依据 Visual Studio 版本的 Microsoft C/C++ 语言一致性

我们正致力于 Visual Studio (MSVC) 中 Microsoft C/C++ 编译器的标准符合性。 下面概述了 ISO 标准 C 和 C++ 语言,以及依据 Visual Studio 版本的库一致性。 每个 C++ 编译器和标准库功能名称都有一个指向介绍该功能的 ISO 标准 C++ 建议文章的链接(如果在发布时可用)。 “支持”列中列出了首次出现支持该功能的 Visual Studio 版本。

有关一致性改进的详细信息,请参阅 Visual Studio 中的 C++ 一致性改进。 有关其他更改的列表,请参阅 Visual Studio 中 Visual C++ 的新增功能。 若要了解早期版本中的一致性更改,请参阅 Visual C++ 更改历史记录2003 至 2015 各版本中 Visual C++ 的新增功能。 若要获取 C++ 团队的最新资讯,请访问 C++ 团队博客


Visual Studio 2015、2017、2019 和 2022 版本之间没有二进制中断性变更。 有关详细信息,请参阅 Visual Studio 版本之间的 C++ 二进制兼容性

C++ 编译器功能

Feature 支持
C++03/11 核心语言功能 支持
 其他 VS 2015 A
 两阶段名称查找 VS 2017 15.7 B
N2634 Expression SFINAE VS 2017 15.7
N1653 C99 preprocessor VS 2019 16.6 C
C++03/11 核心语言功能(缺陷报告) 支持
C++14 核心语言功能 支持
N3323 Tweaked wording for contextual conversions VS 2013
N3472 Binary literals VS 2015
N3638 auto and decltype(auto) return types VS 2015
N3648 init-captures VS 2015
N3649 Generic lambdas VS 2015
N3760 [[deprecated]] attribute VS 2015
N3778 Sized deallocation VS 2015
N3781 Digit separators VS 2015
N3651 Variable templates VS 2015 Update 2
N3652 Extended constexpr VS 2017 15.0
N3653 Default member initializers for aggregates VS 2017 15.0
C++17 核心语言功能 支持
N4086 Removing trigraphs VS 2010 14
N3922 New rules for auto with braced-init-lists VS 2015 14
N4051 typename in template template-parameters VS 2015 14
N4266 Attributes for namespaces and enumerators VS 2015 14
N4267 u8 character literals VS 2015 14
N4230 Nested namespace definitions VS 2015.3 17
N3928 Terse static_assert VS 2017 15.0 17
P0184R0 Generalized range-based for-loops VS 2017 15.0 14
P0188R1 [[fallthrough]] attribute VS 2017 15.0 17
P0001R1 Removing the register keyword VS 2017 15.3 17
P0002R1 Removing operator++ for bool VS 2017 15.3 17
P0018R3 Capturing *this by value VS 2017 15.3 17
P0028R4 Using attribute namespaces without repetition VS 2017 15.3 17
P0061R1 __has_include VS 2017 15.3 14
P0138R2 Direct-list-init of fixed enums from integers VS 2017 15.3 17
P0170R1 constexpr lambdas VS 2017 15.3 17
P0189R1 [[nodiscard]] attribute VS 2017 15.3 17
P0212R1 [[maybe_unused]] attribute VS 2017 15.3 17
P0217R3 Structured bindings VS 2017 15.3 17
P0292R2 constexpr if-statements VS 2017 15.3 D
P0305R1 Selection statements with initializers VS 2017 15.3 17
P1381R1 Reference capture of structured bindings VS 2017 15.3 17
P0245R1 Hexfloat literals VS 2017 15.5 17
N4268 Allowing more non-type template args VS 2017 15.5 17
N4295 Fold expressions VS 2017 15.5 17
P0003R5 Removing dynamic-exception-specifications VS 2017 15.5 17
P0012R1 Adding noexcept to the type system VS 2017 15.5 17
P0035R4 Over-aligned dynamic memory allocation VS 2017 15.5 17
P0386R2 Inline variables VS 2017 15.5 17
P0522R0 Matching template template-parameters to compatible arguments VS 2017 15.5 17
P0036R0 Removing some empty unary folds VS 2017 15.5 17
N4261 Fixing qualification conversions VS 2017 15.7 17
P0017R1 Extended aggregate initialization VS 2017 15.7 17
P0091R3 Template argument deduction for class templates
P0512R0 Class template argument deduction issues
VS 2017 15.7 17
P0127R2 Declaring non-type template parameters with auto VS 2017 15.7 17
P0135R1 Guaranteed copy elision VS 2017 15.6
P0136R1 Rewording inheriting constructors VS 2017 15.7 17
P0137R1 std::launder VS 2017 15.7 17
P0145R3 Refining expression evaluation order
P0400R0 Order of evaluation of function arguments
VS 2017 15.7 17
P0195R2 Pack expansions in using-declarations VS 2017 15.7 17
P0283R2 Ignoring unrecognized attributes VS 2015 14
C++17 核心语言功能(缺陷报告) 支持
P0702R1 Fixing class template argument deduction for initializer-list ctors VS 2017 15.7 17
P0961R1 Relaxing the structured bindings customization point finding rules VS 2019 16.0 17
P0969R0 Allowing structured bindings to accessible members VS 2019 16.0 17
P0588R1 Simplifying implicit lambda capture VS 2019 16.4 17
P1771R1 [[nodiscard]] for constructors VS 2019 16.4 17
P1825R0 Merged wording for P0527R1 and P1155R3, more implicit moves VS 2019 16.4 17
P0929R2 Checking for abstract class types VS 2019 16.5 17
P0962R1 Relaxing the range-for loop customization point finding rules VS 2019 16.5 17
P0859R0 CWG 1581: When are constexpr member functions defined VS 2019 16.7 E 中的部分,VS 2022 17.1 中已满
P1009R2 Array size deduction in new-expressions VS 2019 16.7 17
P1286R2 Contra CWG DR1778 VS 2019 16.8 17
C++20 核心语言功能 支持
P0641R2 const mismatch with defaulted copy constructor VS 2015 14
P0704R1 Fixing const lvalue ref-qualified pointers to members VS 2015 14
P1041R4 Make char16_t/char32_t string literals be UTF-16/32 VS 2015 14
P1330R0 Changing the active member of a union inside constexpr VS 2017 15.0 14
P0972R0 noexcept For <chrono> zero(), min(), max() VS 2017 15.7 14
P0515R3 Three-way (spaceship) comparison operator <=> VS 2019 16.0 20
P0941R2 Feature-test macros VS 2019 16.0 14
P1008R1 Prohibiting aggregates with user-declared constructors VS 2019 16.0 20
P0329R4 Designated initialization VS 2019 16.1 20
P0846R0 ADL and function templates that are not visible VS 2019 16.1 20
P0409R2 Allowing lambda-capture [=, this] VS 2019 16.2 20
P0428R2 Familiar template syntax for generic lambdas VS 2019 16.2 20
P0624R2 Default constructible and assignable stateless lambdas VS 2019 16.2 20
P0780R2 Allowing pack expansion in lambda init-capture VS 2019 16.2 20
P0806R2 Deprecate implicit capture of this via [=] VS 2019 16.2 20
P1120R0 Consistency improvements for <=> and other comparison operators VS 2019 16.2 20
P1185R2 <=> != == VS 2019 16.2 20
P0734R0 Concepts VS 2019 16.3 20
P0857R0 Fixing functionality gaps in constraints VS 2019 16.3 20
P1084R2 Today's return-type-requirements are insufficient VS 2019 16.3 20
P0892R2 Conditional explicit VS 2019 16.4 20
P1091R3 Extending structured bindings to be more like variable declarations VS 2019 16.4 20
P1099R5 Using enum VS 2019 16.4 20
P1186R3 When do you actually use <=> VS 2019 16.4 20
P1630R1 Spaceship needs a tune-up VS 2019 16.4 20
P0306R4 Adding __VA_OPT__ for comma omission and comma deletion VS 2019 16.5。 为了提供更好的向后兼容性,所有语言版本中的 /Zc:preprocessor 下启用了 __VA_OPT__
P0614R1 Range-based for-loops with initializers VS 2019 16.5 20
P0683R1 Default member initializers for bit-fields VS 2019 16.5 20
P1002R1 try-catch blocks in constexpr functions VS 2019 16.5 20
