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.show commands command

Applies to: ✅ Microsoft FabricAzure Data Explorer

.show commands returns a table with completed management commands. These commands are available to query for 30 days.


This command is useful for investigating performance issues, as it shows the resources consumed by each management command. See Examples.


A database admin or database monitor can see any command that was invoked on their database. Other users can only see their commands.


.show commands


The return table has two columns with resources consumption details of every completed command.

  • TotalCpu - The total CPU clock time (User mode + Kernel mode) consumed by this command.
  • ResourceUtilization - Contains all resource use information related to that command, including the TotalCpu.

Resource consumption that is tracked includes data updates, and any query associated with the current admin command. Currently, only some of the management commands are covered by the commands table (.ingest, .set, .append, .set-or-replace, .set-or-append). Gradually, more commands are added to the commands table.

Example output

ClientActivityId CommandType Text Database StartedOn LastUpdatedOn Duration State RootActivityId User FailureReason Application Principal TotalCpu ResourceUtilization WorkloadGroup
KD2RunCommand;a069f9e3-6062-4a0e-aa82-75a1b5e16fb4 ExtentsMerge .merge async Operations ... DB1 2017-09-05 11:08:07.5738569 2017-09-05 11:08:09.1051161 00:00:01.5312592 Completed b965d809-3f3e-4f44-bd2b-5e1f49ac46c5 AAD app ID=5ba8cec2-9a70-e92c98cad651 Kusto.Azure.DM.Svc aadapp=5ba8cec2-9a70-e92c98cad651 00:00:03.5781250 { "ScannedExtentsStatistics": { "MinDataScannedTime": null, "MaxDataScannedTime": null }, "CacheStatistics": { Memory": { "Misses": 2, "Hits": 20 }, "Disk": { "Misses": 2, "Hits": 0 } }, "MemoryPeak": 159620640, "TotalCpu": "00:00:03.5781250" } internal
KE.RunCommand; 710e08ca-2cd3-4d2d-b7bd-2738d335aa50 DataIngestPull .ingest into MyTableName ... TestDB 2017-09-04 16:00:37.0915452 2017-09-04 16:04:37.2834555 00:04:00.1919103 Failed a8986e9e-943f-81b0270d6fae4 cooper@fabrikam.com The socket connection has been disposed. Kusto.Explorer aaduser=... 00:00:00 { "ScannedExtentsStatistics": { "MinDataScannedTime": null, "MaxDataScannedTime": null }, "CacheStatistics": { "Memory": { "Misses": 0, Hits": 0 }, "Disk": { "Misses": 0, "Hits": 0 } }, "MemoryPeak": 0, "TotalCpu": "00:00:00"} default
KD2RunCommand;97db47e6-93e2-4306-8b7d-670f2c3307ff ExtentsRebuild .merge async Operations ... DB2 2017-09-18 13:29:38.5945531 2017-09-18 13:29:39.9451163 00:00:01.3505632 Completed d5ebb755-d5df-4e94-b240-9accdf06c2d1 AAD app ID=5ba8cec2-9a70-e92c98cad651 Kusto.Azure.DM.Svc aadapp=5ba8cec2-9a70-e92c98cad651 00:00:00.8906250 { "ScannedExtentsStatistics": { "MinDataScannedTime": null, "MaxDataScannedTime": null }, "CacheStatistics": { Memory": { "Misses": 0, "Hits": 1 }, "Disk": { "Misses": 0, "Hits": 0 } }, "MemoryPeak": 88828560, "TotalCpu": "00:00:00.8906250"} internal


Extract data from the ResourceUtilization column

To access one of the properties within the ResourceUtilization column, call on ResourcesUtilization.PropertyName.


ResourceUtilization is a dynamic column. To work with its values, you should first convert it into a specific data type. Use a conversion function such as tolong, toint, totimespan.

