listesi için bkz . Nasıl yapılır: Arka Planda İşlem Çalıştırma.

private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
    // Do not access the form's BackgroundWorker reference directly.
    // Instead, use the reference provided by the sender parameter.
    BackgroundWorker bw = sender as BackgroundWorker;

    // Extract the argument.
    int arg = (int)e.Argument;

    // Start the time-consuming operation.
    e.Result = TimeConsumingOperation(bw, arg);

    // If the operation was canceled by the user, 
    // set the DoWorkEventArgs.Cancel property to true.
    if (bw.CancellationPending)
        e.Cancel = true;
Private Sub backgroundWorker1_DoWork( _
sender As Object, e As DoWorkEventArgs) _
Handles backgroundWorker1.DoWork

   ' Do not access the form's BackgroundWorker reference directly.
   ' Instead, use the reference provided by the sender parameter.
   Dim bw As BackgroundWorker = CType( sender, BackgroundWorker )
   ' Extract the argument.
   Dim arg As Integer = Fix(e.Argument)
   ' Start the time-consuming operation.
   e.Result = TimeConsumingOperation(bw, arg)
   ' If the operation was canceled by the user, 
   ' set the DoWorkEventArgs.Cancel property to true.
   If bw.CancellationPending Then
      e.Cancel = True
   End If

End Sub

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