COleServerDoc Class


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The base class for OLE server documents.


class AFX_NOVTABLE COleServerDoc : public COleLinkingDoc  


Public Constructors

Name Description
COleServerDoc::COleServerDoc Constructs a COleServerDoc object.

Public Methods

Name Description
COleServerDoc::ActivateDocObject Activates the associated DocObject document.
COleServerDoc::ActivateInPlace Activates the document for in-place editing.
COleServerDoc::DeactivateAndUndo Deactivates the server's user interface.
COleServerDoc::DiscardUndoState Discards undo-state information.
COleServerDoc::GetClientSite Retrieves a pointer to the underlying IOleClientSite interface.
COleServerDoc::GetEmbeddedItem Returns a pointer to an item representing the entire document.
COleServerDoc::GetItemClipRect Returns the current clipping rectangle for in-place editing.
COleServerDoc::GetItemPosition Returns the current position rectangle, relative to the container application's client area, for in-place editing.
COleServerDoc::GetZoomFactor Returns the zoom factor in pixels.
COleServerDoc::IsDocObject Determines if the document is a DocObject.
COleServerDoc::IsEmbedded Indicates whether the document is embedded in a container document or running stand-alone.
COleServerDoc::IsInPlaceActive Returns TRUE if the item is currently activated in place.
COleServerDoc::NotifyChanged Notifies containers that the user has changed the document.
COleServerDoc::NotifyClosed Notifies containers that the user has closed the document.
COleServerDoc::NotifyRename Notifies containers that the user has renamed the document.
COleServerDoc::NotifySaved Notifies containers that the user has saved the document.
COleServerDoc::OnDeactivate Called by the framework when the user deactivates an item that was activated in place.
COleServerDoc::OnDeactivateUI Called by the framework to destroy controls and other user-interface elements created for in-place activation.
COleServerDoc::OnDocWindowActivate Called by the framework when the container's document frame window is activated or deactivated.
COleServerDoc::OnResizeBorder Called by the framework when the container application's frame window or document window is resized.
COleServerDoc::OnShowControlBars Called by the framework to show or hide control bars for in-place editing.
COleServerDoc::OnUpdateDocument Called by the framework when a server document that is an embedded item is saved, updating the container's copy of the item.
COleServerDoc::RequestPositionChange Changes the position of the in-place editing frame.
COleServerDoc::SaveEmbedding Tells the container application to save the document.
COleServerDoc::ScrollContainerBy Scrolls the container document.
COleServerDoc::UpdateAllItems Notifies containers that the user has changed the document.

Protected Methods

Name Description
COleServerDoc::CreateInPlaceFrame Called by the framework to create a frame window for in-place editing.
COleServerDoc::DestroyInPlaceFrame Called by the framework to destroy a frame window for in-place editing.
COleServerDoc::GetDocObjectServer Override this function to create a new CDocObjectServer object and indicate that this document is a DocObject container.
COleServerDoc::OnClose Called by the framework when a container requests to close the document.
COleServerDoc::OnExecOleCmd Executes a specified command or displays help for the command.
COleServerDoc::OnFrameWindowActivate Called by the framework when the container's frame window is activated or deactivated.
COleServerDoc::OnGetEmbeddedItem Called to get a COleServerItem that represents the entire document; used to get an embedded item. Implementation required.
COleServerDoc::OnReactivateAndUndo Called by the framework to undo changes made during in-place editing.
COleServerDoc::OnSetHostNames Called by the framework when a container sets the window title for an embedded object.
COleServerDoc::OnSetItemRects Called by the framework to position the in-place editing frame window within the container application's window.
COleServerDoc::OnShowDocument Called by the framework to show or hide the document.


A server document can contain COleServerItem objects, which represent the server interface to embedded or linked items. When a server application is launched by a container to edit an embedded item, the item is loaded as its own server document; the COleServerDoc object contains just one COleServerItem object, consisting of the entire document. When a server application is launched by a container to edit a linked item, an existing document is loaded from disk; a portion of the document's contents is highlighted to indicate the linked item.

