Removing Code Groups

When you delete a code group that has child code groups, you also delete the child code groups. You cannot copy part of a code group hierarchy to another part of the code group or to another code group hierarchy. Therefore, deleting a parent code group destroys any security behavior that was defined in its child hierarchy.

CAUTION   Because it can strongly affect security, use extreme caution when you delete code groups.

To remove a code group from a code group hierarchy

  • Type the following command at the command prompt:

    caspol [-enterprise|-machine|-user] –remgroup {label|name}

    Specify the policy-level option before the –remgroup option. If you omit the policy-level option, Caspol.exe removes the specified code group hierarchy from the default policy level. For computer administrators, the default level is the machine policy level; for others, it is the user policy level.

    The following command deletes the code group labeled 1.1.2..

    caspol –remgroup 1.1.2.

    The following command deletes the code group named MyApp_CodeGroup.

    caspol –remgroup MyApp_CodeGroup

See Also

Configuring Security Policy Using the Code Access Security Policy Tool (Caspol.exe) | Configuring Code Groups Using Caspol.exe | Code Groups | Security Policy Model | Code Access Security Policy Tool (Caspol.exe)