WKInterfaceController.UpdateUserActivity(String, NSDictionary, NSUrl) Method


Publishes information about the current activity for Handoff. At least one of userInfo or webpageURL must be set.

[ObjCRuntime.Deprecated(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.WatchOS, 5, 0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.None, "Use 'UpdateUserActivity(NSUserActivity)' instead.")]
public virtual void UpdateUserActivity (string type, Foundation.NSDictionary userInfo, Foundation.NSUrl webpageURL);
abstract member UpdateUserActivity : string * Foundation.NSDictionary * Foundation.NSUrl -> unit
override this.UpdateUserActivity : string * Foundation.NSDictionary * Foundation.NSUrl -> unit



The type of activity to be continued. May not be null or empty.


App-specific state information necessary to continue the activity on another device.

This parameter can be null.


An http: or https: URL specifying the page to load in a browser to continue the activity.

This parameter can be null.



Application developers can use this method to activate Handoff on a connected device or computer. The type is the activity identifier and must have a corresponding entry in the handling app's info.plist file as part of the NSUserActivityTypes array. By convention, the type starts with a domain-reversed string indicating the originating company, for example, com.xamarin.SomeApp.SomeVerb.

Either the userInfo or the webpageURL must be non-null. The webpageURL is intended for situations where a browser-based continuation of the activity is appropriate. The userInfo is used for device-based continuations. The userInfo can contain arbitrary key-value data to provide context to the handling application.

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