For example:

.show commands
| where CommandType == "TableAppend"
| where StartedOn > ago(1h)
| extend MemoryPeak = tolong(ResourcesUtilization.MemoryPeak)
| top 3 by MemoryPeak desc
| project StartedOn, MemoryPeak, TotalCpu, Text


StartedOn MemoryPeak TotalCpu Text
2017-09-28 12:11:27.8155381 800396032 00:00:04.5312500 .append Server_Boots <| let bootStartsSourceTable = SessionStarts; ...
2017-09-28 11:21:26.7304547 750063056 00:00:03.8218750 .set-or-append WebUsage <| database('CuratedDB').WebUsage_v2 | summarize ... | project ...
2017-09-28 12:16:17.4762522 676289120 00:00:00.0625000 .set-or-append AtlasClusterEventStats with(...) <| Atlas_Temp(datetime(2017-09-28 12:13:28.7621737), datetime(2017-09-28 12:14:28.8168492))
StartedOn MemoryPeak TotalCpu Text
2017-09-28 12:11:27.8155381 800396032 00:00:04.5312500 .append Server_Boots <| let bootStartsSourceTable = SessionStarts; ...
2017-09-28 11:21:26.7304547 750063056 00:00:03.8218750 .set-or-append WebUsage <| database('CuratedDB').WebUsage_v2 | summarize ... | project ...

Query the TotalCpu column

Top 10 CPU consuming queries in the last day.

.show commands
| where StartedOn > ago(1d)
| top 10 by TotalCpu
| project StartedOn, CommandType, ClientActivityId, TotalCpu 

All queries in the last 10 hours whose TotalCpu passed 3 minutes.

.show commands
| where StartedOn > ago(10h) and TotalCpu > 3m
| project StartedOn, CommandType, ClientActivityId, TotalCpu 
| order by TotalCpu 

All queries in the last 24 hours whose TotalCpu passed 5 minutes, grouped by User and Principal.

.show commands  
| where StartedOn > ago(24h)
| summarize TotalCount=count(), CountAboveThreshold=countif(TotalCpu > 2m), AverageCpu = avg(TotalCpu), MaxTotalCpu=max(TotalCpu), (50th_Percentile_TotalCpu, 95th_Percentile_TotalCpu)=percentiles(TotalCpu, 50, 95) by User, Principal
| extend PercentageAboveThreshold = strcat(substring(CountAboveThreshold * 100 / TotalCount, 0, 5), "%")
| order by CountAboveThreshold desc
| project User, Principal, CountAboveThreshold, TotalCount, PercentageAboveThreshold, MaxTotalCpu, AverageCpu, 50th_Percentile_TotalCpu, 95th_Percentile_TotalCpu

Timechart: Average CPU vs 95th Percentile vs Max CPU.

.show commands 
| where StartedOn > ago(1d) 
| summarize MaxCpu_Minutes=max(TotalCpu)/1m, 95th_Percentile_TotalCpu_Minutes=percentile(TotalCpu, 95)/1m, AverageCpu_Minutes=avg(TotalCpu)/1m by bin(StartedOn, 1m)
| render timechart

Query the MemoryPeak column

Top 10 queries in the last day with the highest MemoryPeak values.

.show commands
| where StartedOn > ago(1d)
| extend MemoryPeak = tolong(ResourcesUtilization.MemoryPeak)
| project StartedOn, CommandType, ClientActivityId, TotalCpu, MemoryPeak
| top 10 by MemoryPeak  

Timechart of Average MemoryPeak vs 95th Percentile vs Max MemoryPeak.

.show commands 
| where StartedOn > ago(1d)
| project MemoryPeak = tolong(ResourcesUtilization.MemoryPeak), StartedOn 
| summarize Max_MemoryPeak=max(MemoryPeak), 95th_Percentile_MemoryPeak=percentile(MemoryPeak, 95), Average_MemoryPeak=avg(MemoryPeak) by bin(StartedOn, 1m)
| render timechart