SelectionPattern.SelectionPatternInformation.CanSelectMultiple Özellik


Kapsayıcının eşzamanlı olarak birden fazla alt öğenin seçilmesine izin verip vermediğini belirten bir değer alır.

 property bool CanSelectMultiple { bool get(); };
public bool CanSelectMultiple { get; }
member this.CanSelectMultiple : bool
Public ReadOnly Property CanSelectMultiple As Boolean

Özellik Değeri


true denetim birden çok seçimi destekliyorsa; aksi takdirde false.


Aşağıdaki örnekte, bir SelectionPattern denetim deseni elde edilir AutomationElement ve daha sonra özellik değerlerini almak için kullanılır.

/// <summary>
/// Obtains a SelectionPattern control pattern from an 
/// automation element.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="targetControl">
/// The automation element of interest.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A SelectionPattern object.
/// </returns>
private SelectionPattern GetSelectionPattern(
    AutomationElement targetControl)
    SelectionPattern selectionPattern = null;

        selectionPattern =
            as SelectionPattern;
    // Object doesn't support the SelectionPattern control pattern
    catch (InvalidOperationException)
        return null;

    return selectionPattern;
''' <summary>
''' Obtains a SelectionPattern control pattern from an 
''' automation element.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="targetControl">
''' The automation element of interest.
''' </param>
''' <returns>
''' A SelectionPattern object.
''' </returns>
Private Function GetSelectionPattern( _
ByVal targetControl As AutomationElement) As SelectionPattern
    Dim selectionPattern As SelectionPattern = Nothing

        selectionPattern = DirectCast( _
        targetControl.GetCurrentPattern(selectionPattern.Pattern), _
    ' Object doesn't support the SelectionPattern control pattern
        Return Nothing
    End Try

    Return selectionPattern
End Function 'GetSelectionPattern
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current property values from target.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="selectionPattern">
/// A SelectionPattern control pattern obtained from 
/// an automation element representing the selection control.
/// </param>
/// <param name="automationProperty">
/// The automation property of interest.
/// </param>
private bool GetSelectionObjectProperty(
    SelectionPattern selectionPattern,
    AutomationProperty automationProperty)
    if (automationProperty.Id == 
        return selectionPattern.Current.CanSelectMultiple;
    if (automationProperty.Id == 
        return selectionPattern.Current.IsSelectionRequired;
    return false;
''' <summary>
''' Gets the current property values from target.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="selectionPattern">
''' A SelectionPattern control pattern obtained from 
''' an automation element representing the selection control.
''' </param>
''' <param name="automationProperty">
''' The automation property of interest.
''' </param>
Private Function GetSelectionObjectProperty( _
ByVal selectionPattern As SelectionPattern, _
ByVal automationProperty As AutomationProperty) As Boolean
    If automationProperty.Id = _
    selectionPattern.CanSelectMultipleProperty.Id Then
        Return selectionPattern.Current.CanSelectMultiple
    End If
    If automationProperty.Id = _
    selectionPattern.IsSelectionRequiredProperty.Id Then
        Return selectionPattern.Current.IsSelectionRequired
    End If
    Return False
End Function 'GetSelectionObjectProperty


Bu özellik dinamik olabilir Örneğin, nadir durumlarda, bir denetim başlatma sırasında birden çok öğenin seçilmesine izin verebilir, ancak daha sonra yalnızca tek seçimlerin yapılmasına izin verebilir.

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