Allen Clark

... on Team Foundation, and on writing about Team Foundation (Follow me on Twitter @AllenIClark)

I moved

I'm blogging on the VS ALM/TFS blog now. Today, I posted this.

Date: 02/27/2012

Team Foundation SDK Updates: VB Samples + More Samples using the Version Control APIs

We've just updated to the Team Foundation SDK content (Extending Team Foundation) to include VB...

Date: 06/28/2011

How do You Prioritize Content Work? Here's What We Did for Team Foundation Content

Once we identified most of the items (stories) in our backlog, we started to prioritize them. In our...

Date: 02/21/2011

The Content Backlog for Team Foundation: It's About What the Developer Does, not What the Product Does

In the past, we managed our work by defining the topics that we need to write, and then estimating...

Date: 02/15/2011

Creating a Backlog of Content Work

I have posted a couple of series on how we plan content work for Team Foundation, one in 2007...

Date: 02/07/2011

Using the Schemas to Edit Work Item Types and Process Templates for Team Foundation in Visual Studio

I've just posted the Team Foundation schema files for process templates and work item types on Code...

Date: 01/13/2011

Enabling new Application Lifecycle Management Features for Visual Studio 2010 in Upgraded Team Projects

When you upgrade your server to Team Foundation Server 2010, you will have a wealth of new features...

Date: 12/08/2010

Team Foundation SDK Improved for VS 2010

Back in January, I wrote this post that showed that we really needed to change directions on the SDK...

Date: 12/02/2010

The 5 most read Visual Studio ALM help topics on MSDN

Curious about what other people are reading about Application Lifecycle Management in Visual Studio?...

Date: 11/12/2010

Streamlined: Extending Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management

I've been working on streamlining some content in an effort to make it easier for you to get the...

Date: 11/05/2010

Team Foundation SDK Update includes the Server Object Model

We just published updates to the Team Foundation SDK, which now covers the server object model....

Date: 10/28/2010

Team Foundation Power Tools Update

A new version of the Team Foundation Power Tools has just been released. Some highlights: There's a...

Date: 09/10/2010

Updated: Customizable Process Guidance

A couple of weeks ago, I posted customizable process guidance packages on Code Gallery. I've updated...

Date: 08/26/2010

Customizable process guidance

I've just posted versions of process guidance for Visual Studio Scrum 1.0, MSF for Agile Software...

Date: 08/12/2010

Team Foundation SDK Feedback

Earlier this year, I noted that I had seen a bad trend in ratings for the Team Foundation SDK...

Date: 08/03/2010

Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 1.0 - Process Guidance

As Aaron Bjork decribes in his blog, we recently released a template for strict Scrum practitioners....

Date: 07/20/2010

Team Foundation SDK for VS 2010

We have just published the first increment of the Team Foundation SDK for VS 2010. Several months...

Date: 06/28/2010

New Sandcastle builds MSDN-style API Reference

There's a new version of Sandcastle on codeplex. It supports .NET 4, and it builds MSDN-style API...

Date: 06/25/2010

Sample Code: Create a Work Item in Team Foundation

You can create bugs, tasks, and other types of WorkItems by performing the following steps:...

Date: 05/26/2010

Sample Code: Refactoring to Handle Different Types of Work Items

When you write code that works with different team projects, your code may need to handle different...

Date: 05/06/2010

Where are those Team Foundation namespaces?

Some of the namespaces in the Team Foundation client object model aren't in namespace.dll....

Date: 04/01/2010

Sample Code: Connect to Team Foundation Server

Connecting to Team Foundation Server programmatically isn't as obvious as you might expect. Here's a...

Date: 03/17/2010

More about Pageviews for Project Management and Visual Studio Application Lifecycle Management

The last time I posted, I pointed out the significant increase in pageviews for project management...

Date: 02/05/2010

Project Management page views

I've commented several times that page views for project management content are way up in Dev 10. I...

Date: 01/20/2010

When I look at the feedback that we've received for the topics that I wrote or that I've picked up...

Date: 01/11/2010

November Feedback on Help for Team Foundation 2010 Beta 2

Summary Page views continue to increase Ratings continue to be high (average 4.31 out of 5, compared...

Date: 12/08/2009

October Feedback on Team Foundation Help in Dev 10 Beta 2

Last month, Beta 2 shipped, and we posted a corresponding update to the help content. Page views,...

Date: 11/06/2009

Enabling New Application Lifecycle Management Features for Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 in Upgraded Team Projects

You're probably using the RTM version of VS 2010 rather than the beta. If that's the case, see this...

Date: 10/13/2009

September Feedback on Help Content for Beta 1 of Team Foundation

In September, we didn't have a lot of feedback, so I'm going with the flow and providing a very...

Date: 10/09/2009

August Feedback on Beta 1 Content for Team Foundation 2010

Summary Admin content is once again the most viewed section, although not by the historical 5:1...

Date: 09/02/2009

Feedback on Help for Team Foundation

Include your email when you leave feedback on help for project management in VSTS if you'd like a...

Date: 08/21/2009

Great Organizations Surprise You

As we write help for Team System, we try to hand topics off for localization as early as we can, but...

Date: 08/11/2009

July Feedback on Beta 1 Content for Team Foundation 2010

Summary The trends this month are good (or neutral). New content is getting high ratings; existing...

Date: 08/03/2009

Summary of feedback in July on Beta 1 Content for Team Foundation 2010

Summary The trends this month are good (or neutral). New content is getting high ratings; existing...

Date: 08/03/2009

June feedback on Beta 1 content for Team Foundation 2010

Earlier this month, I sent this email internally summarizing the feedback we've recieved on the Beta...

Date: 07/24/2009

Visual Studio Team System

By using the suite of tools in Microsoft Visual Studio Team System, you can apply proven practices...

Date: 07/24/2009

Summary of Feedback in June on Help Topics for Team Foundation 2010 (Beta 1)

Summary There’s a small amount of feedback available. What’s New is the bright spot. Other feedback...

Date: 07/24/2009

Give us feedback

We published help content for Visual Studuio Team System 2010 Beta 1 that is substantially different...

Date: 06/17/2009

Customizing work items

Do you customize the work items that you use with Team Foundation? Kathryn Elliot is looking for...

Date: 05/18/2009

Enabling New Features of Visual Studio Team System 2010 Beta 1 in Upgraded Team Projects

After you upgrade your server to Visual Studio Team System 2010 Beta 1, you have a wealth of new...

Date: 05/15/2009

Reporting Progress

Since we mirror our topics from our content management system into TFS, we're able to use the TFS...

Date: 05/14/2009

Managing Technical Reviews in TFS and SharePoint

I've alluded to my plans to describe how we use TFS to plan, track progress, and do things like...

Date: 04/01/2009

How we track content work.

For a while, we were tracking our work by creating a backlog of scnearios, prioritizing them, then...

Date: 03/10/2009

Managing Content Development

Back in 2007, I wrote three articles on how the Team Foundation user education team was using work...

Date: 03/08/2009