ISupportLastWriteTime Interface

When overridden, retrieves the date and time that an item or change unit was most recently changed.

Namespace: Microsoft.Synchronization
Assembly: Microsoft.Synchronization (in microsoft.synchronization.dll)


Public Interface ISupportLastWriteTime
Dim instance As ISupportLastWriteTime
public interface ISupportLastWriteTime
public interface class ISupportLastWriteTime
public interface ISupportLastWriteTime
public interface ISupportLastWriteTime


This interface is typically implemented by a provider.

This interface can be used by a synchronization application to resolve conflicts according to when changes were made, such as a "last writer wins" conflict resolution. When the application is notified of a conflict, the application retrieves the time the change was made on the source replica and the time the change was made on the destination replica. The application compares the two times, and applies the change that was made last.

See Also


ISupportLastWriteTime Members
Microsoft.Synchronization Namespace