targetedManagedAppConfiguration resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.
Configuration used to deliver a set of custom settings as-is to all users in the targeted security group
Inherits from managedAppConfiguration
Method | Return Type | Description |
List targetedManagedAppConfigurations | targetedManagedAppConfiguration collection | List properties and relationships of the targetedManagedAppConfiguration objects. |
Get targetedManagedAppConfiguration | targetedManagedAppConfiguration | Read properties and relationships of the targetedManagedAppConfiguration object. |
Create targetedManagedAppConfiguration | targetedManagedAppConfiguration | Create a new targetedManagedAppConfiguration object. |
Delete targetedManagedAppConfiguration | None | Deletes a targetedManagedAppConfiguration. |
Update targetedManagedAppConfiguration | targetedManagedAppConfiguration | Update the properties of a targetedManagedAppConfiguration object. |
assign action | None | Not yet documented |
targetApps action | None | Not yet documented |
Property | Type | Description |
displayName | String | Policy display name. Inherited from managedAppPolicy |
description | String | The policy's description. Inherited from managedAppPolicy |
createdDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The date and time the policy was created. Inherited from managedAppPolicy |
lastModifiedDateTime | DateTimeOffset | Last time the policy was modified. Inherited from managedAppPolicy |
id | String | Key of the entity. Inherited from managedAppPolicy |
version | String | Version of the entity. Inherited from managedAppPolicy |
customSettings | keyValuePair collection | A set of string key and string value pairs to be sent to apps for users to whom the configuration is scoped, unalterned by this service Inherited from managedAppConfiguration |
deployedAppCount | Int32 | Count of apps to which the current policy is deployed. |
isAssigned | Boolean | Indicates if the policy is deployed to any inclusion groups or not. |
Relationship | Type | Description |
apps | managedMobileApp collection | List of apps to which the policy is deployed. |
deploymentSummary | managedAppPolicyDeploymentSummary | Navigation property to deployment summary of the configuration. |
assignments | targetedManagedAppPolicyAssignment collection | Navigation property to list of inclusion and exclusion groups to which the policy is deployed. |
JSON Representation
Here is a JSON representation of the resource.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.targetedManagedAppConfiguration",
"displayName": "String",
"description": "String",
"createdDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"id": "String (identifier)",
"version": "String",
"customSettings": [
"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.keyValuePair",
"name": "String",
"value": "String"
"deployedAppCount": 1024,
"isAssigned": true