Improve .Net Applications Performance Effectively And Efficiently

How to anticipate or better off avoid performance related "surprises" during load and stress testing?

Apply performance engineering practices throughout SDLC (Software Development LifeCycle). Here are major talking points, tools, resources, and further reading.

Performance Engineering Frame

In order to focus and streamline Performance Engineering tasks throughout the development lifecycle ask the following questions

  • How to cache data?
  • How to handle communications?
  • How to handle concurrency?
  • How to handle components’ coupling/cohesion?
  • How to perform data access?
  • What algorithms to use?
  • How to handle exceptions?
  • How to handle resource management?
  • How to handle state management?

More info - Performance Frame. Pay special attention to performance threats and performance vulnerabilities.



  • Anonymous
    March 11, 2008
    Yesterday I gave a talk about the subject during Performance Open House First off, thanks for attending
  • Anonymous
    March 11, 2008
    Yesterday I gave a talk about the subject during Performance Open House First off, thanks for attending
  • Anonymous
    March 13, 2008
    On March 10 Alik Levin and I presented at the Microsoft Performance Open House in Raanana. Alik's
  • Anonymous
    March 15, 2008
    Juste un petit pense-bête pour moi retrouver facilement ce post : ACE Team - Security, Performance &
  • Anonymous
    April 05, 2008
    During TechEd Israel 2008 I am giving a talk on Performance Development Lifecycle to developer leads
  • Anonymous
    April 07, 2008
    PDD - Performance Driven Development presentation by Eran Kolbis made him my Super Hero! by Xurble Eran
  • Anonymous
    April 21, 2008
    You've been kicked (a good thing) - Trackback from
  • Anonymous
    April 28, 2008
    Chatty database access is the surefire way for slow performance caused by  resources starvation
  • Anonymous
    August 28, 2008
    Alcohol and lexapro. Amount of alcohol tolerated with lexapro. Lexapro.
  • Anonymous
    January 12, 2009
    סטיב סאודרס מעביר קורס של שיפור ביצועים באוניברסיטת סטנפורד. נראה לי הישג אדיר לכולם - לאוניברסיטה, לגוגל
  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2009
    No witty opening comment this week...sorry to disappoint. :) General Improve .Net Performance Effectively & Efficiently : Microsoft's ACE team, who are are responsible for application performance, security, and privacy, has a great post about improving