Functions (Windows Runtime C++ reference)
In this section
Function | Description |
CoDecodeProxy | Locates the implementation of a Component Object Model (COM) interface in a server process given an interface to a proxied object. |
CreateControlInput | Creates a ICoreInputSourceBase object in the caller’s UI thread. |
CreateControlInputEx | Creates a ICoreInputSourceBase object in a worker thread or the UI thread. |
CreateDirect3D11DeviceFromDXGIDevice | Creates an instance of IDirect3DDevice from an IDXGIDevice. |
CreateDirect3D11SurfaceFromDXGISurface | Creates an instance of IDirect3DSurface from an IDXGISurface. |
CreateDirect3DDevice | Creates an instance of IDirect3DDevice from an IDXGIDevice. |
CreateDirect3DSurface | Creates an instance of IDirect3DSurface from an IDXGISurface. |
CreateRandomAccessStreamOnFile | Creates a Windows Runtime random access stream for a file. |
CreateRandomAccessStreamOverStream | Creates a Windows Runtime random access stream around an IStream base implementation. |
CreateStreamOverRandomAccessStream | Creates an IStream around a Windows Runtime IRandomAccessStream object. |
CreateXamlUIPresenter | A static creator function that can create a XamlUIPresenter for a render surface in a desktop app. |
DbgRaiseAssertionFailure | Raises an assert for debugging. |
GetDXGIInterface(IDirect3DDevice^, DXGI_TYPE)** | Retrieves a DXGI interface from an IDirect3DDevice instance. |
GetDXGIInterface(IDirect3DSurface^, DXGI_TYPE)** | Retrieves a DXGI interface from an IDirect3DSurface instance. |
GetDXGIInterfaceFromObject | Retrieves a DXGI interface from an object. |
GetRestrictedErrorInfo | Gets the restricted error information object set by a previous call to SetRestrictedErrorInfo in the current logical thread. |
HSTRING_UserFree | Frees resources on the server side when called by RPC stub files. |
HSTRING_UserFree64 | Frees resources on the server side when called by RPC stub files. |
HSTRING_UserMarshal | Marshals an HSTRING object into the RPC buffer. |
HSTRING_UserMarshal64 | Marshals an HSTRING object into the RPC buffer. |
HSTRING_UserSize | Calculates the wire size of the HSTRING object, and gets its handle and data. |
HSTRING_UserSize64 | Calculates the wire size of the HSTRING object, and gets its handle and data. |
HSTRING_UserUnmarshal | Unmarshals an HSTRING object from the RPC buffer. |
HSTRING_UserUnmarshal64 | Unmarshals an HSTRING object from the RPC buffer. |
IsErrorPropagationEnabled | Indicates whether the CoreApplication.UnhandledErrorDetected event occurs for the errors that are returned by the delegate registered as a callback function for a Windows Runtime API event or the completion of an asynchronous method. |
DllGetActivationFactory | Retrieves the activation factory from a DLL that contains activatable Windows Runtime classes. |
MetaDataGetDispenser | Creates a dispenser class. |
PdfCreateRenderer | Gets an instance of the IPdfRendererNative interface for displaying a single page of a Portable Document Format (PDF) file. |
PdfRenderParams | Populates a PDF_RENDER_PARAMS stucture. A PDF_RENDER_PARAMS structure represents a set of properties for outputting a single page of a PDF file. |
RoActivateInstance | Activates the specified Windows Runtime class. |
RoCaptureErrorContext | Saves the current error context so that it's available for later calls to the RoFailFastWithErrorContext function. |
RoClearError | Removes existing error information from the current thread environment block (TEB). |
RoFailFastWithErrorContext | Raises a non-continuable exception in the current process. |
RoFailFastWithErrorContextInternal2 | Raises a non-continuable exception in the current process, and also allows you to include additional error context not already captured by the OS. |
RoFreeParameterizedTypeExtra | Frees the handle allocated by RoGetParameterizedTypeInstanceIID. |
RoGetActivatableClassRegistration | Enables retrieving class registration information. |
RoGetActivationFactory | Gets the activation factory for the specified runtime class. |
RoGetAgileReference | Creates an agile reference for an object specified by the given interface. |
RoGetApartmentIdentifier | Gets a unique identifier for the current apartment. |
RoGetBufferMarshaler | Provides a standard IBuffer marshaler to implement the semantics associated with the IBuffer interface when it is marshaled. |
RoGetErrorReportingFlags | Gets the current reporting behavior of Windows Runtime error functions. |
RoGetMetaDataFile | Locates and retrieves the metadata file that describes the Application Binary Interface (ABI) for the specified typename. |
RoGetParameterizedTypeInstanceIID | Computes the interface identifier (IID) of the interface or delegate type that results when a parameterized interface or delegate is instantiated with the specified type arguments. |