COleServerDoc objects can also contain items of the COleClientItem class. This allows you to create container-server applications. The framework provides functions to properly store the COleClientItem items while servicing the COleServerItem objects.

If your server application does not support links, a server document will always contain only one server item, which represents the entire embedded object as a document. If your server application does support links, it must create a server item each time a selection is copied to the Clipboard.

To use COleServerDoc, derive a class from it and implement the OnGetEmbeddedItem member function, which allows your server to support embedded items. Derive a class from COleServerItem to implement the items in your documents, and return objects of that class from OnGetEmbeddedItem.

To support linked items, COleServerDoc provides the OnGetLinkedItem member function. You can use the default implementation or override it if you have your own way of managing document items.

You need one COleServerDoc-derived class for each type of server document your application supports. For example, if your server application supports worksheets and charts, you need two COleServerDoc-derived classes.

For more information on servers, see the article Servers: Implementing a Server.

Inheritance Hierarchy








Header: afxole.h


Activates the associated DocObject document.

void ActivateDocObject();


By default, COleServerDoc does not support Active documents (also referred to as DocObjects). To enable this support, see GetDocObjectServer and class CDocObjectServer.


Activates the item for in-place editing.

BOOL ActivateInPlace();

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0, which indicates that the item is fully open.


This function performs all operations necessary for in-place activation. It creates an in-place frame window, activates it and sizes it to the item, sets up shared menus and other controls, scrolls the item into view, and sets the focus to the in-place frame window.

This function is called by the default implementation of COleServerItem::OnShow. Call this function if your application supports another verb for in-place activation (such as Play).


Constructs a COleServerDoc object without connecting with the OLE system DLLs.



You must call COleLinkingDoc::Register to open communications with OLE. If you are using COleTemplateServer in your application, COleLinkingDoc::Register is called for you by COleLinkingDoc's implementation of OnNewDocument, OnOpenDocument, and OnSaveDocument.


The framework calls this function to create a frame window for in-place editing.

virtual COleIPFrameWnd* CreateInPlaceFrame(CWnd* pParentWnd);


Pointer to the container application's parent window.

Return Value

A pointer to the in-place frame window, or NULL if unsuccessful.


The default implementation uses information specified in the document template to create the frame. The view used is the first view created for the document. This view is temporarily detached from the original frame and attached to the newly created frame.

This is an advanced overridable.


Call this function if your application supports Undo and the user chooses Undo after activating an item but before editing it.

BOOL DeactivateAndUndo();

Return Value

Nonzero on success; otherwise 0.


If the container application is written using the Microsoft Foundation Class Library, calling this function causes COleClientItem::OnDeactivateAndUndo to be called, which deactivates the server's user interface.


The framework calls this function to destroy an in-place frame window and return the server application's document window to its state before in-place activation.

virtual void DestroyInPlaceFrame(COleIPFrameWnd* pFrameWnd);


Pointer to the in-place frame window to be destroyed.


This is an advanced overridable.


If the user performs an editing operation that cannot be undone, call this function to force the container application to discard its undo-state information.

BOOL DiscardUndoState();

Return Value

Nonzero on success; otherwise 0.


This function is provided so that servers that support Undo can free resources that would otherwise be consumed by undo-state information that cannot be used.


Retrieves a pointer to the underlying IOleClientSite interface.

LPOLECLIENTSITE GetClientSite() const;  

Return Value

Retrieves a pointer to the underlying IOleClientSite interface.


Override this function to create a new CDocObjectServer item and return a pointer to it.

virtual CDocObjectServer* GetDocObjectServer(LPOLEDOCUMENTSITE pDocSite);


Pointer to the IOleDocumentSite interface that will connect this document to the server.

Return Value

A pointer to a CDocObjectServer; NULL if the operation failed.


