DataProtectionScope Sabit listesi


yöntemi tarafından Protect(Byte[], Byte[], DataProtectionScope) uygulanacak veri korumanın kapsamını belirtir.

public enum class DataProtectionScope
public enum DataProtectionScope
type DataProtectionScope = 
Public Enum DataProtectionScope


CurrentUser 0

Korunan veriler geçerli kullanıcıyla ilişkilendirilir. Yalnızca geçerli kullanıcı bağlamı altında çalışan iş parçacıkları verilerin korumasını kaldırabilir.

LocalMachine 1

Korunan veriler makine bağlamıyla ilişkilendirilir. Bilgisayarda çalışan tüm işlemler veri korumasını kaldırabilir. Bu numaralandırma değeri genellikle güvenilmeyen kullanıcıların erişimine izin verilmeyen bir sunucuda çalışan sunucuya özgü uygulamalarda kullanılır.


Aşağıdaki kod örneği, veri korumanın nasıl kullanılacağını gösterir.

#using <System.Security.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography;

public ref class DataProtectionSample

   // Create byte array for additional entropy when using Protect method.
   static array<Byte>^s_additionalEntropy = {9,8,7,6,5};

   static void Main()
      // Create a simple byte array containing data to be encrypted.
      array<Byte>^secret = {0,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4};
      //Encrypt the data.
      array<Byte>^encryptedSecret = Protect( secret );
      Console::WriteLine( "The encrypted byte array is:" );
      PrintValues( encryptedSecret );
      // Decrypt the data and store in a byte array.
      array<Byte>^originalData = Unprotect( encryptedSecret );
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}The original data is:", Environment::NewLine );
      PrintValues( originalData );

   static array<Byte>^ Protect( array<Byte>^data )
         // Encrypt the data using DataProtectionScope.CurrentUser. The result can be decrypted
         //  only by the same current user.
         return ProtectedData::Protect( data, s_additionalEntropy, DataProtectionScope::CurrentUser );
      catch ( CryptographicException^ e ) 
         Console::WriteLine( "Data was not encrypted. An error occurred." );
         Console::WriteLine( e );
         return nullptr;

   static array<Byte>^ Unprotect( array<Byte>^data )
         //Decrypt the data using DataProtectionScope.CurrentUser.
         return ProtectedData::Unprotect( data, s_additionalEntropy, DataProtectionScope::CurrentUser );
      catch ( CryptographicException^ e ) 
         Console::WriteLine( "Data was not decrypted. An error occurred." );
         Console::WriteLine( e );
         return nullptr;

   static void PrintValues( array<Byte>^myArr )
      System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = myArr->GetEnumerator();
      while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
         Byte i = safe_cast<Byte>(myEnum->Current);
         Console::Write( "\t{0}", i );


int main()
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;

public class DataProtectionSample
    // Create byte array for additional entropy when using Protect method.
    static byte [] s_additionalEntropy = { 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 };

    public static void Main()
        // Create a simple byte array containing data to be encrypted.
        byte [] secret = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4 };

        //Encrypt the data.
        byte [] encryptedSecret = Protect( secret );
        Console.WriteLine("The encrypted byte array is:");

        // Decrypt the data and store in a byte array.
        byte [] originalData = Unprotect( encryptedSecret );
        Console.WriteLine("{0}The original data is:", Environment.NewLine);

    public static byte [] Protect( byte [] data )
            // Encrypt the data using DataProtectionScope.CurrentUser. The result can be decrypted
            // only by the same current user.
            return ProtectedData.Protect( data, s_additionalEntropy, DataProtectionScope.CurrentUser );
        catch (CryptographicException e)
            Console.WriteLine("Data was not encrypted. An error occurred.");
            return null;

    public static byte [] Unprotect( byte [] data )
            //Decrypt the data using DataProtectionScope.CurrentUser.
            return ProtectedData.Unprotect( data, s_additionalEntropy, DataProtectionScope.CurrentUser );
        catch (CryptographicException e)
            Console.WriteLine("Data was not decrypted. An error occurred.");
            return null;

    public static void PrintValues( Byte[] myArr )
        foreach ( Byte i in myArr )
            Console.Write( "\t{0}", i );
Imports System.Security.Cryptography

Public Class DataProtectionSample
    ' Create byte array for additional entropy when using Protect method.
    Private Shared s_additionalEntropy As Byte() = {9, 8, 7, 6, 5}

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' Create a simple byte array containing data to be encrypted.
        Dim secret As Byte() = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4}

        'Encrypt the data.
        Dim encryptedSecret As Byte() = Protect(secret)
        Console.WriteLine("The encrypted byte array is:")

        ' Decrypt the data and store in a byte array.
        Dim originalData As Byte() = Unprotect(encryptedSecret)
        Console.WriteLine("{0}The original data is:", Environment.NewLine)

    End Sub

    Public Shared Function Protect(ByVal data() As Byte) As Byte()
            ' Encrypt the data using DataProtectionScope.CurrentUser. The result can be decrypted
            '  only by the same current user.
            Return ProtectedData.Protect(data, s_additionalEntropy, DataProtectionScope.CurrentUser)
        Catch e As CryptographicException
            Console.WriteLine("Data was not encrypted. An error occurred.")
            Return Nothing
        End Try

    End Function

    Public Shared Function Unprotect(ByVal data() As Byte) As Byte()
            'Decrypt the data using DataProtectionScope.CurrentUser.
            Return ProtectedData.Unprotect(data, s_additionalEntropy, DataProtectionScope.CurrentUser)
        Catch e As CryptographicException
            Console.WriteLine("Data was not decrypted. An error occurred.")
            Return Nothing
        End Try

    End Function

    Public Shared Sub PrintValues(ByVal myArr() As [Byte])
        Dim i As [Byte]
        For Each i In myArr
            Console.Write(vbTab + "{0}", i)
        Next i

    End Sub
End Class


Bu numaralandırma, şifreleme yoluyla verileri korumak için ve Unprotect yöntemleriyle birlikte Protect kullanılır.

Dikkat LocalMachine numaralandırma değeri, birden çok hesabın veri korumasını kaldırmasına olanak tanır. Bu değeri yalnızca bilgisayardaki her hesaba güveniyorsanız kullanın. Çoğu durumda CurrentUser değerini kullanmanız gerekir.

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