Update mobileAppInstallStatus
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.
Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.
Update the properties of a mobileAppInstallStatus object.
One of the following permissions is required to call this API. To learn more, including how to choose permissions, see Permissions.
Permission type | Permissions (from least to most privileged) |
Delegated (work or school account) | DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All |
Delegated (personal Microsoft account) | Not supported. |
Application | DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All |
HTTP Request
PATCH /deviceAppManagement/mobileApps/{mobileAppId}/deviceStatuses/{mobileAppInstallStatusId}
PATCH /deviceAppManagement/mobileApps/{mobileAppId}/userStatuses/{userAppInstallStatusId}/deviceStatuses/{mobileAppInstallStatusId}
Request headers
Header | Value |
Authorization | Bearer {token}. Required. Learn more about authentication and authorization. |
Accept | application/json |
Request body
In the request body, supply a JSON representation for the mobileAppInstallStatus object.
The following table shows the properties that are required when you create the mobileAppInstallStatus.
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | Key of the entity. |
deviceName | String | Device name |
deviceId | String | Device ID |
lastSyncDateTime | DateTimeOffset | Last sync date time |
mobileAppInstallStatusValue | resultantAppState | The install state of the app. Possible values are: installed , failed , notInstalled , uninstallFailed , pendingInstall , unknown , notApplicable . |
installState | resultantAppState | The install state of the app. Possible values are: installed , failed , notInstalled , uninstallFailed , pendingInstall , unknown , notApplicable . |
installStateDetail | resultantAppStateDetail | The install state detail of the app. Possible values are: noAdditionalDetails , dependencyFailedToInstall , dependencyWithRequirementsNotMet , dependencyPendingReboot , dependencyWithAutoInstallDisabled , supersededAppUninstallFailed , supersededAppUninstallPendingReboot , removingSupersededApps , iosAppStoreUpdateFailedToInstall , vppAppHasUpdateAvailable , userRejectedUpdate , uninstallPendingReboot , supersedingAppsDetected , supersededAppsDetected , seeInstallErrorCode , autoInstallDisabled , managedAppNoLongerPresent , userRejectedInstall , userIsNotLoggedIntoAppStore , untargetedSupersedingAppsDetected , appRemovedBySupersedence , seeUninstallErrorCode , pendingReboot , installingDependencies , contentDownloaded , supersedingAppsNotApplicable , powerShellScriptRequirementNotMet , registryRequirementNotMet , fileSystemRequirementNotMet , platformNotApplicable , minimumCpuSpeedNotMet , minimumLogicalProcessorCountNotMet , minimumPhysicalMemoryNotMet , minimumOsVersionNotMet , minimumDiskSpaceNotMet , processorArchitectureNotApplicable . |
errorCode | Int32 | The error code for install or uninstall failures. |
osVersion | String | OS Version |
osDescription | String | OS Description |
userName | String | Device User Name |
userPrincipalName | String | User Principal Name |
displayVersion | String | Human readable version of the application |
If successful, this method returns a 200 OK
response code and an updated mobileAppInstallStatus object in the response body.
Here is an example of the request.
PATCH https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/deviceAppManagement/mobileApps/{mobileAppId}/deviceStatuses/{mobileAppInstallStatusId}
Content-type: application/json
Content-length: 555
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.mobileAppInstallStatus",
"deviceName": "Device Name value",
"deviceId": "Device Id value",
"lastSyncDateTime": "2017-01-01T00:02:49.3205976-08:00",
"mobileAppInstallStatusValue": "failed",
"installState": "failed",
"installStateDetail": "dependencyFailedToInstall",
"errorCode": 9,
"osVersion": "Os Version value",
"osDescription": "Os Description value",
"userName": "User Name value",
"userPrincipalName": "User Principal Name value",
"displayVersion": "Display Version value"
Here is an example of the response. Note: The response object shown here may be truncated for brevity. All of the properties will be returned from an actual call.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 604
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.mobileAppInstallStatus",
"id": "7560ee45-ee45-7560-45ee-607545ee6075",
"deviceName": "Device Name value",
"deviceId": "Device Id value",
"lastSyncDateTime": "2017-01-01T00:02:49.3205976-08:00",
"mobileAppInstallStatusValue": "failed",
"installState": "failed",
"installStateDetail": "dependencyFailedToInstall",
"errorCode": 9,
"osVersion": "Os Version value",
"osDescription": "Os Description value",
"userName": "User Name value",
"userPrincipalName": "User Principal Name value",
"displayVersion": "Display Version value"