When a DocObject server is activated, the return of a non- NULL pointer shows that the client can support DocObjects. The default implementation returns NULL.

A typical implementation for a document that supports DocObjects will simply allocate a new CDocObjectServer object and return it to the caller. For example:

CDocObjectServer* CMFCOleServerDoc::GetDocObjectServer(LPOLEDOCUMENTSITE pSite)
   return new CDocObjectServer(this, pSite);


Call this function to get a pointer to an item representing the entire document.

COleServerItem* GetEmbeddedItem();

Return Value

A pointer to an item representing the entire document; NULL if the operation failed.


It calls COleServerDoc::OnGetEmbeddedItem, a virtual function with no default implementation.


Call the GetItemClipRect member function to get the clipping-rectangle coordinates of the item that is being edited in place.

void GetItemClipRect(LPRECT lpClipRect) const;  


Pointer to a RECT structure or a CRect object to receive the clipping-rectangle coordinates of the item.


Coordinates are in pixels relative to the container application window's client area.

Drawing should not occur outside the clipping rectangle. Usually, drawing is automatically restricted. Use this function to determine whether the user has scrolled outside the visible portion of the document; if so, scroll the container document as needed by means of a call to ScrollContainerBy.


Call the GetItemPosition member function to get the coordinates of the item being edited in place.

void GetItemPosition(LPRECT lpPosRect) const;  


Pointer to a RECT structure or a CRect object to receive the coordinates of the item.


Coordinates are in pixels relative to the container application window's client area.

The item's position can be compared with the current clipping rectangle to determine the extent to which the item is visible (or not visible) on the screen.


The GetZoomFactor member function determines the "zoom factor" of an item that has been activated for in-place editing.

BOOL GetZoomFactor(
    LPSIZE lpSizeNum = NULL,  
    LPSIZE lpSizeDenom = NULL,  
    LPCRECT lpPosRect = NULL) const;  


Pointer to an object of class CSize that will hold the zoom factor's numerator. Can be NULL.

Pointer to an object of class CSize that will hold the zoom factor's denominator. Can be NULL.

Pointer to an object of class CRect that describes the item's new position. If this argument is NULL, the function uses the item's current position.

Return Value

Nonzero if the item is activated for in-place editing and its zoom factor is other than 100% (1:1); otherwise 0.


The zoom factor, in pixels, is the proportion of the item's size to its current extent. If the container application has not set the item's extent, its natural extent (as determined by COleServerItem::OnGetExtent) is used.

The function sets its first two arguments to the numerator and denominator of the item's "zoom factor." If the item is not being edited in place, the function sets these arguments to a default value of 100% (or 1:1) and returns zero. For further information, see Technical Note 40, MFC/OLE In-Place Resizing and Zooming.


Determines if the document is a DocObject.

BOOL IsDocObject() const;  

Return Value

TRUE if the document is a DocObject; otherwise FALSE.


Call the IsEmbedded member function to determine whether the document represents an object embedded in a container.

BOOL IsEmbedded() const;  

Return Value

Nonzero if the COleServerDoc object is a document that represents an object embedded in a container; otherwise 0.


A document loaded from a file is not embedded although it may be manipulated by a container application as a link. A document that is embedded in a container document is considered to be embedded.


Call the IsInPlaceActive member function to determine whether the item is currently in the in-place active state.

BOOL IsInPlaceActive() const;  

Return Value

Nonzero if the COleServerDoc object is active in place; otherwise 0.


Call this function to notify all linked items connected to the document that the document has changed.

void NotifyChanged();


Typically, you call this function after the user changes some global attribute such as the dimensions of the server document. If an OLE item is linked to the document with an automatic link, the item is updated to reflect the changes. In container applications written with the Microsoft Foundation Class Library, the OnChange member function of COleClientItem is called.


This function is included for compatibility with OLE 1. New applications should use UpdateAllItems.


