Refine email content in running journeys

Enabled for Public preview Early access General availability
Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2024 - -

Business value

To maximize customer engagement, it's crucial for customer experience teams to regularly refine email content, ensuring that communication remains current, relevant, and impactful. You can now easily edit content, layout, links, buttons, or dynamic content in your email messages while a journey is running, without creating a new version or interrupting the customer experience.

Changing email messages in live journey gives you more freedom and power over your email marketing campaigns and helps you to respond to changing business or customer needs.

Feature details

  • Easily edit links and personalization in your live email messages without stopping your journey or creating new versions.
  • Track the performance of your edited links and compare their performance to the original links.
  • Get more control over your email content and optimize your engagement and conversion rates.

Editable email links with alias