Tendocs Documents (Preview)

A fast, simple, and smart service to automate the creation of Office documents using AI, text, images, documents and tables. More Information: https://www.tendocs.com

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Support
URL https://www.tendocs.com
Email support@tendocs.com
Connector Metadata
Publisher Deepdale BV
Website https://www.tendocs.com
Privacy policy https://www.tendocs.com/privacy
Categories Productivity;Content and Files

Provide a detailed description here, distinct from your connector's description, of the value that the connector offers users and a high-level overview of functionality that the connector supports. This description should be no more than one paragraph of eight sentences.


You will need the following to proceed:

  • A Microsoft Power Apps or Power Automate plan with custom connector feature
  • A valid commercial Tendocs Account and API key.
  • The Power platform CLI tools

How to get an API Key

To get credentials perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Tendocs, select your plan, and then click on "Purchase".
  2. After being presented with the "Sign-up" page, complete the following:
    1. Enter your first and last names.
    2. Enter your email address.
    3. Optionally, enter the name of your organisation.
    4. Enter your Billing Address.
    5. Optionally, select your Tex Type and then Tax ID.
    6. Finally, enter in your payment details.
    7. Check the box to agree to the Termas and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
    8. To complete the process click on the "Sign up and Pay" button.
  3. You will then recieve an email at the address entered, requesting confirmation of the account creation.
  4. Clicking on the link provided will enable you to set a password.

To retrieve your API Key, login to your new Tendocs account, and then click on "Profile" from the top navigation. You will find your API key on the "Account" tab, under "API Keys", labelled "Tendocs API Key".

Get started with your connector

For full step-by-step instructions, including the necessary assets, visit: Create documents with Power Automate.

Known issues and limitations

Content Limits

The following limits will result in Actions "Timing out" and a 500 error that can be investigated by contacting support.

  • Number of Text Token limited to a maximum of 128.
  • Total Rows across all tables limited to 10,000.
  • Size of all images should be below 200kb.
  • Size of all sub-documents combined should be below 200kb.
  • Documents or Tempaltes greater than 50 MB cannot be processed.

Common errors and remedies

  • HTTP Error 403 The request is not authorized to make the template request.
    • This can be resolved by ensuring the provided API Key has been correctly specified in the Connection.
  • HTTP Error 404 Tendocs service is not operational, contact Support.
    • Service has been interrupted. This can only be resolved though a support ticket.
  • HTTP Error 500 Something has gone wrong.
    • Error processing the inputs. This can only be resolved through a support ticket.


  • What document types are supported?
    • Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
  • What Image types are supported?
    • PNG and JPG.
  • What is the maximum file size for a document?
    • 1 mb.
  • What file types are supported for document conversion?
    • PDF, HTML.

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareable


Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
API Key securestring Enter the API Key provided to you by Tendocs True

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Compare documents using AI

Create an AI (GPT-4) comparison of documents (contracts, reports, quotes, etc).

Convert a document to PDF, HTML or TXT

Convert a document to a new file format. Includes PDF and HTML.

Create a new Document from a description

Create a new document with a complete Table of Contents, example text and instructions.

Create a new document from a template

Create a new Office document by merging an office template with text, images, documents and tables.

Create a new document from a template and JSON

Create a new Office document by merging an office template with JSON Obeject.

Securely share a PDF document

Securely share a PDF document with activity tracking, comments, terms and more.

Summarise a document using AI

Create a AI (GPT-4) generated summary of the provided document.

Compare documents using AI

Create an AI (GPT-4) comparison of documents (contracts, reports, quotes, etc).


Name Key Required Type Description
First File
file True binary

First file to be compared.

Second File
file True binary

Second file to be compared

profession True string

The profession who would best be able to compare the documents.

Configuration Keys
keys object

Advanced Configuration Settings (use only as instructed)


Convert a document to PDF, HTML or TXT

Convert a document to a new file format. Includes PDF and HTML.


Name Key Required Type Description
file True binary

File to be converted.

Document Format
documentResponseFormat True string

The format you would like the document to be converted to.

Configuration Keys
keys object

Advanced Configuration Settings (use only as instructed)


Template File

Create a new Document from a description

Create a new document with a complete Table of Contents, example text and instructions.


Name Key Required Type Description
Describe the document (< 1000 chars)
description True string

Template Description

Configuration Keys
keys object

Advanced Configuration Settings (use only as instructed)


Create a new document from a template

Create a new Office document by merging an office template with text, images, documents and tables.


