Field mapping for schedule board settings in Dynamics 365 Field Service

Universal Resource Scheduling for Dynamics 365 Field Service includes a schedule board with settings that let you define the layout and functions of schedule board tabs and the schedule board in general. Learn more at Schedule board settings. Each schedule board that a user creates saves to a record in the Schedule Board Settings table (msdyn_scheduleboardsetting) in the underlying platform. Each field in the board settings maps to a particular column in the schedule board settings record for the relevant section.

Schedule board settings aren't solution-specific. When you understand how these settings are mapped in the schedule board settings table, you can develop mature application lifecycle management (ALM) practices for solutions with Dynamics 365 Field Service. For example, you can incorporate promotion and modification of schedule board tabs from one environment to the next in your ALM pipelines. Knowledge of these mappings also helps you troubleshoot and resolve issues in schedule boards.


Some board settings map to a specific column in the ScheduleBoardSettings table while other board settings map to JSON attributes in the msdyn_settings column.

Basic section

The following table shows where the underlying platform stores the values of the different fields in the Basic section. Learn more at Basic section.

Field Column
Board name msdyn_tabname
Shared with msdyn_sharetype

Map section

The following table shows where the underlying platform stores the values of the different fields in the Map section. Learn more at Map section.

Field Column
Resource tooltips view msdyn_schedulerresourcetooltipview
Organizational unit tooltips view msdyn_organizationalunittooltipsviewid
Requirement map filter view msdyn_unscheduledrequirementsviewid
Resource details view msdyn_schedulerresourcedetailsview
Organizational unit details view msdyn_organizationalunitviewid

Custom web resource section

The following table shows where the underlying platform stores the values of the different fields in the Custom web resource section. Learn more at Custom web resource.

Field Column
Title msdyn_customtabname
Web resource msdyn_customtabwebresource

Schedule assistant section

The following table shows where the underlying platform stores the values of the different fields in the Schedule assistant section. Learn more at Schedule assistant.

Field Column JSON attribute
Search for msdyn_settings SASearchForDefault
Unavailable resources msdyn_settings SAHideUnavailableResources
Available color msdyn_saavailablecolor
Unavailable color msdyn_saunavailablecolor
Partially available color msdyn_sapartiallyavailablecolor
Book based on msdyn_bookbasedon
Default available icon toggle msdyn_saavailableicondefault
Default available icon msdyn_saavailableicon
Default unavailable icon toggle msdyn_saunavailableicondefault
Default unavailable icon msdyn_saunavailableicon
Default partially available icon toggle msdyn_sapartiallyavailableicondefault
Default partially available icon msdyn_sapartiallyavailableicon

Board colors section

The following table shows where the underlying platform stores the values of the different fields in the Board colors section. Learn more at Colors.

Field Column JSON attribute
Fully booked msdyn_fullybookedcolor
Not booked msdyn_notbookedcolor
Non-working hours msdyn_workinghourscolor
Overbooked msdyn_overbookedcolor
Partially booked msdyn_partiallybookedcolor
Current timeline msdyn_settings CurrentTimelineColor

Other section

The following table shows where the underlying platform stores the values of the different fields in the Other section. Learn more at Other settings.

Field Column JSON attribute
Requirement page count msdyn_unscheduledwopagereccount
Number of days displayed in hours view msdyn_settings viewModeSpecific:hourAndDay:modeUnitsCount
Number of days displayed in days view msdyn_settings viewModeSpecific:dayAndWeek:modeUnitsCount
Booking alerts template msdyn_settings BookingAlertTemplate
Filter layout msdyn_filterlayout
Booking alerts view msdyn_scheduleralertsview
Resource page count msdyn_settings ResourcePageSize
Number of weeks displayed in weeks view msdyn_settings viewModeSpecific:weekAndMonth:modeUnitsCount
Number of months displayed in months view msdyn_settings viewModeSpecific:monthAndYear:modeUnitsCount
Disable default extensions msdyn_settings DisableDefaultExtensions
Resource cell template msdyn_resourcecelltemplate
Retrieve resource query msdyn_retrieveresourcesquery


Filter layout, Resource cell template, and Retrieve resource query settings are all mapped to lookup columns in the msdyn_scheduleboardsetting record pointing to the msdyn_configuration table. You must have the requisite msdyn_configuration table records present in your higher environment with the appropriate matching source GUIDs before migrating the schedule board settings record outright.