P1161R3 Deprecate uses of the comma operator in subscripting expressions VS 2019 16.5 20
P1301R4 [[nodiscard("message")]] VS 2019 16.5 20
P1703R1 Recognizing header unit imports requires full preprocessing VS 2019 16.5 20
P1946R0 Allow defaulting comparisons by value VS 2019 16.5 20
P0479R5 [[likely]] and [[unlikely]] attributes VS 2019 16.6 20
P0692R1 Relaxing access checking on specializations VS 2019 16.6 14
P0732R2 Class types in non-type template parameters VS 2019 16.6 20
P1139R2 Address wording issues related to ISO 10646 VS 2019 16.6 14
P1907R1 Inconsistencies with non-type template parameters VS 2019 16.6 20
P1971R0 US053: Mandate the return type for return_void and return_value to be void VS 2019 16.6 20
P1971R0 US065: Apply Coroutines issue 24 from P0664R8 VS 2019 16.6 20
P1979R0 Resolution to US086 VS 2019 16.6 20
P0388R4 Permit conversions to arrays of unknown bound VS 2019 16.7 20
P0466R5 Layout-compatibility and Pointer-interconvertibility Traits VS 2019 16.7 20
P0722R3 Efficient sized delete for variable sized classes VS 2019 16.7 20
P1094R2 Nested inline namespaces VS 2019 16.7 20
P1152R4 Deprecating volatile VS 2019 16.7 20
P1331R2 Permitting trivial default initialization in constexpr contexts VS 2019 16.7 20
P1358R0 2310: Type completeness and derived-to-base pointer conversions VS 2019 16.7 20
P1452R2 On the non-uniform semantics of return-type-requirements VS 2019 16.7 20
P1616R1 Using unconstrained TTPs with constrained templates VS 2019 16.7 20
P1814R0 CTAD for alias templates VS 2019 16.7 20
P1816R0 CTAD for aggregates VS 2019 16.7 20
P1957R1 Converting from T* to bool should be considered narrowing (re: US 212) VS 2019 16.7 DR
P1968R0 CWG 2282: Consistency with mismatched aligned/non-over-aligned allocation/deallocation functions VS 2019 16.7 20
P1969R0 CWG 2280: Matching a usual deallocation function with placement new VS 2019 16.7 20
P1969R0 CWG 2382: Array allocation overhead for non-allocating placement new VS 2019 16.7 20
P1969R0 CWG 2441: Inline function parameters VS 2019 16.7 20
P1971R0 US052: Non-executed return statements in coroutines VS 2019 16.7 20
P1972R0 US105: Check satisfaction of constraints for non-templates when forming pointer to function VS 2019 16.7 20
P1980R0 CA096: Declaration matching for non-dependent requires-clauses VS 2019 16.7 20
P2082R1 Fixing CTAD for aggregates VS 2019 16.7 20
P2085R0 Consistent defaulted comparisons VS 2019 16.7 20
P2103R0 US033: Allow "import" inside linkage-specifications VS 2019 16.7 20
P2107R0 US064: Copy semantics of coroutine parameters VS 2019 16.7 20
P0912R5 Coroutines VS 2019 16.8 20
P1103R3 Modules VS 2019 16.8 20
P0315R4 Allowing lambdas in unevaluated contexts VS 2019 16.8 20
P0848R3 Conditionally trivial special member functions VS 2019 16.8 20
P0960R3 Allow initializing aggregates from a parenthesized list of values VS 2019 16.8 20
P1766R1 Mitigating minor modules maladies VS 2019 16.8 20
P1811R0 Relaxing redefinition restrictions for re-exportation robustness VS 2019 16.8 20
P1874R1 Dynamic Initialization Order of Non-Local Variables in Modules VS 2019 16.8 20
P1975R0 Fixing the wording of parenthesized aggregate-initialization VS 2019 16.8 20
P0634R3 Down with typename! VS 2019 16.9 20
P0784R7 More constexpr containers VS 2019 16.9 20
P0840R2 [[no_unique_address]] attribute VS 2019 16.9 20
P1064R0 Allowing virtual function calls in constant expressions VS 2019 16.9 20
P1141R2 Yet another approach for constrained declarations VS 2019 16.9 20
P1327R1 Allowing dynamic_cast, polymorphic typeid in constant expressions VS 2019 16.9 20
P1668R1 Permitting unevaluated inline assembly in constexpr functions VS 2019 16.9 20
P1073R3 Immediate functions VS 2019 16.10 20
P1143R2 constinit VS 2019 16.10 20
P1353R0 Missing feature-test macros VS 2019 16.10 20
P0735R1 Interaction of memory_order_consume with release sequences 空值
P1236R1 Signed integers are two's complement 空值
C++23 核心语言功能 支持
P0330R8 Literal Suffix for (signed) size_t
P0847R7 Deducing this
P0849R8 auto(x): decay-copy in the language
P1102R2 Down with ()!
P1169R4 static operator()
P1401R5 Narrowing contextual conversions to bool
P1467R9 Extended floating-point types and standard names
P1774R8 Portable assumptions
P1787R6 Declarations and where to find them
P1847R4 Make declaration order layout mandated VS 2022 17.0 23
P1938R3 if consteval
P1949R7 C++ Identifier Syntax using Unicode Standard Annex 31
P2029R4 Proposed resolution for core issues 411, 1656, and 2333; numeric and universal character escapes in character and string literals
P2036R3 Change scope of lambda trailing-return-type
P2071R2 Named universal character escapes
P2128R6 Multidimensional subscript operator
P2156R1 Allow Duplicate Attributes
P2173R1 Attributes on Lambda-Expressions
P2186R2 Remove Garbage Collection Support VS 2022 17.0 23
P2201R1 Mixed string literal concatenation
P2223R2 Trimming whitespaces before line splicing
P2242R3 Non-literal variables (and labels and gotos) in constexpr functions
P2246R1 Character encoding of diagnostic text VS 2022 17.0 23
P2266R3 Simpler implicit move
P2280R4 Using unknown pointers and references in constant expressions
P2290R3 Delimited escape sequences
P2295R6 Support for UTF-8 as a portable source file encoding
P2314R4 Character sets and encodings
P2316R2 Consistent character literal encoding VS 2022 17.0 23
P2324R2 Labels at the end of compound statements (C compatibility)
P2327R1 De-deprecating volatile compound operations
P2334R1 preprocessing directives elifdef and elifndef
P2360R0 Extend init-statement to allow alias-declaration
P2362R3 Remove non-encodable wide character literals and multicharacter wide character literals
P2437R1 Support for #warning
P2448R2 Relaxing some constexpr restrictions
P2460R2 Relax requirements on wchar_t to match existing practices
P2468R2 The Equality Operator You Are Looking For
P2493R0 Missing feature test macros for C++20 core papers
P2493R0 Missing feature test macros for C++20 core papers
P2513R4 char8_t Compatibility and Portability Fix VS 2022 17.4 DR
P2579R0 Mitigation strategies for P2036 ”Changing scope for lambda trailing-return-type”
P2582R1 Wording for class template argument deduction from inherited constructors

