编译器错误 C2680


强制转换运算符尝试了转换为不是指针或引用的类型。 dynamic_cast 运算符只能用于指针或引用。

下面的示例生成 C2680:

// C2680.cpp
// compile with: /c
class A { virtual void f(); };
class B : public A {};

void g(B b) {
   A a;
   a = dynamic_cast<A>(b);   // C2680  target not a reference type
   a = dynamic_cast<A&>(b);   // OK

如果未定义目标,也可能发生 C2680:

// C2680b.cpp
// compile with: /clr /c
// C2680 expected
using namespace System::Collections;

// Delete the following line to resolve.
ref class A;   // not defined

// Uncomment the following line to resolve.
// ref class A{};

public ref class B : ArrayList {
   property A^ C[int] {
      A^ get(int index) {
         return dynamic_cast<A^>(this->default::get(index));
      void set(int index, A^ value) {
         this->default::set(index, value);