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Queries for the AzureActivity table

For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, see Log Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, see Query.

[Classic] Find In AzureActivity

[Classic] Find in AzureActivity to search for a specific value in the AzureActivity table./nNote that this query requires updating the <SeachValue> parameter to produce results

// This query requires a parameter to run. Enter value in SearchValue to find in table.
let SearchValue =  "<SearchValue>";//Please update term you would like to find in the table.
| where ResourceProvider == "MICROSOFT.KEYVAULT"
| where * contains tostring(SearchValue)
| take 1000

Shut down Virtual Machines

Virtual Machines successfully shut down in the last 10 minutes.

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where TimeGenerated > ago(10m)
| where OperationName == "Deallocate Virtual Machine" and ActivityStatus == "Succeeded" 

Latest 50 logs

Show the latest Azure Activity logs for this resource.

| top 50 by TimeGenerated desc 

Operations' status

Show the latest Azure activity log for each operation.

| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by OperationName 

Recent Azure Activity logs

Display all Azure Activity logs from the last hour.

| where Level == "Error" or Level == "Warning"
| project TimeGenerated, Level, ResourceProvider, ActivityStatus, Caller, Category, Properties, CorrelationId 

Failed operations

List all reports of failed operations, over the past hour.

| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)  
| where ActivityStatus == "Failed"

Resources creation

List created Azure resources. Can be useful for monitoring and alerts.

| where OperationNameValue has "Microsoft.Resources/deployments/write"
| where CategoryValue == "Administrative"
| where ActivityStatusValue == "Success"
| project Caller, TimeGenerated, _ResourceId

Find In AzureActivity

Find in AzureActivity to search for a specific value in the AzureActivity table./nNote that this query requires updating the <SeachValue> parameter to produce results

// This query requires a parameter to run. Enter value in SearchValue to find in table.
let SearchValue =  "<SearchValue>";//Please update term you would like to find in the table.
| where ResourceProvider == "Microsoft.ContainerService"
| where * contains tostring(SearchValue)
| take 1000

Show logs from AzureActivity table

Lists the latest logs in AzureActivity table, sorted by time (latest first).

| top 10 by TimeGenerated

Show logs from AzureActivity table

Lists the latest logs in AzureActivity table, sorted by time (latest first).

| top 10 by TimeGenerated

Display top 50 Activity log events

Display top 50 Activity log events.

| project TimeGenerated, SubscriptionId, ResourceGroup,ResourceProviderValue,OperationNameValue,CategoryValue,CorrelationId,ActivityStatusValue, ActivitySubstatusValue, Properties_d, Caller
| top 50 by TimeGenerated

Display Activity log Administrative events

Displays Activity log for Administrative category.

| where CategoryValue == "Administrative"
| order by TimeGenerated desc

VM creation

This query displays results of when a VM is created.

| where TimeGenerated >= ago(1d)
| where OperationNameValue == "MICROSOFT.COMPUTE/VIRTUALMACHINES/WRITE" and ActivityStatusValue == "Start"
| where Authorization_d.action == "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/write"
| project OperationNameValue, ActivityStatusValue, VM_Name=Properties_d.resource, ResourceGroup, SubscriptionId, Created_By=Caller

Display Activity log events generated from Policy

Display top 100 records of all effect action operations performed by Azure Policy.

| project TimeGenerated, SubscriptionId, ResourceProviderValue, OperationNameValue, Caller, CategoryValue, CorrelationId, ActivityStatusValue, Properties_d
| where OperationNameValue has "audit"
| top 100 by TimeGenerated desc

List callers and their associated action in last 48 hours

List callers and their associated action in last 48 hours.

| where TimeGenerated > ago(2d)
| project Caller, OperationNameValue, ActivityStatusValue, CategoryValue
| where Caller has "@"

All Azure Activity

The query presents all AzureActivity events.

| project TimeGenerated, Caller, OperationName, ActivityStatus, _ResourceId

Azure Activity for user

Show the user's activity over Azure Activity.

// Replace the UPN in the query with the UPN of the user of interest
let v_Users_UPN= "osotnoc@contoso.com";
| where Caller == v_Users_UPN
| project TimeGenerated, Caller, OperationName, ActivityStatus

Successful key enumaration

Lists users who performed key enumeration, and their location.

| where OperationName == "List Storage Account Keys"
| where ActivityStatus == "Succeeded"
| project TimeGenerated, Caller, CallerIpAddress, OperationName

Network Access JIT initiation

Lists the initiation of JIT network access permissions.

| where OperationName == "Initiate JIT Network Access Policy"
| where ActivityStatus == "Started"

Azure Activity operation statistics

Statistics of operations over Azure Activity.

| summarize Count=count() by OperationName, _ResourceId
| sort by Count desc nulls last