C++ 标准库功能

GitHub Microsoft STL wiki Changelog 页上提供了按产品版本列出的标准库功能和 bug 修复的详细列表。

Feature 支持
C++14 标准库功能 支持
N3462 SFINAE-Friendly result_of VS 2015.2
N3302 constexpr For <complex> VS 2015
N3469 constexpr For <chrono> VS 2015
N3470 constexpr For <array> VS 2015
N3471 constexpr For <initializer_list>, <tuple>, <utility> VS 2015
N3545 integral_constant::operator()() VS 2015
N3642 UDLs For <chrono>, <string> (1729ms, "meow"s, etc.) VS 2015
N3644 Null Forward Iterators VS 2015
N3654 quoted() VS 2015
N3657 Heterogeneous Associative Lookup VS 2015
N3658 integer_sequence VS 2015
N3659 shared_mutex (Timed) VS 2015
N3668 exchange() VS 2015
N3669 Fixing constexpr Member Functions Without const VS 2015
N3670 get<T>() VS 2015
N3671 Dual-Range equal(), is_permutation(), mismatch() VS 2015
N3778 Sized Deallocation VS 2015
N3779 UDLs For <complex> (3.14i, etc.) VS 2015
N3789 constexpr For <functional> VS 2015
N3887 tuple_element_t VS 2015
N3891 Renaming shared_mutex (Timed) To shared_timed_mutex VS 2015
N3346 Minimal Container Element Requirements VS 2013
N3421 Transparent Operator Functors (less<>, etc.) VS 2013
N3655 Alias Templates For <type_traits> (decay_t, etc.) VS 2013
N3656 make_unique() VS 2013
C++17 标准库功能 支持
N3911 void_t VS 2015 14
N4089 Safe Conversions In unique_ptr<T[]> VS 2015 14
N4169 invoke() VS 2015 14
N4190 Removing auto_ptr, random_shuffle(), And Old <functional> Stuff VS 2015 F
N4258 noexcept Cleanups VS 2015 14
N4259 uncaught_exceptions() VS 2015 14
N4277 Trivially Copyable reference_wrapper VS 2015 14
N4279 insert_or_assign()/try_emplace() For map/unordered_map VS 2015 14
N4280 size(), empty(), data() VS 2015 14
N4366 Precisely Constraining unique_ptr Assignment VS 2015 14
N4387 Improving pair And tuple VS 2015.2 14
N4389 bool_constant VS 2015 14
N4508 shared_mutex (Untimed) VS 2015.2 14
N4510 Supporting Incomplete Types In vector/list/forward_list VS 2013 14
N4562 Library Fundamentals: <algorithm> sample() VS 2017 15.0
N4562 Library Fundamentals: <any> VS 2017 15.0
N4562 Library Fundamentals: <memory_resource>
P0337R0 Deleting polymorphic_allocator Assignment
VS 2017 15.6
N4562 Library Fundamentals: <optional> VS 2017 15.0
N4562 Library Fundamentals: <string_view> VS 2017 15.0
N4562 Library Fundamentals: <tuple> apply() VS 2017 15.0
N4562 Library Fundamentals: Boyer-Moore search()
P0253R1 Fixing Searcher Return Types
VS 2017 15.3 17
P0003R5 Removing Dynamic Exception Specifications VS 2017 15.5 17
P0004R1 Removing Deprecated Iostreams Aliases VS 2015.2 F
P0005R4 not_fn()
P0358R1 Fixes For not_fn()
VS 2017 15.5 17
P0006R0 Variable Templates For Type Traits (is_same_v, etc.) VS 2015.2 14
P0007R1 as_const() VS 2015.2 14
P0013R1 Logical Operator Type Traits (conjunction, etc.) VS 2015.2 14
P0024R2 Parallel Algorithms
P0336R1 Renaming Parallel Execution Policies
P0394R4 Parallel Algorithms Should terminate() For Exceptions
P0452R1 Unifying <numeric> Parallel Algorithms
VS 2017 15.7 G
P0025R1 clamp() VS 2015.3
P0030R1 hypot(x, y, z) VS 2017 15.7
P0031R0 constexpr For <array> (Again) And <iterator> VS 2017 15.3 17
P0032R3 Homogeneous Interface For variant/any/optional VS 2017 15.0
P0033R1 Rewording enable_shared_from_this VS 2017 15.5 14
P0040R3 Extending Memory Management Tools VS 2017 15.3 17
P0063R3 C11 Standard Library VS 2015 C1114
P0067R5 Elementary String Conversions VS 2019 16.4
P0074R0 owner_less<> VS 2015.2 14
P0077R2 is_callable, is_nothrow_callable VS 2017 15.0
P0083R3 Splicing Maps And Sets
P0508R0 Clarifying insert_return_type
VS 2017 15.5 17
P0084R2 Emplace Return Type VS 2017 15.3 17
P0088R3 <variant> VS 2017 15.0
P0092R1 <chrono> floor(), ceil(), round(), abs() VS 2015.2 14
P0152R1 atomic::is_always_lock_free VS 2017 15.3 17
P0154R1 hardware_destructive_interference_size, etc. VS 2017 15.3 17
P0156R0 Variadic lock_guard VS 2015.2 14
P0156R2 Renaming Variadic lock_guard to scoped_lock VS 2017 15.3 17
P0163R0 shared_ptr::weak_type VS 2017 15.0
P0174R2 Deprecating Vestigial Library Parts VS 2017 15.5 17
P0185R1 is_swappable, is_nothrow_swappable VS 2015.3
P0209R2 make_from_tuple() VS 2017 15.0
P0218R1 <filesystem>