Name Key Required Type Description
Template File
file True binary

File Contents of the Office Document template.

token True string

Document replacement token representing the image.

File Content
file True binary

The file contents of an image.

text object

Collection of document replacement tokens and associated replacement text.

token True string

Document replacement token representing a document.

File Content
file True binary

The file content of a document.

token True string

Document replacement token representing the table.

rows True object

An array representing the rows in the table.

Document Format
documentresponseformat string

The format you would like the document to be converted to.

Configuration Keys
keys object

Advanced Configuration Settings (use only as instructed)


Template File


Create a new document from a template and JSON

Create a new Office document by merging an office template with JSON Obeject.


Name Key Required Type Description
Template File
file True binary

File Contents of the Office Document template.

JSON Object
json True object

JSON Object for merging into the document Template

Document Format
documentResponseFormat string

The format you would like the document to be converted to.

Configuration Keys
keys object

Advanced Configuration Settings (use only as instructed)


Template File


Securely share a PDF document

Securely share a PDF document with activity tracking, comments, terms and more.


Name Key Required Type Description
PDF Document
file True binary

File Contents of the PDF Document.

Configuration Keys
keys object

Advanced Configuration Settings (use only as instructed)

Document Title
title True string

Title of the document, displayed at the top of the document page.

Document Introduction
introduction True string

Paragraph of text displayed at the top of the page introducing the purpose and background of the document.

Document Logo
logoUrl string

Full URL to a logo that is displayed in the top left of the document.

Recipient Email
email True string

Email address of the document recipeint.

Recipient First Name
firstName True string

The first name of the recipient.

Recipient Last Name
lastName True string

The last name of the recipient.

checkboxText string

When specified a checkbox is displayed along with this text.

Expiry Date
expiry True string

The date after which the document is no longer valid and cannot be accessed.

Signature Required
isSignatureRequired True boolean

Determines if the recipents name and an empty text box where they need to enter their name is included on the document page.

Organsiation Title
organisationTitle True string

The title of the company, department or organisation that is repsonsible for sending the document.

Organisation Website
organisationWebsite string

Link to a webiste. This could be internal, or external to the organisation and provide more details on the document or process.

Organisation Email
organisationContactEmail True string

Email address of the owner, or organisation that is responsible for the document or process.

Organisation Phone
organisationContactPhone string

Phone number of the owner, or organisation that is responsible for the document or process.

Organisation Owner
organisationContactName True string

Name of the owner who is responsible for the document or process.

Oragnisation Owner Title
organisationContactTitle string

Job title of the owner who is responsible for the document or process.

commentsEnabled boolean

Choose whether or not a comments box should be included on the document page.

Project ID
projectIdentifier string

A unique value that is used to identify a single document sharing campaign.

Complete Button Label
completeButtonLabel string

The label that is displayed on the button to complete the document.

Complete Document Label
completeStatusLabel string

The label displayed on the document when it has been completed.

Incomplete Document Label
incompleteStatusLabel string

The label displayed on the document when it is in not complete.


Summarise a document using AI

Create a AI (GPT-4) generated summary of the provided document.


Name Key Required Type Description
file True binary

File to be summarised.

Target Word Count
targetWords True integer

The target number of words for the summary.

Configuration Keys
keys object

Advanced Configuration Settings (use only as instructed)




Template File

Template File

Processed Template File Contents


Template File

Template File

Converted File Contents


Name Path Type Description
Document Url
url string

Secure URL to the document to be shared with the recipient.


Name Path Type Description
Document Title
title string

Recommended Template title

Document Filename
filename string

Recommended Template filename

outline array of object
outline.title string

Section title

outline.summary string

Description of the section

outline.example string

Example content for the section

outline.subheadings array of object

Subheadings for the template

outline.subheadings.title string

Subsection title

outline.subheadings.summary string

Subsection description

outline.subheadings.example string

Subsection example

outline.subheadings.subheadings array of



Name Path Type Description
type string

The type of summary provided.

content string

Summary of the document.

targetWords number

The targetted length in words.

lengthWords number

The length of the summary in words.


Name Path Type Description
differences array of object
differences.aspect string

An aspect of the differences between the documents

differences.detailSummary string

Describes the differences between the two documents

differences.detail array of object

Details of the changes across both documents.

differences.detail.document string

The Document the summary is referring to

Document Summary
differences.detail.summary string

Description of the difference based on one of the documents

differences.importance string

Assessment of how important this difference is

summary string