Call this function to notify the container(s) that the document has been closed.

void NotifyClosed();


When the user chooses the Close command from the File menu, NotifyClosed is called by COleServerDoc's implementation of the OnCloseDocument member function. In container applications written with the Microsoft Foundation Class Library, the OnChange member function of COleClientItem is called.


Call this function after the user renames the server document.

void NotifyRename(LPCTSTR lpszNewName);


Pointer to a string specifying the new name of the server document; this is typically a fully qualified path.


When the user chooses the Save As command from the File menu, NotifyRename is called by COleServerDoc's implementation of the OnSaveDocument member function. This function notifies the OLE system DLLs, which in turn notify the containers. In container applications written with the Microsoft Foundation Class Library, the OnChange member function of COleClientItem is called.


Call this function after the user saves the server document.

void NotifySaved();


When the user chooses the Save command from the File menu, NotifySaved is called for you by COleServerDoc's implementation of OnSaveDocument. This function notifies the OLE system DLLs, which in turn notify the containers. In container applications written with the Microsoft Foundation Class Library, the OnChange member function of COleClientItem is called.


Called by the framework when a container requests that the server document be closed.

virtual void OnClose(OLECLOSE dwCloseOption);


A value from the enumeration OLECLOSE. This parameter can have one of the following values:

  • OLECLOSE_SAVEIFDIRTY The file is saved if it has been modified.

  • OLECLOSE_NOSAVE The file is closed without being saved.

  • OLECLOSE_PROMPTSAVE If the file has been modified, the user is prompted about saving it.


The default implementation calls CDocument::OnCloseDocument.

For more information and additional values, see OLECLOSE in the Windows SDK.


Called by the framework when the user deactivates an embedded or linked item that is currently in-place active.

virtual void OnDeactivate();


This function restores the container application's user interface to its original state and destroys any menus and other controls that were created for in-place activation.

The undo state information should be unconditionally released at this point.

For more information, see the article Activation..


Called when the user deactivates an item that was activated in place.

virtual void OnDeactivateUI(BOOL bUndoable);


Specifies whether the editing changes can be undone.


This function restores the container application's user interface to its original state, hiding any menus and other controls that were created for in-place activation.

The framework always sets bUndoable to FALSE. If the server supports undo and there is an operation that can be undone, call the base-class implementation with bUndoable set to TRUE.


The framework calls this function to activate or deactivate a document window for in-place editing.

virtual void OnDocWindowActivate(BOOL bActivate);


Specifies whether the document window is to be activated or deactivated.


The default implementation removes or adds the frame-level user interface elements as appropriate. Override this function if you want to perform additional actions when the document containing your item is activated or deactivated.

For more information, see the article Activation..


The framework calls this function to execute a specified command or display help for the command.

virtual HRESULT OnExecOleCmd(
    const GUID* pguidCmdGroup,  
    DWORD nCmdID,  
    DWORD nCmdExecOpt,  
    VARIANTARG* pvarargIn,  
    VARIANTARG* pvarargOut);


A pointer to a GUID that identifies a set of commands. Can be NULL to indicate the default command group.

The command to execute. Must be in the group identified by pguidCmdGroup.

The way the object should execute the command, one or more of the following values from the OLECMDEXECOPT enumeration:





Pointer to a VARIANTARG containing input arguments for the command. Can be NULL.

Pointer to a VARIANTARG to receive the output return values from the command. Can be NULL.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful; otherwise, one of the following error codes:

Value Description
E_UNEXPECTED Unexpected error occurred
E_FAIL Error occurred
E_NOTIMPL Indicates MFC itself should attempt to translate and dispatch the command
OLECMDERR_E_UNKNOWNGROUP pguidCmdGroup is non- NULL but does not specify a recognized command group
OLECMDERR_E_NOTSUPPORTED nCmdID is not recognized as a valid command in the group pguidCmdGroup
OLECMDERR_DISABLED The command identified by nCmdID is disabled and cannot be executed
OLECMDERR_NOHELP Caller asked for help on the command identified by nCmdID but no help is available
OLECMDERR_CANCELED User canceled the execution


COleCmdUI can be used to enable, update, and set other properties of DocObject user interface commands. After the commands are initialized, you can execute them with OnExecOleCmd.