P0219R1 Relative Paths For Filesystem
P0317R1 Directory Entry Caching For Filesystem
P0392R0 Supporting string_view In Filesystem Paths
P0430R2 Supporting Non-POSIX Filesystems
P0492R2 Resolving NB Comments for Filesystem
VS 2017 15.7 H
P0220R1 Library Fundamentals V1 VS 2017 15.6
P0226R1 Mathematical Special Functions VS 2017 15.7
P0254R2 Integrating string_view And std::string VS 2017 15.0
P0258R2 has_unique_object_representations VS 2017 15.3 I
P0272R1 Non-const basic_string::data() VS 2015.3
P0295R0 gcd(), lcm() VS 2017 15.3 17
P0298R3 std::byte VS 2017 15.3 17J
P0302R1 Removing Allocator Support In std::function VS 2017 15.5 17
P0307R2 Making Optional Greater Equal Again VS 2017 15.0
P0393R3 Making Variant Greater Equal VS 2017 15.0
P0403R1 UDLs For <string_view> ("meow"sv, etc.) VS 2017 15.3 17
P0414R2 shared_ptr<T[]>, shared_ptr<T[N]>
P0497R0 Fixing shared_ptr For Arrays
VS 2017 15.5 14
P0418R2 atomic compare_exchange memory_order Requirements VS 2017 15.3 14
P0426R1 constexpr For char_traits VS 2017 15.7
P0433R2 Integrating template deduction for class templates into the standard library
P0739R0 Improving class template argument deduction integration into the standard library
VS 2017 15.7
P0435R1 Overhauling common_type
P0548R1 Tweaking common_type and duration
VS 2017 15.3 14
P0504R0 Revisiting in_place_t/in_place_type_t<T>/in_place_index_t<I> VS 2017 15.0
P0505R0 constexpr For <chrono> (Again) VS 2017 15.3 17
P0510R0 Rejecting variants Of Nothing, Arrays, References, And Incomplete Types VS 2017 15.0
P0513R0 Poisoning hash
P0599R1 noexcept hash
VS 2017 15.3 14
P0516R0 Marking shared_future Copying As noexcept VS 2017 15.3 14
P0517R0 Constructing future_error From future_errc VS 2017 15.3 14
P0521R0 Deprecating shared_ptr::unique() VS 2017 15.5 17
P0558R1 Resolving atomic<T> Named Base Class Inconsistencies VS 2017 15.3 14
P0595R2 std::is_constant_evaluated() VS 2019 16.5 20
P0602R4 Propagating Copy/Move Triviality In variant/optional VS 2017 15.317
P0604R0 Changing is_callable/result_of To invoke_result, is_invocable, is_nothrow_invocable VS 2017 15.3 17
P0607R0 Inline Variables for the Standard Library VS 2017 15.5 17
P0618R0 Deprecating <codecvt> VS 2017 15.5 17
C++17 标准库功能(缺陷报告) 支持
P0682R1 Repairing Elementary String Conversions VS 2015 15.7 17
P1164R1 Making create_directory() Intuitive VS 2019 16.0 14
C++20 标准库功能 支持
P0809R0 Comparing Unordered Containers VS 2010 14
P0858R0 Constexpr Iterator Requirements VS 2017 15.3 17
P0777R1 Avoiding Unnecessary Decay VS 2017 15.7 14
P0550R2 remove_cvref VS 2019 16.0 20
P0318R1 unwrap_reference, unwrap_ref_decay VS 2019 16.1 20
P0457R2 starts_with()/ends_with() For basic_string/basic_string_view VS 2019 16.1 20
P0458R2 contains() For Ordered And Unordered Associative Containers VS 2019 16.1 20
P0646R1 list/forward_list remove()/remove_if()/unique() Return size_type VS 2019 16.1 20
P0769R2 shift_left(), shift_right() VS 2019 16.1 20
P0887R1 type_identity VS 2019 16.1 20
P0020R6 atomic<float>, atomic<double>, atomic<long double> VS 2019 16.2 20
P0463R1 endian VS 2019 16.2 20
P0482R6 char8_t: A type for UTF-8 characters and strings VS 2019 16.2 20
P0600R1 [[nodiscard]] For The STL, Part 1 VS 2019 16.2 20
P0653R2 to_address() VS 2019 16.2 20
P0754R2 <version> VS 2019 16.2 20
P0771R1 noexcept For std::function's Move Constructor VS 2019 16.2 20
P0487R1 Fixing operator>>(basic_istream&, CharT*) VS 2019 16.3 20
P0616R0 Using move() In <numeric> VS 2019 16.3 20
P0758R1 is_nothrow_convertible VS 2019 16.3 20
P0898R3 Standard Library Concepts VS 2019 16.3 20
P0919R3 Heterogeneous Lookup For Unordered Containers VS 2019 16.3 20
P1754R1 Rename Concepts to standard_case VS 2019 16.4 20
P0325R4 to_array from LFTS with updates VS 2019 16.5 20
P0340R3 SFINAE-Friendly underlying_type VS 2019 16.5 14
P0356R5 bind_front() VS 2019 16.5 20
P0439R0 enum class memory_order VS 2019 16.5 20
P0553R4 <bit> Rotating And Counting Functions VS 2019 16.5 20
P0556R3 <bit> ispow2(), ceil2(), floor2(), log2p1() VS 2019 16.5 20
P0595R2 is_constant_evaluated() VS 2019 16.5 20
P0631R8 <numbers> Math Constants VS 2019 16.5 20