Schedule types section

The following table shows where the underlying platform stores the values of the different fields in the Schedule types tabs. Learn more at Schedule types.

The fields on this page all map to the SlotMetadataCollection attribute in the msdyn_settings column's JSON. The SlotMetadataCollection is an array of three SlotMetadata attributes, one for each schedule type in the menu, None, Appointment, and Work Order. The BookingSetupMetadataId value determines which SlotMetadata attribute applies to the corresponding type:

  1. None: 49bc77c5-3a9e-4a0b-a903-0a3a4d352f5d
  2. Appointment: 187989a1-41f1-e711-8130-000d3af982f3
  3. Work Order: d59df12a-aedb-4f82-b5b8-9a6eba4f1712
Field Column JSON attribute
Booking tooltips view msdyn_settings SlotMetadataCollection:TooltipViewId
Booking details view msdyn_settings SlotMetadataCollection:DetailsViewId
Schedule assistant requirement view msdyn_settings SlotMetadataCollection:RequirementDetailsPanelViewId
Requirement details view msdyn_settings SlotMetadataCollection:RequirementDetailsViewId
Requirement map pin tooltips view msdyn_settings SlotMetadataCollection:UnschReqMapPinTooltipViewId
Custom booking template msdyn_settings SlotMetadataCollection:SlotTemplate

Requirement panels section

The following table shows where the underlying platform stores the values of the different fields in the Requirement panels section. Learn more at Requirement panels.

For all fields on the Requirement panels tab, UnscheduledTabs is a collection of UnscheduledTab objects in the msdyn_settingscolumn's JSON. Each UnscheduledTab object contains attributes that store the Title, View type, and View settings that a user sets for each tab. When the user chooses the + (plus) action, a new UnscheduledTab object gets added to the UnscheduledTabs collection with the attributes as defined. Conversely, the - (minus) action removes the relevant UnscheduledTab object from the UnscheduledTabs collection.

Field Column JSON attribute
Title msdyn_settings UnscheduledTabs:Title
View type msdyn_settings UnscheduledTabs:ViewType
View msdyn_settings UnscheduledTabs:UnscheduledView
Show default requirement panels msdyn_settings HideDefaultUnscheduledPanels
Apply territory filter to requirements msdyn_settings applyFilterTerritory

Board view settings side pane

The following table shows where the underlying platform stores the values of the different fields in the Board view settings panel. Learn more at Board view settings.

