ContainerVisual.BitmapEffectInput Özellik



Avoid using BitmapEffects as they have very poor performance characteristics. They will be deprecated in a future version. Consider using the UIElement.Effect property and ShaderEffects where appropriate instead.


BitmapEffects are deprecated and no longer function. Consider using Effects where appropriate instead.

için ContainerVisualbir BitmapEffectInput değer alır veya ayarlar.

 property System::Windows::Media::Effects::BitmapEffectInput ^ BitmapEffectInput { System::Windows::Media::Effects::BitmapEffectInput ^ get(); void set(System::Windows::Media::Effects::BitmapEffectInput ^ value); };
[System.Obsolete("Avoid using BitmapEffects as they have very poor performance characteristics.  They will be deprecated in a future version.  Consider using the UIElement.Effect property and ShaderEffects where appropriate instead.")]
public System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffectInput BitmapEffectInput { get; set; }
[System.Obsolete("BitmapEffects are deprecated and no longer function.  Consider using Effects where appropriate instead.")]
public System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffectInput BitmapEffectInput { get; set; }
[<System.Obsolete("Avoid using BitmapEffects as they have very poor performance characteristics.  They will be deprecated in a future version.  Consider using the UIElement.Effect property and ShaderEffects where appropriate instead.")>]
member this.BitmapEffectInput : System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffectInput with get, set
[<System.Obsolete("BitmapEffects are deprecated and no longer function.  Consider using Effects where appropriate instead.")>]
member this.BitmapEffectInput : System.Windows.Media.Effects.BitmapEffectInput with get, set
Public Property BitmapEffectInput As BitmapEffectInput

Özellik Değeri

Bu görsel nesne için bit eşlem efekti giriş değeri.


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