IMessage.Properties Özellik


İletinin özelliklerinin bir koleksiyonunu temsil eden bir IDictionary alır.

 property System::Collections::IDictionary ^ Properties { System::Collections::IDictionary ^ get(); };
public System.Collections.IDictionary Properties { get; }
public System.Collections.IDictionary Properties { [System.Security.SecurityCritical] get; }
member this.Properties : System.Collections.IDictionary
[<get: System.Security.SecurityCritical>]
member this.Properties : System.Collections.IDictionary
Public ReadOnly Property Properties As IDictionary

Özellik Değeri

İletinin özelliklerinin bir koleksiyonunu temsil eden sözlük.


Özel durumlar

Hemen çağıran, arabirimine bir başvuru aracılığıyla çağrı yapar ve altyapı iznine sahip değildir.


Console::WriteLine( "Message Properties" );
IDictionary^ myDictionary = myMesg->Properties;
IDictionaryEnumerator^ myEnum = dynamic_cast<IDictionaryEnumerator^>(myDictionary->GetEnumerator());
while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
   Object^ myKey = myEnum->Key;
   String^ myKeyName = myKey->ToString();
   Object^ myValue = myEnum->Value;
   Console::WriteLine( "{0} : {1}", myKeyName, myEnum->Value );
   if ( myKeyName->Equals( "__Args" ) )
      array<Object^>^myArgs = (array<Object^>^)myValue;
      for ( int myInt = 0; myInt < myArgs->Length; myInt++ )
         Console::WriteLine( "arg: {0} myValue: {1}", myInt, myArgs[ myInt ] );

   if ( (myKeyName->Equals( "__MethodSignature" )) && (nullptr != myValue) )
      array<Object^>^myArgs = (array<Object^>^)myValue;
      for ( int myInt = 0; myInt < myArgs->Length; myInt++ )
         Console::WriteLine( "arg: {0} myValue: {1}", myInt, myArgs[ myInt ] );

Console::WriteLine( "myUrl1 {0} object URI{1}", myUrl, myObjectURI );
myDictionary->default[ "__Uri" ] = myUrl;
Console::WriteLine( "URI {0}", myDictionary->default[ "__URI" ] );
Console.WriteLine("Message Properties");
IDictionary myDictionary = myMesg.Properties;
IDictionaryEnumerator myEnum = (IDictionaryEnumerator) myDictionary.GetEnumerator();

while (myEnum.MoveNext())
   object myKey = myEnum.Key;
   string myKeyName = myKey.ToString();
   object myValue = myEnum.Value;

   Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", myKeyName, myEnum.Value);
   if (myKeyName == "__Args")
      object[] myArgs = (object[])myValue;
      for (int myInt = 0; myInt < myArgs.Length; myInt++)
         Console.WriteLine("arg: {0} myValue: {1}", myInt, myArgs[myInt]);

   if ((myKeyName == "__MethodSignature") && (null != myValue))
      object[] myArgs = (object[])myValue;
      for (int myInt = 0; myInt < myArgs.Length; myInt++)
         Console.WriteLine("arg: {0} myValue: {1}", myInt, myArgs[myInt]);

Console.WriteLine("myUrl1 {0} object URI{1}",myUrl,myObjectURI);

myDictionary["__Uri"] = myUrl;
Console.WriteLine("URI {0}", myDictionary["__URI"]);
Console.WriteLine("Message Properties")
Dim myDictionary As IDictionary = myMesg.Properties
Dim myEnum As IDictionaryEnumerator = CType(myDictionary.GetEnumerator(), IDictionaryEnumerator)

While myEnum.MoveNext()
   Dim myKey As Object = myEnum.Key
   Dim myKeyName As String = myKey.ToString()
   Dim myValue As Object = myEnum.Value

   Console.WriteLine( "{0} : {1}", myKeyName, myEnum.Value)
   If myKeyName = "__Args" Then
      Dim myArgs As Object() = CType(myValue, Object())
      Dim myInt As Integer
      For myInt = 0 To myArgs.Length - 1
         Console.WriteLine(  "arg: {0} myValue: {1}", myInt, myArgs(myInt))
      Next myInt
   End If
   If myKeyName = "__MethodSignature" And Not (myValue Is Nothing) Then
      Dim myArgs As Object() = CType(myValue, Object())
      Dim myInt As Integer
      For myInt = 0 To myArgs.Length - 1
         Console.WriteLine("arg: {0} myValue: {1}", myInt, myArgs(myInt))
      Next myInt
   End If
End While

Console.WriteLine("myUrl1 {0} object URI{1}", myUrl, myObjectURI)

myDictionary("__Uri") = myUrl
Console.WriteLine("URI {0}", myDictionary("__URI"))

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