P0655R1 visit<R>() VS 2019 16.5 20
P0738R2 istream_iterator Cleanup VS 2019 16.5 14
P0767R1 Deprecating is_pod VS 2019 16.5 20
P0966R1 string::reserve() Should Not Shrink VS 2019 16.5 20
P1209R0 erase_if(), erase() VS 2019 16.5 20
P1227R2 Signed std::ssize(), Unsigned span::size() VS 2019 16.5 20
P1355R2 Narrow Contract For ceil2() VS 2019 16.5 20
P1357R1 is_bounded_array, is_unbounded_array VS 2019 16.5 20
P1612R1 Relocating endian To <bit> VS 2019 16.5 20
P1651R0 bind_front() Should Not Unwrap reference_wrapper VS 2019 16.5 20
P1690R1 Refining Heterogeneous Lookup For Unordered Containers VS 2019 16.5 20
P1902R1 Missing Feature-Test Macros 2017-2019 VS 2019 16.5 14
P0122R7 <span>
P1024R3 Enhancing span usability
P1085R2 Removing span comparisons
P1394R4 Range constructor for span
P1872R0 span should have size_type, not index_type
VS 2019 16.6 20
P0202R3 constexpr for <algorithm> and exchange() VS 2019 16.6 20
P0357R3 Supporting Incomplete Types In reference_wrapper VS 2019 16.6 20
P0619R4 Removing C++17-Deprecated Features In C++20 VS 2019 16.6 20
P0879R0 constexpr for swapping functions VS 2019 16.6 20
P0883R2 Fixing atomic initialization VS 2019 16.6 14
P0935R0 Eradicating Unnecessarily Explicit Default Constructors VS 2019 16.6 14
P1006R1 constexpr For pointer_traits<T*>::pointer_to() VS 2019 16.6 20
P1165R1 Consistently Propagating Stateful Allocators In basic_string's operator+() VS 2019 16.6 14
P1423R3 char8_t backward compatibility remediation VS 2019 16.6 20
P1645R1 constexpr for <numeric> algorithms VS 2019 16.6 20
P0415R1 constexpr For <complex> (Again) VS 2019 16.7 20
P0476R2 <bit> bit_cast VS 2019 16.7 20
P0528R3 Atomic Compare-And-Exchange With Padding Bits VS 2019 16.7 20
P0586R2 Integer comparison functions VS 2019 16.7 20
P0674R1 make_shared() For Arrays VS 2019 16.7 20
P0718R2 atomic<shared_ptr<T>>, atomic<weak_ptr<T>> VS 2019 16.7 20
P1023R0 constexpr For std::array Comparisons VS 2019 16.7 20
P1115R3 erase()/erase_if() Return size_type VS 2019 16.7 20
P1831R1 Deprecating volatile in the standard library VS 2019 16.7 20
P1871R1 Concept traits should be named after concepts VS 2019 16.7 20
P1956R1 <bit> has_single_bit(), bit_ceil(), bit_floor(), bit_width() VS 2019 16.7 20
P1964R2 Replacing boolean With boolean-testable VS 2019 16.7 20
P1976R2 Fixed-size span construction from dynamic range VS 2019 16.7 20
P2091R0 Issues with range access CPOs VS 2019 16.7 20
P2102R0 Make "implicit expression variations" more explicit VS 2019 16.7 20
P2116R0 Remove tuple-like protocol support from fixed-extent span VS 2019 16.7 20
P0019R8 atomic_ref VS 2019 16.8 20
P0528R3 Library support for atomic compare-and-exchange with padding bits VS 2019 16.8 20
P0811R3 midpoint(), lerp() VS 2019 16.8 20
P0912R5 Library Support For Coroutines VS 2019 16.8 20
P1001R2 execution::unseq VS 2019 16.8 20
P1032R1 Miscellaneous constexpr VS 2019 16.8 20
P1065R2 constexpr INVOKE VS 2019 16.8 20
P1123R0 Editorial Guidance for merging P0019r8 and P0528r3 VS 2019 16.8 20
P1960R0 NB Comment Changes Reviewed by SG1 VS 2019 16.8 20
P0339R6 polymorphic_allocator<> VS 2019 16.9 20
P0660R10 <stop_token> and jthread VS 2019 16.9 20
P0768R1 Library Support For The Spaceship Comparison Operator <=> VS 2019 16.9 20
P1007R3 assume_aligned() VS 2019 16.9 20
P1020R1 Smart Pointer Creation With Default Initialization VS 2019 16.9 20
P1135R6 The C++20 Synchronization Library VS 2019 16.9 20
P1771R1 Library support for [[nodiscard]] for constructors VS 2019 16.9 20
P0053R7 <syncstream>
P0753R2 osyncstream Manipulators
VS 2019 16.10 20
P0355R7 <chrono> Calendars And Time Zones VS 2019 16.10 20abi
P0408R7 Efficient access To basic_stringbuf's buffer VS 2019 16.10 20
P0466R5 Library support for layout-compatibility and pointer-interconvertibility traits VS 2019 16.10 20
P0475R1 Guaranteed Copy Elision For Piecewise Construction VS 2019 16.10 20
P0591R4 Utility Functions For Uses-Allocator Construction VS 2019 16.10 20
P0608R3 Improving variant's Converting Constructor/Assignment VS 2019 16.10 20
P0645R10 <format> Text Formatting VS 2019 16.10 20abi
P0784R7 Library support for more constexpr containers VS 2019 16.10 20
