XmlNamespaceManager.PushScope Yöntem


Bir ad alanı kapsamını yığına gönderir.

 virtual void PushScope();
public virtual void PushScope ();
abstract member PushScope : unit -> unit
override this.PushScope : unit -> unit
Public Overridable Sub PushScope ()


Aşağıdaki örnek öğesine ön ek/ad alanı çiftleri XmlNamespaceManager ekler ve koleksiyondaki tüm çiftleri görüntüler.

#using <System.Xml.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Xml;
public ref class Sample
      // Create the XmlNamespaceManager.
      NameTable^ nt = gcnew NameTable;
      XmlNamespaceManager^ nsmgr = gcnew XmlNamespaceManager( nt );
      // Add prefix/namespace pairs to the XmlNamespaceManager.
      nsmgr->AddNamespace( "", "www.wideworldimporters.com" ); //Adds a default namespace.
      nsmgr->AddNamespace( "europe", "www.wideworldimporters.com/europe" );
      nsmgr->PushScope(); //Pushes a namespace scope on the stack.
      nsmgr->AddNamespace( "", "www.lucernepublishing.com" ); //Adds another default namespace.
      nsmgr->AddNamespace( "partners", "www.lucernepublishing.com/partners" );
      Console::WriteLine( "Show all the prefix/namespace pairs in the XmlNamespaceManager..." );
      ShowAllNamespaces( nsmgr );

   void ShowAllNamespaces( XmlNamespaceManager^ nsmgr )
         System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = nsmgr->GetEnumerator();
         while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
            String^ prefix = safe_cast<String^>(myEnum->Current);
            Console::WriteLine( "Prefix={0}, Namespace={1}", prefix, nsmgr->LookupNamespace( prefix ) );
      while ( nsmgr->PopScope() );


int main()
   gcnew Sample;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;

public class Sample
  public static void Main()
    Sample test = new Sample();
  public Sample()
    // Create the XmlNamespaceManager.
    NameTable nt = new NameTable();
    XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(nt);

    // Add prefix/namespace pairs to the XmlNamespaceManager.
    nsmgr.AddNamespace("", "www.wideworldimporters.com"); //Adds a default namespace.
    nsmgr.AddNamespace("europe", "www.wideworldimporters.com/europe");
    nsmgr.PushScope();  //Pushes a namespace scope on the stack.
    nsmgr.AddNamespace("", "www.lucernepublishing.com"); //Adds another default namespace.
    nsmgr.AddNamespace("partners", "www.lucernepublishing.com/partners");

    Console.WriteLine("Show all the prefix/namespace pairs in the XmlNamespaceManager...");

  private void ShowAllNamespaces(XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr)
       foreach (String prefix in nsmgr)
        Console.WriteLine("Prefix={0}, Namespace={1}", prefix,nsmgr.LookupNamespace(prefix));
    while (nsmgr.PopScope());
Option Explicit
Option Strict

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml

Public Class Sample
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim test As New Sample()
    End Sub
    Public Sub New()
        ' Create the XmlNamespaceManager.
        Dim nt As New NameTable()
        Dim nsmgr As New XmlNamespaceManager(nt)
        ' Add prefix/namespace pairs to the XmlNamespaceManager.
        nsmgr.AddNamespace("", "www.wideworldimporters.com") 'Adds a default namespace.
        nsmgr.AddNamespace("europe", "www.wideworldimporters.com/europe")
        nsmgr.PushScope() 'Pushes a namespace scope on the stack.
        nsmgr.AddNamespace("", "www.lucernepublishing.com") 'Adds another default namespace.
        nsmgr.AddNamespace("partners", "www.lucernepublishing.com/partners")
        Console.WriteLine("Show all the prefix/namespace pairs in the XmlNamespaceManager...")
    End Sub
    Private Sub ShowAllNamespaces(nsmgr As XmlNamespaceManager)
            Dim prefix As String
            For Each prefix In  nsmgr
                Console.WriteLine("Prefix={0}, Namespace={1}", prefix, nsmgr.LookupNamespace(prefix))
            Next prefix
        Loop While nsmgr.PopScope()
    End Sub
End Class


Bu yönteme yapılan bir çağrıdan sonra, öğesine eklenen XmlNamespaceManager tüm ad alanları (çağrılarak AddNamespace), gönderilen ad alanı kapsamına aittir.

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