Empty .coverage file with profiler related errors in the event logs

​If you find yourself with a an empty .coverage file and see errors similar to the below in your event logs you most probably have a corrupt install

(info) .NET Runtime version 4.0.30319.17929 - The profiler has requested that the CLR instance not load the profiler into this process. Profiler CLSID: '{b19f184a-cc62-4137-9a6f-af0f91730165}'. Process ID (decimal): 12624. Message ID: [0x2516].

(Error) TraceLog Profiler failed in initialization due to a lack of instrumentation methods, process vstest.executionengine.x86.exe



a) Environment variable VS110COMNTOOLS is set to <vsinstalldir>\common7\tools

b) Regkey HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\InstallDir is set to your <vsinstalldir>\Common7\IDE\

c) covrun32.dll and covrun64.dll exist in "<vsinstalldir>\Team Tools\Dynamic Code Coverage"


  • Anonymous
    September 16, 2012
    VS110COMNTOOLS environment variable should be removed after VS uninstallation or should be updated after installation.I had installed VS11 RC to "D" drive and had uninstalled before RTM installation. I installed VS11 RTM to "C" drive and the variable still shows "D" drive for Tools folder(!). That's why i could not run code coverage on visual studio for two weeks and saw the error that you mentioned above..