The framework calls the function before attempting to translate and dispatch an OLE document command. You don't need to override this function to handle standard OLE document commands, but you must supply an override to this function if you want to handle your own custom commands or handle commands that accept parameters or return results.

Most of the commands do not take arguments or return values. For a majority of commands the caller can pass NULLs for pvarargIn and pvarargOut. For commands that expect input values, the caller can declare and initialize a VARIANTARG variable and pass a pointer to the variable in pvarargIn. For commands that require a single value, the argument can be stored directly in the VARIANTARG and passed to the function. Multiple arguments must be packaged within the VARIANTARG using one of the supported types (such as IDispatch and SAFEARRAY ).

Similarly, if a command returns arguments the caller is expected to declare a VARIANTARG, initialize it to VT_EMPTY, and pass its address in pvarargOut. If a command returns a single value, the object can store that value directly in pvarargOut. Multiple output values must be packaged in some way appropriate for the VARIANTARG.

The base-class implementation of this function will walk the OLE_COMMAND_MAP structures associated with the command target and try to dispatch the command to an appropriate handler. The base-class implementation works only with commands that do not accept arguments or return values. If you need to handle commands that do accept arguments or return values, you must override this function and work with the pvarargIn and pvarargOut parameters yourself.


The framework calls this function when the container application's frame window is activated or deactivated.

virtual void OnFrameWindowActivate(BOOL bActivate);


Specifies whether the frame window is to be activated or deactivated.


The default implementation cancels any help modes the frame window might be in. Override this function if you want to perform special processing when the frame window is activated or deactivated.

For more information, see the article Activation..


Called by the framework when a container application calls the server application to create or edit an embedded item.

virtual COleServerItem* OnGetEmbeddedItem() = 0;  

Return Value

A pointer to an item representing the entire document; NULL if the operation failed.


There is no default implementation. You must override this function to return an item that represents the entire document. This return value should be an object of a COleServerItem-derived class.


The framework calls this function when the user chooses to undo changes made to an item that has been activated in place, changed, and subsequently deactivated.

virtual BOOL OnReactivateAndUndo();

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.


The default implementation does nothing except return FALSE to indicate failure.

Override this function if your application supports undo. Usually you would perform the undo operation, then activate the item by calling ActivateInPlace. If the container application is written with the Microsoft Foundation Class Library, calling COleClientItem::ReactivateAndUndo causes this function to be called.


The framework calls this function when the container application's frame windows change size.

virtual void OnResizeBorder(
    LPCRECT lpRectBorder,  
    BOOL bFrame);


Pointer to a RECT structure or a CRect object that specifies the coordinates of the border.

Pointer to an object of class IOleInPlaceUIWindow that owns the current in-place editing session.

TRUE if lpUIWindow points to the container application's top-level frame window, or FALSE if lpUIWindow points to the container application's document-level frame window.


This function resizes and adjusts toolbars and other user-interface elements in accordance with the new window size.

For more information, see IOleInPlaceUIWindow in the Windows SDK.

This is an advanced overridable.


Called by the framework when the container sets or changes the host names for this document.

virtual void OnSetHostNames(
    LPCTSTR lpszHost,  
    LPCTSTR lpszHostObj);


Pointer to a string that specifies the name of the container application.

Pointer to a string that specifies the container's name for the document.


The default implementation changes the document title for all views referring to this document.

Override this function if your application sets the titles through a different mechanism.


The framework calls this function to position the in-place editing frame window within the container application's frame window.

virtual void OnSetItemRects(
    LPCRECT lpPosRect,  
    LPCRECT lpClipRect);


Pointer to a RECT structure or a CRect object that specifies the in-place frame window's position relative to the container application's client area.

