我是用最新的VS复现了您的问题, 并且找到了在DC中已经报告的问题, 请尝试以下解决方案:
As a workaround, please try the following steps to manually install dotnet for Pair To Mac on your Mac:
Download this script on your Mac: https://dot.net/v1/dotnet-install.sh
Run the following command from a terminal in your Mac, from the same directory where you placed your script: /bin/bash dotnet-install.sh --install-dir '~/Library/Caches/Xamarin/XMA/SDKs/dotnet/' --version 8.0.401-servicing.24412.2 --architecture arm64 --no-path
Create a Versions.txt file under ~/Library/Caches/Xamarin/XMA/SDKs/dotnet/ and add an entry: dotnet:8.0.401-servicing.24412.2
Save that file and try connecting from VS again. Make sure that VS still requires dotnet 8.0.401-servicing.24412.2, if not please use the new version on the dotnet install command and also on the text file
如果仍有问题, 请在以下链接中添加评论并且跟踪问题的解决进度- Unable to use Pair to Mac - Developer Community
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