Field Column JSON attribute Comment
Time zone msdyn_settings TimeOffsetSetting The TimeOffsetSetting JSON attribute in the msdyn_settings column references the timezonedefinition table. The timezonedefinition table has the same IDs per time zone in each environment by design.
Working time (start) msdyn_settings WorkHours:start
Working time (end) msdyn_settings WorkHours:end Working time values are stored in the start and end JSON attributes as 24-hour integer values. For example, it's 9, not 9 AM, and 17 rather than 5 PM. You can only see the working time selectors when you view the hourly time scale. The values only apply to that time scale.
Working days msdyn_settings WorkDays In the msdyn_settings JSON, working days show as a collection of named days with Boolean attribute values. Working days are days that are set to true. You can only see the working days selectors when you view the hourly time scale. The values only apply to that time scale.
Time resolution msdyn_settings TimeResolution
Row height msdyn_settings viewModeSpecific:x:RowHeight Row height for the Board view settings pane is stored in the appropriate viewModeSpecific RowHeight attribute depending on the current time scale being viewed. The x in the attribute column for this row represents hourAndDay for hourly, dayAndWeek for daily, weekAndMonth for weekly, and monthAndYear for monthly.
Show canceled msdyn_settings hideCancelled The hideCancelled JSON attribute only shows in the msdyn_settings JSON if the Show canceled field isn't selected, and it has an integer value of 1. If the Show canceled field is selected, there's no hideCancelled JSON attribute enumerated in msdyn_settings.
Apply territory filter to requirements msdyn_settings applyFilterTerritory The applyFilterTerritory JSON attribute only shows in the msdyn_settings JSON if the Apply territory filter to requirements setting is set to On, with an integer value of 1. If the Apply territory filter to requirements field isn't selected, there's no applyFilterTerritory JSON attribute enumerated in msdyn_settings.
Show travel duration msdyn_settings showTravelTime The showTravelTime JSON attribute only shows in the msdyn_settings JSON if the Show travel duration field is set to On, with an integer value of 1. If the Show travel duration isn't selected, there's no showTravelTime JSON attribute enumerated in msdyn_settings.
Show bookings proportional to duration msdyn_settings showBookingsProportionally The showBookingsProportionally JSON attribute only shows in the msdyn_settings JSON if the Show bookings proportional to duration field is set to On, with a Boolean value of true. If the Show bookings proportional to duration field isn't selected, there's no showBookingsProportionally JSON attribute enumerated in msdyn_settings. Additionally, the Show bookings proportional to duration setting only shows in the Board view settings side pane for the Daily, Weekly, and Monthly time scales.

Time scale selector

The Time scale selector setting gets saved in the msdyn_settings JSON as an attribute named ViewMode. The attribute values are hourAndDay for hourly, dayAndWeek for daily, weekAndMonth for weekly, and monthAndYear for monthly.

Resource filters side pane

The following table shows where the underlying platform stores the values of the different fields in the Resource filters side pane. Learn more at Filters.

The Save as default button collects all the current values in the Resource filters fields and saves them to a JSON payload in the msdyn_filtervalues column on the msdyn_scheduleboardsettings record. The CharacteristicsRating, Roles, Territories, Organizational Units, Teams, and Business Units fields on the filter pane save as individual collections of lookup field references per field. The Resource Types and Pool Types multi-select fields save as individual collections of option set references. Each individual collection is defined in the JSON with the appropriate name as is shown in the user interface.

Schedule board settings column reference

The following sample illustrates the data types for each column in the msdyn_scheduleboardsetting table/entity. Find the reference documentation at Schedule Board Setting in scheduling.


The msdyn_settings column is of data type string, regardless of the data types of the JSON attributes that are stored in the column. All retrieves and updates to this column are passed as string data type with appropriate escape characters enumerated as a result.