P0896R4 <ranges> VS 2019 16.10 20abi
P0980R1 constexpr std::string VS 2019 16.10 20P
P1004R2 constexpr std::vector VS 2019 16.10 20P
P1208R6 <source_location> VS 2019 16.10 20
P1502R1 Standard Library Header Units VS 2019 16.10 20
P1614R2 Adding Spaceship <=> To The Library VS 2019 16.10 20
P1285R0 Improving Completeness Requirements For Type Traits 空值
C++20 标准库功能(缺陷报告) 支持
P2325R3 Views Should Not Be Required To Be Default Constructible VS 2022 17.0 20abi
P2328R1 join_view should join all views of ranges VS 2022 17.0 20abi
P2367R0 Remove misuses of list-initialization from clause 24 ranges VS 2022 17.0 20abi
P2259R1 Partial LWG issue resolution: repairing Input Range Adaptors and counted_iterator VS 2022 17.0 23
C++23 标准库功能 支持
P0288R9 move_only_function​ VS 2022 17.2 23
P0323R12 <expected>​​ VS 2022 17.3 23
P0401R6 Providing Size Feedback In The Allocator Interface​ VS 2022 17.0 23
P0448R4 <spanstream>​ VS 2022 17.1 23
P0627R6 unreachable()​ VS 2022 17.2 23
P0798R8 Monadic Operations For optional​ VS 2022 17.2 23
P0849R8 auto(x): decay-copy In The Language​ VS 2022 17.4 23
P0881R7 <stacktrace>​ VS 2022 17.4 23
P0943R6 Supporting C Atomics In C++​ VS 2022 17.1 23
P1048R1 is_scoped_enum​ VS 2022 17.0 23
P1072R10 basic_string::resize_and_overwrite​ VS 2022 17.1 23
P1132R7 out_ptr(), inout_ptr()​ VS 2022 17.0 23
P1147R1 Printing volatile Pointers​ VS 2022 17.1 23
P1206R7 Conversions From Ranges To Containers​ VS 2022 17.4 23
P1272R4 byteswap()​ VS 2022 17.1 23
P1328R1 constexpr type_info::operator==()​ VS 2022 17.4 23
P1413R3 Deprecate aligned_storage And aligned_union​​ VS 2022 17.3 23
P1425R4 Iterator Pair Constructors For stack And queue​ VS 2022 17.1 23
P1518R2 Stop Overconstraining Allocators In Container Deduction Guides​ VS 2022 17.1 23
P1659R3 ranges::starts_with, ranges::ends_with​ VS 2022 17.1 23
P1679R3 contains() For basic_string/basic_string_view​ VS 2022 17.0 23
P1682R3 to_underlying() For Enumerations​ VS 2022 17.0 23
P1899R3 views::stride​ VS 2022 17.4 23
P1951R1 Default Template Arguments For pair's Forwarding Constructor​ VS 2022 17.0 23
P1989R2 Range Constructor For string_view​ VS 2022 17.0 23
P2077R3 Heterogeneous Erasure Overloads For Associative Containers​ VS 2022 17.2 23
P2136R3 invoke_r()​ VS 2022 17.1 23
P2162R2 Inheriting from std::variant VS 2022 17.0 17
P2166R1 Prohibit basic_string and basic_string_view from being constructed from nullptr VS 2022 17.0 23R
P2186R2 Removed garbage collection support VS 2022 17.0 23Q
P2251R1 Require span And basic_string_view To Be Trivially Copyable​ VS 2022 17.1 23
P2273R3 constexpr unique_ptr​​ VS 2022 17.3 23
P2291R3 constexpr Integral <charconv>​ VS 2022 17.4 23
P2302R4 ranges::contains, ranges::contains_subrange​ VS 2022 17.4 23
P2321R2 std::zip​ 在 VS 2022 17.5 中部分支持 23
P2322R6 ranges::fold_left, ranges::fold_right, etc.​ VS 2022 17.5 23
P2387R3 Pipe Support For User-Defined Range Adaptors​ VS 2022 17.4 23
P2393R1 Cleaning Up Integer-Class Types​ VS 2022 17.2 23
P2401R0 Conditional noexcept For exchange()​ VS 2022 17.1 23
P2408R5 Ranges Iterators As Inputs To Non-Ranges Algorithms​ VS 2022 17.4 23
P2417R2 More constexpr bitset​ VS 2022 17.4 23
P2419R2 Clarify Handling Of Encodings In Localized Formatting Of chrono Types​ VS 2022 17.4 23
P2438R2 string::substr() &&​ VS 2022 17.4 23
P2440R1 ranges::iota, ranges::shift_left, ranges::shift_right​ VS 2022 17.4 23
P2441R2 views::join_with​ VS 2022 17.4 23
P2442R1 Windowing Range Adaptors: views::chunk, views::slide​​ VS 2022 17.3 23
P2443R1 views::chunk_by​​ VS 2022 17.3 23
P2445R1 forward_like()​ VS 2022 17.4 23
P2446R2 views::as_rvalue​ VS 2022 17.4 23
P2465R3 Standard Library Modules std And std.compat​
P2494R2 Relaxing Range Adaptors To Allow Move-Only Types​ VS 2022 17.4 23
P2499R0 string_view Range Constructor Should Be explicit​ VS 2022 17.4 23
P2508R1 basic_format_string, format_string, wformat_string​ VS 2022 17.5 23
P2517R1 Conditional noexcept For apply()​ VS 2022 17.4 23
P2520R0 move_iterator<T*> Should Be A Random-Access Iterator​​ VS 2022 17.4 23
P2549R1 unexpected<E>::error() VS 2022 17.3 23