RoGetServerActivatableClasses | Retrieves the activatable classes that are registered for a given executable (EXE) server, which was registered under the package ID of the calling process. |
RoInitialize | Initializes the Windows Runtime on the current thread with the specified concurrency model. |
RoInspectThreadErrorInfo | Gets the error object that represents the call stack at the point where the error originated |
RoInspectCapturedStackBackTrace | Provides a way to for debuggers to inspect a call stack from a target process. |
RoOriginateError | Reports an error and an informative string to an attached debugger. |
RoOriginateErrorW | Reports an error and an informative string to an attached debugger. |
RoOriginateLanguageException | Reports an error, an informative string, and an error object to an attached debugger. |
RoParameterizedTypeExtraGetTypeSignature | Gets the type signature used to compute the IID from the last call to RoGetParameterizedTypeInstanceIID with the specified handle. |
RoParseTypeName | Parses a type name and existing type parameters, in the case of parameterized types. |
RoRegisterActivationFactories | Registers an array out-of-process activation factories for a Windows Runtime exe server. |
RoRegisterForApartmentShutdown | Registers an IApartmentShutdown callback to be invoked when the current apartment shuts down. |
RoReportUnhandledError | Triggers the Global Error Handler when an unhandled exception occurs. |
RoReportFailedDelegate | Triggers the Global Error Handler when a delegate failure occurs. |
RoResolveNamespace | Determine the direct children, types, and sub-namespaces of the specified Windows Runtime namespace, from any programming language supported by the Windows Runtime. |
RoResolveRestrictedErrorInfoReference | Returns the IRestrictedErrorInfo interface pointer based on the given reference. |
RoRevokeActivationFactories | Removes an array of registered activation factories from the Windows Runtime. |
RoSetErrorReportingFlags | Sets the reporting behavior of Windows Runtime error functions. |
RoTransformError | Reports a modified error and an informative string to an attached debugger. |
RoTransformErrorW | Reports a transformed error and an informative string to an attached debugger. |
RoUninitialize | Closes the Windows Runtime on the current thread. |
RoUnregisterForApartmentShutdown | Unregisters a previously registered IApartmentShutdown interface. |
SetRestrictedErrorInfo | Sets the restricted error information object for the current thread. |
WindowsCompareStringOrdinal | Compares two specified HSTRING objects and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in a sort order. |
WindowsConcatString | Concatenates two specified strings. |
WindowsCreateString | Creates a new HSTRING based on the specified source string. |
WindowsCreateStringReference | Creates a new string reference based on the specified string. |
WindowsDeleteString | Decrements the reference count of a string buffer. |
WindowsDeleteStringBuffer | Discards a preallocated string buffer if it was not promoted to an HSTRING. |
WindowsDuplicateString | Creates a copy of the specified string. |
WindowsGetStringLen | Gets the length, in Unicode characters, of the specified string. |
WindowsGetStringRawBuffer | Gets the backing buffer for the specified string. |
WindowsInspectString | Provides a way to for debuggers to display the value of an Windows Runtime HSTRING in another address space, remotely, or from a dump. |
WindowsInspectString2 | Provides a way to for debuggers to display the value of an Windows Runtime HSTRING in another address space, remotely, or from a dump. |
WindowsIsStringEmpty | Indicates whether the specified string is the empty string. |
WindowsPreallocateStringBuffer | Allocates a mutable character buffer for use in HSTRING creation. |
WindowsPromoteStringBuffer | Creates an HSTRING from the specified HSTRING_BUFFER. |
WindowsReplaceString | Replaces all occurrences of a set of characters in the specified string with another set of characters to create a new string. |
WindowsStringHasEmbeddedNull | Indicates whether the specified string has embedded null characters. |
WindowsSubstring | Retrieves a substring from the specified string. The substring starts at the specified character position. |
WindowsSubstringWithSpecifiedLength | Retrieves a substring from the specified string. The substring starts at a specified character position and has a specified length. |
WindowsTrimStringEnd | Removes all trailing occurrences of a specified set of characters from the source string. |
WindowsTrimStringStart | Removes all leading occurrences of a specified set of characters from the source string. |