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Troubleshooting guidance for the Azure Monitor agent on Linux virtual machines and scale sets

Overview for Azure Monitor agent

Before you read further, you must be familiar with Azure Monitor agent and Data Collection Rules.


Name Acronym Description
Azure Monitor Agent AMA The new Azure Monitor agent
Data Collection Rules DCR Rules to configure collection of data by the agent, i.e. what to collect, where to send to, and more
Azure Monitor Configuration Service AMCS Regional service hosted in Azure, which controls data collection for this agent and other parts of Azure Monitor. The agent calls into this service to fetch DCRs.
Logs endpoint -- Endpoint for sending data to Log Analytics workspaces
Metrics endpoint -- Endpoint for sending data to Azure Monitor Metrics databases.
Instance Metadata Service and Hybrid IMDS and HIMDS Services hosted in Azure which provide information about currently running virtual machines, scale sets (via IMDS) and Arc-enabled servers (via HIMDS) respectively
Log Analytics workspace LAW The destination in Azure Monitor that you can send logs collected by the agent to
Custom Metrics -- The destination in Azure Monitor that you can send guest metrics collected by the agent to

Basic troubleshooting steps

Follow the steps below to troubleshoot the latest version of the Azure Monitor agent running on your Linux virtual machine:

  1. Carefully review the prerequisites here.

  2. Verify that the extension was successfully installed and provisioned, which installs the agent binaries on your machine:

    1. Open Azure portal > select your virtual machine > Open Settings : Extensions + applications from the pane on the left > 'AzureMonitorLinuxAgent'should show up with Status: 'Provisioning succeeded'
    2. If you don't see the extension listed, check if machine can reach Azure and find the extension to install using the command below:
      az vm extension image list-versions --location <machine-region> --name AzureMonitorLinuxAgent --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Monitor
    3. Wait for 10-15 minutes as extension maybe in transitioning status. If it still doesn't show up as above, uninstall and install the extension again.
    4. Check if you see any errors in extension logs located at /var/log/azure/Microsoft.Azure.Monitor.AzureMonitorLinuxAgent/ on your machine
  3. Verify that the agent is running:

    1. Check if the agent is emitting heartbeat logs to Log Analytics workspace using the query below. Skip if 'Custom Metrics' is the only destination in the DCR:
      Heartbeat | where Category == "Azure Monitor Agent" and Computer == "<computer-name>" | take 10
    2. Check if the agent service is running
      systemctl status azuremonitoragent
    3. Check if you see any errors in core agent logs located at /var/opt/microsoft/azuremonitoragent/log/mdsd.* on your machine
  4. Verify that the DCR exists and is associated with the virtual machine:

    1. If using Log Analytics workspace as destination, verify that DCR exists in the same physical region as the Log Analytics workspace.
    2. Open Azure portal > select your data collection rule > Open Configuration : Resources from the pane on the left > You should see the virtual machine listed here.
    3. If not listed, click 'Add' and select your virtual machine from the resource picker. Repeat across all DCRs.
  5. Verify that agent was able to download the associated DCR(s) from AMCS service:

    1. Check if you see the latest DCR downloaded at this location /etc/opt/microsoft/azuremonitoragent/config-cache/configchunks/

Issues collecting Syslog

For more information on how to troubleshoot syslog issues with Azure Monitor Agent, see here.

  • The quality of service (QoS) file /var/opt/microsoft/azuremonitoragent/log/mdsd.qos provides CSV-format 15-minute aggregations of the processed events and contains the information on the amount of the processed syslog events in the given timeframe. This file is useful in tracking Syslog event ingestion drops.

    For example, the below fragment shows that in the 15 minutes preceding 2022-02-28T19:55:23.5432920Z, the agent received 77 syslog events with facility daemon and level info and sent 77 of said events to the upload task. Additionally, the agent upload task received 77 and successfully uploaded all 77 of these daemon.info messages.

    #Time: 2022-02-28T19:55:23.5432920Z
    #Fields: Operation,Object,TotalCount,SuccessCount,Retries,AverageDuration,AverageSize,AverageDelay,TotalSize,TotalRowsRead,TotalRowsSent

Troubleshooting steps

  1. Review the generic Linux AMA troubleshooting steps first. If agent is emitting heartbeats, proceed to step 2.

  2. The parsed configuration is stored at /etc/opt/microsoft/azuremonitoragent/config-cache/configchunks/. Check that Syslog collection is defined and the log destinations are the same as constructed in DCR UI / DCR JSON.

    1. If yes, proceed to step 3. If not, the issue is in the configuration workflow.
    2. Investigate mdsd.err,mdsd.warn, mdsd.info files under /var/opt/microsoft/azuremonitoragent/log for possible configuration errors.
  3. Validate the layout of the Syslog collection workflow to ensure all necessary pieces are in place and accessible:

    1. For rsyslog users, ensure the /etc/rsyslog.d/10-azuremonitoragent.conf file is present, isn't empty, and is accessible by the rsyslog daemon (syslog user).
      1. Check your rsyslog configuration at /etc/rsyslog.conf and /etc/rsyslog.d/* to see if you have any inputs bound to a non-default ruleset, as messages from these inputs won't be forwarded to Azure Monitor Agent. For instance, messages from an input configured with a non-default ruleset like input(type="imtcp" port="514" ruleset="myruleset") won't be forward.
    2. For syslog-ng users, ensure the /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d/azuremonitoragent.conf file is present, isn't empty, and is accessible by the syslog-ng daemon (syslog user).
    3. Ensure the file /run/azuremonitoragent/default_syslog.socket exists and is accessible by rsyslog or syslog-ng respectively.
    4. Check that syslog daemon queue isn't overflowing, causing the upload to fail, by referring the guidance here: Rsyslog data not uploaded due to Full Disk space issue on AMA Linux Agent
  4. To debug syslog events ingestion further, you can append trace flag -T 0x2002 at the end of MDSD_OPTIONS in the file /etc/default/azuremonitoragent, and restart the agent:

    export MDSD_OPTIONS="-A -c /etc/opt/microsoft/azuremonitoragent/mdsd.xml -d -r $MDSD_ROLE_PREFIX -S $MDSD_SPOOL_DIRECTORY/eh -L $MDSD_SPOOL_DIRECTORY/events -e $MDSD_LOG_DIR/mdsd.err -w $MDSD_LOG_DIR/mdsd.warn -o $MDSD_LOG_DIR/mdsd.info -T 0x2002"
  5. After the issue is reproduced with the trace flag on, you'll find more debug information in /var/opt/microsoft/azuremonitoragent/log/mdsd.info. Inspect the file for the possible cause of syslog collection issue, such as parsing / processing / configuration / upload errors.


    Ensure to remove trace flag setting -T 0x2002 after the debugging session, since it generates many trace statements that could fill up the disk more quickly or make visually parsing the log file difficult.

Troubleshooting issues on Arc-enabled server

If after checking basic troubleshooting steps you don't see the Azure Monitor Agent emitting logs or find 'Failed to get MSI token from IMDS endpoint' errors in /var/opt/microsoft/azuremonitoragent/log/mdsd.err log file, it's likely syslog user isn't a member of the group himds. Add syslog user to himds user group if the user isn't a member of this group. Create user syslog and the group syslog, if necessary, and make sure that the user is in that group. For more information check out Azure Arc-enabled server authentication requirements here.