    <entity name="msdyn_scheduleboardsetting" displayname="Schedule Board Setting" etc="11017" primaryidfield="msdyn_scheduleboardsettingid" primarynamefield="msdyn_tabname" disableplugins="false">
      <field displayname="Book Based On" name="msdyn_bookbasedon" type="bool" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Business Unit Tooltips View (Deprecated)" name="msdyn_schedulerbusinessunittooltipview" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Core Details View (Deprecated)" name="msdyn_schedulercoredetailsview" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Core Slot Text Template (Deprecated)" name="msdyn_schedulercoreslottexttemplate" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Core Tooltip View (Deprecated)" name="msdyn_schedulercoretooltipview" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Created By" name="createdby" type="entityreference" lookupType="systemuser" />
      <field displayname="Created By (Delegate)" name="createdonbehalfby" type="entityreference" lookupType="systemuser" />
      <field displayname="Created On" name="createdon" type="datetime" />
      <field displayname="Custom Tab Name" name="msdyn_customtabname" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Custom Tab Web Resource" name="msdyn_customtabwebresource" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Field Service Details View (Deprecated)" name="msdyn_schedulerfieldservicedetailsview" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Field Service Slot Text Template (Deprecated)" name="msdyn_schedulerfieldserviceslottexttemplate" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Field Service Tooltip View (Deprecated)" name="msdyn_schedulerfieldservicetooltipview" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Filter Layout" name="msdyn_filterlayout" type="entityreference" lookupType="msdyn_configuration" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Filter Values" name="msdyn_filtervalues" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Fully Booked Color" name="msdyn_fullybookedcolor" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Hide Canceled" name="msdyn_hidecancelled" type="bool" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Import Sequence Number" name="importsequencenumber" type="number" />
      <field displayname="Is Public (Deprecated)" name="msdyn_ispublic" type="bool" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Is Synchronize Resources" name="msdyn_issynchronizeresources" type="bool" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Map View Tab Placement" name="msdyn_mapviewtabplacement" type="bool" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Modified By" name="modifiedby" type="entityreference" lookupType="systemuser" />
      <field displayname="Modified By (Delegate)" name="modifiedonbehalfby" type="entityreference" lookupType="systemuser" />
      <field displayname="Modified On" name="modifiedon" type="datetime" />
      <field displayname="Non-Working Hours Color" name="msdyn_workinghourscolor" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Not Booked Color" name="msdyn_notbookedcolor" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Order Number" name="msdyn_ordernumber" type="number" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Organizational Unit Tooltips View Id" name="msdyn_organizationalunittooltipsviewid" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Organizational Unit View Id" name="msdyn_organizationalunitviewid" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Overbooked Color" name="msdyn_overbookedcolor" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Owner" name="ownerid" type="owner" />
      <field displayname="Owning Business Unit" name="owningbusinessunit" type="entityreference" lookupType="businessunit" />
      <field displayname="Owning Team" name="owningteam" type="entityreference" lookupType="team" />
      <field displayname="Owning User" name="owninguser" type="entityreference" lookupType="systemuser" />
      <field displayname="Partially Booked Color" name="msdyn_partiallybookedcolor" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Record Created On" name="overriddencreatedon" type="datetime" />
      <field displayname="Requirements View Id" name="msdyn_unscheduledrequirementsviewid" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Resource Cell Template" name="msdyn_resourcecelltemplate" type="entityreference" lookupType="msdyn_configuration" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Resource Details View" name="msdyn_schedulerresourcedetailsview" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Resource Requirement View Page Record Count" name="msdyn_unscheduledwopagereccount" type="number" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Resource Tooltips View" name="msdyn_schedulerresourcetooltipview" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Retrieve Resources Query" name="msdyn_retrieveresourcesquery" type="entityreference" lookupType="msdyn_configuration" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="SA Available Color" name="msdyn_saavailablecolor" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="SA Available Icon" name="msdyn_saavailableicon" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="SA Available Icon Default" name="msdyn_saavailableicondefault" type="bool" customfield="true" />
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      <field displayname="SA Partially Available Icon" name="msdyn_sapartiallyavailableicon" type="string" customfield="true" />
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      <field displayname="SA Unavailable Icon Default" name="msdyn_saunavailableicondefault" type="bool" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Schedule Board Setting" name="msdyn_scheduleboardsettingid" type="guid" primaryKey="true" />
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      <field displayname="Settings" name="msdyn_settings" type="string" customfield="true" />
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      <field displayname="Status Reason" name="statuscode" type="status" />
      <field displayname="Tab name" name="msdyn_tabname" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Time Zone Rule Version Number" name="timezoneruleversionnumber" type="number" />
      <field displayname="Unit Details View (Deprecated)" name="msdyn_schedulerbusinessunitdetailsview" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Unscheduled View (Deprecated)" name="msdyn_unscheduledviewid" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="Unscheduled WO Tooltips View (Deprecated)" name="msdyn_unscheduledwotooltipsviewid" type="string" customfield="true" />
      <field displayname="UTC Conversion Time Zone Code" name="utcconversiontimezonecode" type="number" />
      <field displayname="Version Number" name="versionnumber" type="bigint" />
    <relationships />