一起列出的一组论文表示一项标准功能以及一个或多个批准的改进或扩展。 这些功能可一起实现。

C 标准库功能

Feature 支持
C99 标准库功能 支持
 替代拼写宏 <iso646.h> VS 2015
 宽字符支持 <wchar.h><wctype.h> VS 2015
<complex.h> 中的复杂支持 在 VS 2015 中部分支持 K
 类型泛型数学函数 <tgmath.h> VS 2019 16.8 2104
 其他浮点特征 <float.h> VS 2015
 十六进制 float printf 说明符 %A%a VS 2015
 扩展整数类型 <inttypes.h><stdint.h> VS 2015
vscanf<wchar.h> 中的 <stdio.h> 系列 VS 2015
<math.h> 中的新数学函数 VS 2015
 数学库错误条件处理 (math_errhandling) VS 2015
 浮点环境访问 <fenv.h> VS 2015
%lfprintf 转换说明符 VS 2015
snprintf 中的 <stdio.h> 函数系列 VS 2015
boolean 中的 <stdbool.h> 类型 VS 2015
va_copy VS 2015
 其他 strftime 转换说明符 在 VS 2015 中部分支持 L
C11 标准库功能 支持
 对齐说明符 <stdalign.h> VS 2019 16.8 C112104
aligned_alloc M
 无返回说明符 <stdnoreturn.h> VS 2019 16.8 C112104
 线程处理支持 <threads.h>
 原子支持 <stdatomic.h> 实验
char16_tchar32_t <uchar.h> VS 2019 16.8 C11
 删除了 gets() VS 2019 16.8 C11N
gets_s() VS 2019 16.8 C11
 边界检查接口 (*_s API) 在 VS 2015 中部分支持 C11O
fopen "x" 选项 VS 2019 16.8 C11
 静态断言 VS 2019 16.8 C112104
quick_exit VS 2019 16.8 C11
<complex.h> VS 2019 16.8 C11
 浮点特征 <float.h> VS 2019 16.8 C11
 C11 线程 <threads.h> VS 2022 17.8 C11


部分:实现不完整。 有关详细信息,请参阅说明部分。
VS 2010:在 Visual Studio 2010 中支持的功能。
VS 2013:在 Visual Studio 2013 中支持的功能。
VS 2015:在 Visual Studio 2015 (RTW) 中支持的功能。
VS 2015.2VS 2015.3 分别表示在 Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 和 Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 中支持的功能。
VS 2017 15.0:在 Visual Studio 2017 版本 15.0 (RTW) 中支持的功能。
VS 2017 15.3:在 Visual Studio 2017 版本 15.3 中支持的功能。
VS 2017 15.5:在 Visual Studio 2017 版本 15.5 中支持的功能。
VS 2017 15.7:在 Visual Studio 2017 版本 15.7 中支持的功能。
VS 2019 16.0:在 Visual Studio 2019 版本 16.0 (RTW) 中支持的功能。
VS 2019 16.1:在 Visual Studio 2019 版本 16.1 中支持的功能。
VS 2019 16.2:在 Visual Studio 2019 版本 16.2 中支持的功能。
VS 2019 16.3:在 Visual Studio 2019 版本 16.3 中支持的功能。
VS 2019 16.4:在 Visual Studio 2019 版本 16.4 中支持的功能。
VS 2019 16.5:在 Visual Studio 2019 版本 16.5 中支持的功能。
VS 2019 16.6:在 Visual Studio 2019 版本 16.6 中支持的功能。
VS 2019 16.7:在 Visual Studio 2019 版本 16.7 中支持的功能。
VS 2019 16.8:在 Visual Studio 2019 版本 16.8 中支持的功能。
VS 2019 16.9:在 Visual Studio 2019 版本 16.9 中支持的功能。
VS 2019 16.10:在 Visual Studio 2019 版本 16.10 中支持的功能。
VS 2022 17.0:在 Visual Studio 2022 版本 17.0 中支持的功能。
VS 2022 17.1:在 Visual Studio 2022 版本 17.1 中支持的功能。
VS 2022 17.2:在 Visual Studio 2022 版本 17.2 中支持的功能。
VS 2022 17.3:在 Visual Studio 2022 版本 17.3 中支持的功能。
VS 2022 17.4:在 Visual Studio 2022 版本 17.4 中支持的功能。
VS 2022 17.5:在 Visual Studio 2022 版本 17.5 中支持的功能。


A/std:c++14 模式下,动态异常规范仍没有实现,且 throw() 仍被视为 __declspec(nothrow) 的同义词。 在 C++17 中,动态异常规范大部分已被 P0003R5 删除,一个残留部分除外:throw() 已被弃用,并被要求与 noexcept 同义。 在 /std:c++17 模式下,MSVC 现在通过赋予 throw()noexcept 相同的行为(即通过终止强制执行)来符合标准。

编译器选项 /Zc:noexceptTypes 请求获取 __declspec(nothrow) 的旧行为。 将来版本的 C++ 中可能会删除 throw()。 为了有助于迁移代码来响应标准和 Microsoft 实现中的这些更改,在 /std:c++17/permissive- 下添加了针对异常规范问题的新编译器警告。

B/permissive- 模式下的 Visual Studio 2017 版本 15.7 中受支持。 有关详细信息,请参阅 Two-phase name lookup support comes to MSVC

C 在 Visual Studio 2019 版本 16.6 和更高版本中,编译器通过 /Zc:preprocessor 选项来完全实现标准 C99 预处理器。 (从 Visual Studio 2017 版本 15.8 到 16.5,编译器通过 /experimental:preprocessor 编译器选项支持标准 C99 预处理器。)指定编译器选项 /std:c11/std:c17 时,此选项默认处于启用状态。

D/std:c++14 下受支持,但出现可取消的警告 C4984

E 实现足以支持 C++20 标准库。 完整实现需要二进制中断性变更。

F 指定 /std:c++17 或更高版本的编译器选项会导致功能被删除。 要重新启用这些功能(以轻松转换为较新的语言模式),请使用下面这些宏:_HAS_AUTO_PTR_ETC_HAS_FUNCTION_ALLOCATOR_SUPPORT_HAS_OLD_IOSTREAMS_MEMBERS_HAS_UNEXPECTED

