InstallerCollection.Item[Int32] Özellik


Belirtilen dizinde bir yükleyici alır veya ayarlar.

 property System::Configuration::Install::Installer ^ default[int] { System::Configuration::Install::Installer ^ get(int index); void set(int index, System::Configuration::Install::Installer ^ value); };
public System.Configuration.Install.Installer this[int index] { get; set; }
member this.Item(int) : System.Configuration.Install.Installer with get, set
Default Public Property Item(index As Integer) As Installer



Alınacak veya ayarlanacağı yükleyicinin sıfır tabanlı dizini.

Özellik Değeri

Installer Belirtilen dizindeki yükleyiciyi temsil eden bir.


Aşağıdaki örnek ve MyAssembly2.exeiçin MyAssembly1.exe örnekler oluştururAssemblyInstaller. Bu örnekler öğesine TransactedInstallereklenir. Yüklenecek tüm derlemelerin adları konsolda görüntülenir. Yükleme işlemi hem hem MyAssembly2.exede MyAssembly1.exe yükler.

TransactedInstaller^ myTransactedInstaller = gcnew TransactedInstaller;
AssemblyInstaller^ myAssemblyInstaller;
InstallContext^ myInstallContext;

// Create a instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' that installs 'MyAssembly1.exe'.
myAssemblyInstaller = gcnew AssemblyInstaller( "MyAssembly1.exe",nullptr );

// Add the instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' to the 'TransactedInstaller'.
myTransactedInstaller->Installers->Add( myAssemblyInstaller );

// Create a instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' that installs 'MyAssembly2.exe'.
myAssemblyInstaller = gcnew AssemblyInstaller( "MyAssembly2.exe",nullptr );

// Add the instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' to the 'TransactedInstaller'.
myTransactedInstaller->Installers->Add( myAssemblyInstaller );

//Print the assemblies to be installed.
InstallerCollection^ myInstallers = myTransactedInstaller->Installers;
Console::WriteLine( "\nPrinting all assemblies to be installed" );
for ( int i = 0; i < myInstallers->Count; i++ )
   if ( dynamic_cast<AssemblyInstaller^>(myInstallers[ i ]) )
      Console::WriteLine( "{0} {1}", i + 1, safe_cast<AssemblyInstaller^>(myInstallers[ i ])->Path );
TransactedInstaller myTransactedInstaller = new TransactedInstaller();
AssemblyInstaller myAssemblyInstaller;
InstallContext myInstallContext;

// Create a instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' that installs 'MyAssembly1.exe'.
myAssemblyInstaller =
   new AssemblyInstaller("MyAssembly1.exe", null);

// Add the instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' to the 'TransactedInstaller'.

// Create a instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' that installs 'MyAssembly2.exe'.
myAssemblyInstaller =
   new AssemblyInstaller("MyAssembly2.exe", null);

// Add the instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' to the 'TransactedInstaller'.

//Print the assemblies to be installed.
InstallerCollection myInstallers = myTransactedInstaller.Installers;
Console.WriteLine("\nPrinting all assemblies to be installed");
for(int i = 0; i < myInstallers.Count; i++)
      Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", i + 1,
Dim myTransactedInstaller As New TransactedInstaller()
Dim myAssemblyInstaller As AssemblyInstaller
Dim myInstallContext As InstallContext

' Create a instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' that installs 'MyAssembly1.exe'.
myAssemblyInstaller = New AssemblyInstaller("MyAssembly1.exe", Nothing)

' Add the instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' to the 'TransactedInstaller'.

' Create a instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' that installs 'MyAssembly2.exe'.
myAssemblyInstaller = New AssemblyInstaller("MyAssembly2.exe", Nothing)

' Add the instance of 'AssemblyInstaller' to the 'TransactedInstaller'.  

'Print the assemblies to be installed.
Dim myInstallers As InstallerCollection = myTransactedInstaller.Installers
Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Newline + "Printing all assemblies to be installed")
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To myInstallers.Count - 1
   If myInstallers(i).GetType().Equals(GetType(AssemblyInstaller)) Then
      Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", i + 1, CType(myInstallers(i), AssemblyInstaller).Path)
   End If
Next i


belirtilen içine yerleştirildiğinde InstallerCollectionöğesinin InstallerParent özelliği, koleksiyonu içeren değerine ayarlanırInstaller.Installer

Şunlara uygulanır

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