DirectoryEntry.Guid Özellik


GUID değerini DirectoryEntryalır.

 property Guid Guid { Guid get(); };
public Guid Guid { get; }
public Guid Guid { get; }
member this.Guid : Guid
member this.Guid : Guid
Public ReadOnly Property Guid As Guid

Özellik Değeri

Guid GUID DirectoryEntrydeğerini temsil eden bir yapı.



Aşağıdaki örnekte sınıfının ve NativeGuid özellikleri gösterilmektedir.GuidDirectoryEntry Bu örnek, kullanıcı tarafından belirtileni DirectoryEntry alır ve ve GuidNativeGuid özelliklerini görüntüler.

Dim myADSPath As [String] = "LDAP://onecity/CN=Users,DC=onecity,DC=corp,DC=fabrikam,DC=com"  
Dim myDirectoryEntry As New DirectoryEntry(myADSPath)  

' Display the Guid and NativeGuid.  
Console.WriteLine("The GUID of the ADS object:" + myDirectoryEntry.Guid.ToString)  
Console.WriteLine("The Native GUID of the ADS" + "object:" + myDirectoryEntry.NativeGuid)  
String myADSPath = "LDAP://onecity/CN=Users,DC=onecity,DC=corp,DC=fabrikam,DC=com";  
DirectoryEntry myDirectoryEntry=new DirectoryEntry(myADSPath);  

// Display the Guid and NativeGuid.  
Console.WriteLine("The GUID of the ADS object:"+  
Console.WriteLine("The Native GUID of the ADS"+  
String^ myADSPath = "LDAP://onecity/CN=Users,DC=onecity,DC=corp,DC=fabrikam,DC=com";  
DirectoryEntry^ myDirectoryEntry = gcnew DirectoryEntry(myADSPath);  

// Display the Guid and NativeGuid.  
Console::WriteLine("The GUID of the ADS object: {0}", myDirectoryEntry->Guid);  
Console::WriteLine("The Native GUID of the ADS object: {0}",  


Active Directory Domain Services bir nesneye bağlanırken özelliğini kullanınNativeGuid.

Şunlara uygulanır

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