G C++17 的并行算法库是完整的。 “完整”并不意味着每种算法在各种情况下都是并行执行的。 最重要的算法已并行执行。 即使实现不并行执行算法,也会提供执行策略签名。 中心内部标头 <yvals_core.h> 中包含以下“并行算法注释”:C++ 允许实现将并行算法作为系列算法的调用实现。 此实现并行执行几个常见算法调用,但不是全部。


  • adjacent_differenceadjacent_find、、any_ofcountstable_sortfind_if_notfor_eachfind_ifinclusive_scanfor_each_nreducepartitionremovenone_ofmismatchis_sorted_untilremove_ifis_sortedis_partitionedis_heap_untilreplaceis_heapfind_first_ofreplace_ifset_intersectionset_differencesortsearch_ntransformtransform_exclusive_scancount_ifexclusive_scantransform_inclusive_scanequalfindfind_endsearchall_oftransform_reduce


  • 这些算法表明目标硬件上的并行性能没有显著提升。 只用于复制或置换无分支的元素的所有算法通常会受内存带宽限制:
    • copy、、copy_nfill_nfillmovereversereverse_copyrotate_copyrotateshift_left、、 shift_rightswap_ranges
  • 这些算法在对用户并行性要求方面存在混淆;可能出现在上述类别中:
    • generate, generate_n
  • 这些算法的有效并行性可能不可行:
    • partial_sort, partial_sort_copy
  • 这些算法尚未进行评估。 库可能在将来的版本中实现并行化:
    • copy_if、、includeslexicographical_compareinplace_mergemax_elementmergeset_unionstable_partitionuniquemin_elementminmax_elementnth_elementpartition_copyremove_copyremove_copy_ifreplace_copyreplace_copy_ifset_symmetric_differenceunique_copy

H 此为全新实现,与之前的 std::experimental 版本不兼容,这对符号链接支持、bug 修复以及更改必须符合标准的行为而言是必不可少的。 目前,<filesystem> 同时提供新的 std::filesystem 和以前的 std::experimental::filesystem<experimental/filesystem> 标头只提供旧的实验性实现。 在下一突破性 ABI 版本的库中,实验性实现将被删除。

I 受编译器内部函数支持。

J std::byte/std:c++17 或更高版本启用,但由于它在某些情况下可能会与 Windows SDK 标头冲突,因此它有细化的选择退出宏。 若要禁用它,请将 _HAS_STD_BYTE 定义为 0

K MSVC 不支持 _Complex 关键字或本机复杂类型。 通用 CRT <complex.h> 使用特定于实现的宏来达到同样的效果。 有关详细信息,请参阅 C 复杂数学支持

L 通用 CRT 不实现 strftime EO 替代转换修饰符。 这些修饰符将被忽略(例如,%Oe 的行为与 %e 相同)。 基础区域设置 API 不支持这些修饰符。

M 通用 CRT 不实现 C11 aligned_alloc,但提供 _aligned_malloc_aligned_free。 由于 Windows 操作系统不支持对齐的分配,因此不太可能实现此函数。

N 声明已被删除,但函数的导出仍保持后向兼容性。

O 某些边界检查函数未实现,或者具有不同的签名,或者不是 C11 或 C17 标准的一部分。 以下函数未实现:abort_handler_signore_handler_smemset_sset_constraint_handler_ssnprintf_ssnwprintf_sstrerrorlen_svsnwprintf_s。 以下函数具有不同的签名:gmtime_slocaltime_sqsort_sstrtok_svsnprintf_swcstok_s。 以下函数不会出现在标准中:clearerr_sfread_s

P Visual Studio 2019 版本 16.10 中增加了支持。 在 Visual Studio 2022 版本 17.0 中增加了对 Clang 的支持。

Q 这会删除 declare_reachableundeclare_reachabledeclare_no_pointersundeclare_no_pointersget_pointer_safety。 以前,这些函数不起作用。

R 这是常见的源中断性变更。 但是,以前在运行时具有未定义行为的代码现在会被拒绝并出现编译器错误。

S 输入范围适配器,counted_iterator 在 VS 2022 17.0 中实现。 Visual Studio 2019 版本 16.11 的未来更新计划纳入这些更改。

T 以 C++ 编译时 (/std:c++latest),当前支持 <stdatomic.h>。 以 C 编译时(/std:c11/std:c17)尚不支持

14 即使指定了 /std:c++14(默认值),这些 C++17 和 C++20 功能也始终处于启用状态。 这是因为在引入 /std 选项之前实现了该功能,或者因为条件实现异常复杂。

17 这些功能由 /std:c++17 或更高版本编译器选项启用

20 在 Visual Studio 2019 版本 16.10 的所有版本中,这些功能由 /std:c++latest 编译器选项启用。 Visual Studio 2019 版本 16.11 添加了 /std:c++20 编译器选项以实现这些功能。

20abi 由于发布后仍在不断改进 C++20 标准 <format>,因此 <chrono> 的格式部分(它依赖于 <format>),还有 <ranges> 中的范围工厂和范围适配器(这都需要 view 概念)都只能在 下使用/std:c++latest。 与 WG21 达成无需进一步 ABI 中断性变更的协议后,预计这些功能将位于 /std:c++20 下。 在 Visual Studio 2019 版本 16.11 和更高版本中,在 /std:c++20 编译器选项下启用 <chrono> 的其余部分和适用于范围的算法。

23 在 Visual Studio 2022 版本 17.0 和更高版本中,这些功能由 /std:c++latest 编译器选项启用。

C11 编译器对 C11 和 C17 的支持需要 Visual Studio 2019 版本 16.8 或更高版本。 除非另有注明,否则 C11 和 C17 库支持需要 Windows SDK 内部版本 10.0.20211.0 或更高版本。 若要详细了解如何安装对 C11 和 C17 的支持,请参阅在 Visual Studio 中安装 C11 和 C17 支持

DR 这些功能在所有 C++ /std 编译器选项模式中启用。 C++ 标准委员会将此更改作为对 C++ 11 和所有更高版本的追溯缺陷报告。

2104 C11 库对此功能的支持需要 Windows SDK 内部版本 10.0.20348.0(版本 2104)或更高版本。


C++ 语言参考
C++ 标准库
Visual Studio 中的 C++ 符合性改进
Visual Studio 中 Visual C++ 的新增功能
Visual C++ 更改历史记录 (2003 - 2015)
Visual C++ 新增功能 (2003 - 2015)
C++ 团队博客