Pointer to a RECT structure or a CRect object that specifies the in-place frame window's clipping rectangle relative to the container application's client area.


Override this function to update the view's zoom factor, if necessary.

This function is usually called in response to a RequestPositionChange call, although it can be called at any time by the container to request a position change for the in-place item.


The framework calls this function to show or hide the server application's control bars associated with the frame window identified by pFrameWnd.

virtual void OnShowControlBars(
    CFrameWnd* pFrameWnd,  
    BOOL bShow);


Pointer to the frame window whose control bars should be hidden or shown.

Determines whether control bars are shown or hidden.


The default implementation enumerates all control bars owned by that frame window and hides or shows them.


The framework calls the OnShowDocument function when the server document must be hidden or shown.

virtual void OnShowDocument(BOOL bShow);


Specifies whether the user interface to the document is to be shown or hidden.


If bShow is TRUE, the default implementation activates the server application, if necessary, and causes the container application to scroll its window so that the item is visible. If bShow is FALSE, the default implementation deactivates the item through a call to OnDeactivate, then destroys or hides all frame windows that have been created for the document, except the first one. If no visible documents remain, the default implementation hides the server application.


Called by the framework when saving a document that is an embedded item in a compound document.

virtual BOOL OnUpdateDocument();

Return Value

Nonzero if the document was successfully updated; otherwise 0.


The default implementation calls the COleServerDoc::NotifySaved and COleServerDoc::SaveEmbedding member functions and then marks the document as clean. Override this function if you want to perform special processing when updating an embedded item.


Call this member function to have the container application change the item's position.

void RequestPositionChange(LPCRECT lpPosRect);


Pointer to a RECT structure or a CRect object containing the item's new position.


This function is usually called (in conjunction with UpdateAllItems) when the data in an in-place active item has changed. Following this call, the container might or might not perform the change by calling OnSetItemRects. The resulting position might be different from the one requested.


Call this function to tell the container application to save the embedded object.

void SaveEmbedding();


This function is called automatically from OnUpdateDocument. Note that this function causes the item to be updated on disk, so it is usually called only as a result of a specific user action.


Call the ScrollContainerBy member function to scroll the container document by the amount, in pixels, indicated by sizeScroll.

BOOL ScrollContainerBy(CSize sizeScroll);


Indicates how far the container document is to scroll.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.


Positive values indicate scrolling down and to the right; negative values indicate scrolling up and to the left.


Call this function to notify all linked items connected to the document that the document has changed.

void UpdateAllItems(
    COleServerItem* pSender,  
    LPARAM lHint = 0L,  
    CObject* pHint = NULL,  


Pointer to the item that modified the document, or NULL if all items are to be updated.

Contains information about the modification.

Pointer to an object storing information about the modification.

Determines how the item is to be drawn. This is a value from the DVASPECT enumeration. This parameter can have one of the following values:

  • DVASPECT_CONTENT Item is represented in such a way that it can be displayed as an embedded object inside its container.

  • DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL Item is rendered in a "thumbnail" representation so that it can be displayed in a browsing tool.

  • DVASPECT_ICON Item is represented by an icon.

  • DVASPECT_DOCPRINT Item is represented as if it were printed using the Print command from the File menu.


You typically call this function after the user changes the server document. If an OLE item is linked to the document with an automatic link, the item is updated to reflect the changes. In container applications written with the Microsoft Foundation Class Library, the OnChange member function of COleClientItem is called.

This function calls the OnUpdate member function for each of the document's items except the sending item, passing pHint, lHint, and nDrawAspect. Use these parameters to pass information to the items about the modifications made to the document. You can encode information using lHint or you can define a CObject-derived class to store information about the modifications and pass an object of that class using pHint. Override the OnUpdate member function in your COleServerItem-derived class to optimize the updating of each item depending on whether its presentation has changed.

See Also

COleLinkingDoc Class
Hierarchy Chart
COleDocument Class
COleLinkingDoc Class
COleTemplateServer Class